Nick Hornby: 70 books

Book cover of Vous descendez ?
by Nick HORNBY
Language: French
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Comme toujours encensé et acclamé par la critique, le nouvel opus de Nick Hornby n'a rien à envier aux précédents, et nous prouve que l'on peut rire de tout. À Londres, le soir du Nouvel An, Martin, Maureen, Jess et J.J. décident d'en finir avec la vie. Comble de malchance, ils se retrouvent...
Book cover of Fever Pitch
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 1998

A brilliant memoir from the beloved, bestselling author of Funny Girl, High Fidelity and About A Boy. In America, it is soccer. But in Great Britain, it is the real football. No pads, no prayers, no prisoners. And that’s before the players even take the field. Nick Hornby has been...
Book cover of Ten Years in the Tub
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2016

"How often do you begin reading a book that makes you-immediately, urgently, desperately-want to read more books?” (Booklist). Nick Hornby has managed to write just such a book in this hilarious, insightful, and infectious volume. Ten Years in the Tub chronicles Hornby's journey through a decade’s...
Book cover of A Long Way Down
by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: June 21, 2012

Komisch, rasant, mit schwarzem Humor – der neue Nick HornbyVier Menschen auf dem Dach eines Londoner Hochhauses, die sich an Silvester das Leben nehmen wollen, schließen einen Pakt: neuer gemeinsamer Selbstmord-Termin ist der Valentinstag. Es bleiben sechs Wochen, die gemeinsam überlebt werden...
Book cover of Miss Blackpool
by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: November 13, 2014

Nick Hornbys grandioser neuer Roman: ein Ausflug ins Swinging London der Sixties Die hübsche Barbara entflieht der Provinz und zieht nach London, um berühmt zu werden. Sie bekommt tatsächlich die Hauptrolle in einer neuen Fernseh-Sitcom, die zu einer der erfolgreichsten TV-Shows Englands wird....
Book cover of Pray


Meine Premier-League-Saison 2011/12

by Nick Hornby
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2012

Nick Hornbys Fußballjahr – exklusiv als eBook extra! Nick Hornby erweist sich einmal mehr als ein profunder Kenner und leidenschaftlicher Fan des Fußballs. Mit einem genauen Blick für die Absurditäten auf dem Platz und im Leben der Fußballstars erinnert er sich für uns in gewohnt ironischer...
Book cover of Carton jaune
by Nick HORNBY
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2014

A onze ans, Nick Hornby pénètre pour la première fois dans Highbury, l'antre du club d'Arsenal, à Londres. Saisi par les clameurs du stade et l'émotion de partager une passion avec son père, divorcé et absent, le petit Nick devient pratiquant de ce culte étrange qu'on nomme football. En grandissant,...
Book cover of Funny Girl
by Nick Hornby
Language: French
Release Date: August 19, 2015

Dans les Swinging Sixties la nation tout entière est sous le charme de Sophie Straw, la nouvelle star de la comédie à succès de la BBC. Ça tombe bien, cette ancienne Miss Blackpool n’a qu’une ambition dans la vie : faire rire les gens. En studio comme à l’écran, l’équipe du feuilleton...
Book cover of Funny Girl

Funny Girl

A Novel

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

A brilliant novel from the bestselling author of High Fidelity, About a Boy, and A Long Way Down. Set in 1960's London, Funny Girl is a lively account of the adventures of the intrepid young Sophie Straw as she navigates her transformation from provincial ingénue to television starlet amid...
Book cover of Books, Movies, Rhythm, Blues

Books, Movies, Rhythm, Blues

Twenty Years of Writing About Film, Music and Books (an eBook original from Riverhead Books)

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2013

A new collection of nonfiction writing on culture from the bestselling author of High Fidelity. Books, Movies, Rhythm, Blues brings together the best of Nick Hornby's non-fiction pieces on film and tv, writers and painters and music, and including one exceptional fragment of autobiography....
Book cover of Slam
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2007

The #1 New York Times bestseller from the beloved, award-winning author of Funny Girl, High Fidelity, and About A Boy. For 16-year-old Sam, life is about to get extremely complicated. He and his girlfriend—make that ex-girlfriend— Alicia have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble. Sam...
Book cover of Juliet, Naked
by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2009

**From the beloved New York Times– bestselling author, a quintessential Nick Hornby tale of music, superfandom, and the truths and lies we tell ourselves about life and love. Now a major motion picture starring Ethan Hawke. ** Annie loves Duncan—or thinks she does. Duncan loves Annie,...
Book cover of Not a Star and Otherwise Pandemonium

Not a Star and Otherwise Pandemonium

Stories A Penguin eSpecial from Riverhead Books

by Nick Hornby
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

In these two stories from bestselling author Nick Hornby revelations are at hand. In "Not a Star", Lynn has always thought her son, Mark, was a little, well, unremarkable. Until the day a neighbor drops off a porn video at her house, with a note telling her to watch it. Turns out,...
Book cover of Conversation avec l'ange
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2014

C'est en bonne compagnie que Nick Hornby a mis l'humour à l'honneur ! Sous les plumes d'écrivains vedettes comme Helen Fielding, Irvine Welsh, Melissa Bank, Robert Harris ou Zadie Smith, douze voix content tour à tour leurs tribulations intimes : d'une matonne chargée de nourrir les condamnés...
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