Nin: 110 books

Book cover of The Dark Issue 35

The Dark Issue 35

The Dark, #35

by Erin Roberts, Kirsty Logan, Nin Harris
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Edited by award winning editors Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Sean Wallace and brought to you by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints: “Snake Season” by Erin Roberts “Cutting Teeth” by...
Book cover of La Oscuridad

La Oscuridad

The Dark

by Erin Roberts, Alberto Chimal, Nin Harris
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

¡Cada mes The Dark te ofrece lo mejor en fantasía oscura y terror! Este número especial en español publicado por Prime Books incluye dos cuentos nuevos y dos reeditados, seleccionados por los galardonados editores Silvia Moreno-Garcia y Sean Wallace: "Temporada De Serpientes"...
Book cover of How She Lost Her Cherry

How She Lost Her Cherry

Four Stories of Girls Becoming Women

by Louis Kahn Nin
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2013

In this sordid collection, four stories are told, and in these stories, four virginal girls lose their innocence and enter the world of sex and debauchery. One girl gets a surprise from her friend's father on her sweet sixteen birthday; a man working on his novel is surprised by a summer nymph naked...
Book cover of Oups ! On a oublié de sortir le train d'atterrissage

Oups ! On a oublié de sortir le train d'atterrissage

Histoires vraies et insolites de l'aérien

by François Nénin
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2015

« Bienvenue à bord… », attachez vos ceintures, car ce livre vous promet un voyage exceptionnel avec quelques turbulences. De l’embarquement à l’atterrissage, en passant par les attitudes saugrenues des équipages ou les lubies désopilantes des passagers, l’aérien recèle son lot d’aventures...
Book cover of Jihad Academy

Jihad Academy

The Rise of Islamic State

by Nicolas Hénin
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2015

When you keep repeating that the worst is about to happen, it finally does. The threat of terrorism has caught up with us. By invading Iraq in 2003 and not intervening in Syria since 2011, we have helped fuel radicalization. And we continue to fuel it, by making diplomatic compromises with dictators,...
Book cover of La seduzione del Minotauro
by Anaïs Nin
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2012

In questo romanzo, finora inedito in Italia, la Nin dà nuovamente voce ai più profondi e intimi sentimenti femminili. E questa volta la protagonista è una donna in bilico fra l'oblio e la consapevolezza, alla disperata ricerca di un più profondo equilibrio. Lillian è una donna in fuga, apparentemente...
Book cover of The Perverts
by Louis Kahn Nin
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

Possibly one of the most explicit and kinky original novellas Olympia has yet to publish, this sordid torrid tale is about a married couple looking to spice up their sex lives, going to the extremes in perverse acts of sinful desire. She fantasizes about sharing her husband with other men, and he...
Book cover of The Hypnotist's Patient
by Luce de Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2014

Sophie Riddle is a young career-focused psychologist. Married and divorced young, she has since devoted herself to private practice. The pattern of her life is disrupted when the son of her ex-husband walks in through his door, and he is far removed from the kid she remembers. When he asks...
Book cover of Vols de merde

Vols de merde

Les pires histoires de l'aviation

by François Nénin
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2016

Huit heures avec 400 personnes à bord et pas un rouleau de papier-toilette, des commandants qui s’offrent un petit somme sans personne aux commandes, un passager qui passe son trajet coincé dans les toilettes, d’autres qui doivent pousser l’appareil au décollage ! Incroyables mais vraies,...
Book cover of Le quattro stanze del cuore
by Anaïs Nin
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 17, 2013

Un barcone sulla Senna. Un amore assoluto e profondo. Djuna, all’incessante ricerca di sé, e Rango, istintivo e selvaggio chitarrista, vivono l’incanto di una passione senza freni e fuori dal tempo, sempre in bilico tra la realtà e il sogno. Ma una presenza dal passato minaccia improvvisamente...
Book cover of Il soffitto giallo
by Andrea Ninì
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 25, 2015

Luca è un uomo di cinquant’anni che ha basato la sua vita sul lavoro. Un giorno, improvvisamente, trova sulla sua scrivania una lettera di licenziamento. E’ da qui che parte la sua avventura di rinascita e riscoperta. Un percorso interiore di crescita e consapevolezza. Tra viaggi, nuove amicizie...
Book cover of Figli dell'albatros
by Anaïs Nin
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2012

Djuna è una giovane danzatrice, che vede nella danza l’unica possibilità di riscatto da un’infanzia difficile trascorsa in un orfanotrofio. Ottenuta una borsa di studio per una prestigiosa scuola di ballo di Parigi, inizia a frequentare i caffè di Montmartre, stringendo amicizia con giovani...
Book cover of Scale di fuoco
by Anaïs Nin
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Nella pittoresca giungla di artisti della Montparnasse anni Trenta, Lillian e Jay si incontrano e intessono una tormentata storia d’amore. Jay, pittore versatile e irriverente, rappresenta per Lillian la liberazione dai pregiudizi e dalle convenzioni borghesi di cui è prigioniera, ma la sua presa...
Book cover of Backdooring Jesus for Forgiveness: The Story of Judas
by Luce de Nin
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2015

It has been 24 hours since Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Guilt weighs heavily on his mind, and regret haunts him. How will he continue to live? Will he continue to live? Once he finally falls asleep, he awakens in a dream-like state to see none other than Jesus standing before him. Will he find forgiveness with the man he betrayed?
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