Nin: 110 books

Book cover of Sin City Sacrament
by Luce de Nin
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2015

A married accountant longs for something different. Will two Catholic priests be enough to satisfy her need? Though happy with her marriage, an accountant longs to try out sex with someone other than her life partner. In Las Vegas, she gets the opportunity to experiment with similarly-inclined...
Book cover of Sin City Sacrament
by Luce de Nin
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2015

A married accountant longs for something different. Will two Catholic priests be enough to satisfy her need? Though happy with her marriage, an accountant longs to try out sex with someone other than her life partner. In Las Vegas, she gets the opportunity to experiment with similarly-inclined...
Book cover of Dio, il diavolo e gli idoli

Dio, il diavolo e gli idoli

Saggi di teologia biblica

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 7, 2017

André Wénin, docente di Greco, Ebraicobiblico ed Esegesi dell’Antico Testamento all’Università Cattolica diLouvain-la-Neuve, è professore invitato alla Pontificia Università Gregoriana, dove insegna Teologia biblica. Per EDB ha pubblicato di recente Da Adamo adAbramo o l’errare dell’uomo...
Book cover of La recherche du bonheur

La recherche du bonheur

La Vie heureuse et La Brièveté de la vie de Sénèque - Oncle Vania de Tchékhov - Le chercheur d'or de

by Gilles Vannier, Michèle Douérin, Chantal Moubachir-Génin
Language: French
Release Date: May 9, 2005

Cet ouvrage a été conçu de manière à permettre aux élèves des classes préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles Scientifiques de maîtriser parfaitement et dans les meilleurs délais à la fois les pratiques (comment construire sa réflexion et la présenter en bonne adéquation avec ce qui est attendu...
Book cover of Da Adamo ad Abramo o l'errare dell'uomo

Da Adamo ad Abramo o l'errare dell'uomo

Lettura narrativa e antropologica della Genesi. I. Gen 1,1–12,4

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 22, 2017

I primi capitoli della Genesi vengono spesso interpretati come una successione di quadri staccati: due racconti della creazione, Adamo ed Eva, paradiso terrestre, paradiso terrestre e tentazione, peccato e castigo, Caino e Abele, diluvio, torre di Babele. In questo volume, André Wénin considera...
Book cover of Scacco al re

Scacco al re

L'arte di raccontare la violenza nel libro dei Giudici

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2017

Trucchi e inganni, vendette e punizioni, famiglie lacerate, rapimenti di donne, omicidi, stupri, guerre e massacri. Nel libro dei Giudici niente è risparmiato al lettore di ciò che di peggio l’umanità produce. Anche il personaggio di Dio sembra vinto dalla violenza di cui diviene uno dei fomentatori,...
Book cover of Las dictaduras de nuestro tiempo
by Andreu Nin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 19, 2016

"Tres motivos principales nos han movido a escribir estas páginas en respuesta al libro del Sr. Cambó (Las Dictaduras) : primero, el deseo de contribuir a la aireación de la casa abriendo las ventanas que dan al mundo; segundo, oponer al punta de vista de uno de los hombres más representativos...
Book cover of La Bible ou la violence surmontée
by André Wénin
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Pourquoi une telle violence dans la Bible, tant d'êtres brutaux au fil de ses pages ? Pourquoi souvent son Dieu ne cède-t-il en rien aux hommes sur ce plan ? La présence massive de la violence, en particulier dans le premier Testament, dérange en effet. A cause d'elle, d'aucuns voudraient que...
Book cover of Little Birds
by Anaïs Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2004

Evocative and superbly erotic, Little Birds is a powerful journey into the mysterious world of sex and sensuality. From the beach towns of Normandy to the streets of New Orleans, these thirteen vignettes introduce us to a covetous French painter, a sleepless wanderer of the night, a guitar-playing...
Book cover of Macrodynamics: Fluctuations and Growth

Macrodynamics: Fluctuations and Growth

A study of the economy in equilibrium and disequilibrium

by Pierre-Yves Hénin
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Building from the micro-foundations of economic behaviour to a full survey of macroeconomics, the book examines growth theory and equilibrium and disequilibrium approaches to provide a comprehensive survey of all the rival theoretical approaches that underlie central policy debates. A survey of pre-Keynesian...
Book cover of Haytham, une jeunesse syrienne - Haytham
by Nicolas Hénin, Kyungeun PARK
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2017

Haytham al-Aswad is a young boy like any other, growing up in the Syrian town of Deera: he plays soccer, hangs out with his friends, and is studying for an upcoming test. But when the revolution breaks out and people take to the streets to protest the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad, Haytham suddenly...
Book cover of O Estado e a Revolução
by Vladmir Ilich Ulianov Lênin
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 12, 2014

Book cover of Comprendre le terrorisme
by Nicolas Hénin
Language: French
Release Date: October 25, 2017

Malgré une abondante littérature et une vaste couverture médiatique, le phénomène terroriste demeure en réalité mal connu. Qu’est-ce que le terrorisme  ? Comment définir la radicalisation  ? D’où viennent les djihadistes  ? Les terroristes sont-ils des fous ou des bandits comme les...
Book cover of Jours tranquilles à Tripoli
by Maryline Dumas, Mathieu Galtier, Nicolas Hénin
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Plongée dans le quotidien de la capitale libyenne... Point noir des chancelleries, la Libye est devenu un puzzle: territoire morcelé où chaque région, chaque ville a ses propres règles. Des gouvernements parallèles, l’État islamique, les rivalités tribales et l’enjeu de l’or noir...
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