Nin: 110 books

Book cover of Cell Death in Mammalian Ovary
by Gerardo H. Vázquez-Nin, María Luisa Escobar, M. De Felici
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2011

The ovary is a suitable organ for studying the processes of cell death. Cell death was first described in the rabbit ovary (Graaffian follicles), the phenomenon being called ‘chromatolysis’. To date, it is recognized that various forms of cell death (programmed cell death, apoptosis and autophagy)...
Book cover of Tijuana Sins
by Louis Kahn Nin
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2013

John Littletree is an American-Indian exiled in Tijuana after getting busted running marijuana across the border. A drug dealer named Negro wants his money even if Littletree got busted, so Littletree hides out in the cheap motel rooms in the red light district, Zona Norte, sampling all the sinful delights available.
Book cover of Le scelte di Abramo

Le scelte di Abramo

Lasciare il padre, lasciare andare il figlio

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Lasciare la casa paterna per vivere la propria avventura, entrare in alleanza con un Signore che affida una benedizione destinata a tutti, accettare l’educazione paziente a una logica di fiducia e di apertura fino alla prova decisiva del dono di un figlio. Le pagine del volume affrontano un tema...
Book cover of Historia de la Revolución Rusa
by Andreu Nin, León Trotsky
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Trotsky fue uno de los principales protagonistas de la Revolución Rusa, y ésta el hecho histórico más trascendente del siglo XX, al punto de que hoy, cien años después de ocurrida, su historia continúa viva como testimonio de un pueblo que enfrenta su realidad y crea sus propias herramientas...
Book cover of Historia de la Revolución Rusa
by Andreu Nin, León Trotsky
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Las fórmulas políticas creadas desde la Revolución de Febrero, dominadas por liberales y socialdemócratas, se mostrarán incapaces de dar solución a los problemas más apremiantes del pueblo ruso: hacia el interior, no resolvieron el problema del hambre ni el del acceso a la tierra; hacia el...
Book cover of La Promesse

La Promesse

The Promise

by Xio Axelrod, Xio Nin
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2016

**An erotic short** After a chance meeting, two kindred souls are separated by an ocean. A year of correspondence solidifies their bond, and their tender reunion ignites a burning passion. They only have thirty-six hours to quench that thirst, but the more they explore it, the more they want.
Book cover of Il bambino conteso

Il bambino conteso

Storia biblica di due donne e un re

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Due prostitute si presentano al cospetto del re affinché giudichi chi è la vera madre di un bambino conteso da entrambe. La storia è intricata: le due donne vivono nella stessa casa, hanno partorito quasi negli stessi giorni, ma uno dei due neonati, morto improvvisamente, sarebbe stato sostituito...
Book cover of Hot Load
by Louis Kahn Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Dominique has come to the Hotel Hawthorne to forget about the pain of being abandoned by the man she loved. The hotel caters to the emotionally wounded with charged sexual intimacy. The hotel is therapy, Dominique soon realizes, as she loses herself, and finds herself, in the arms of a lustful gigolo.
Book cover of Abramo e l’educazione divina

Abramo e l’educazione divina

Lettura narrativa e antropologica della Genesi. II. Gen 11,27–25,18

by André Wénin
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 27, 2017

La tradizione ebraica presenta la storia di Abramo come una serie di dieci prove divine che gli consentono di apprendere l'obbedienza e di diventare un uomo di fede. Questo disegno, che non emerge direttamente dal testo della Genesi, ma prende forma nel midrash, indica un elemento fondamentale della...
Book cover of Der IS und die Fehler des Westens

Der IS und die Fehler des Westens

Warum wir den Terror militärisch nicht besiegen können

by Nicolas Hénin
Language: German
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Mehr als alle Luftangriffe und "Special Forces" fürchtet der IS die Einheit Europas und den praktischen Beweis, dass Muslime und Christen im Alltag durchaus friedlich zusammenleben können – wenn man sie nur lässt. Wer wissen will, inwiefern der Westen selbst dazu beiträgt, seine grössten Feinde...
Book cover of Les Négociations salariales : des fondements microéconomiques aux enjeux macroéconomiques
by Pierre Cahuc, Pierre-Yves Hénin
Language: French
Release Date: December 31, 1990

Dans l’ensemble des pays développés les négociations collectives ont une influence essentielle sur les salaires. Jusqu’à une période récente, la théorie économique, prisonnière de l’hypothèse de concurrence parfaite, a négligé cette caractéristique fondamentale des économies contemporaines....
Book cover of La persistance du chômage
by Pierre-Yves Hénin, Pierre Cahuc
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1993

Au moment où la persistance d’un niveau élevé de chômage est plus que jamais au cœur des préoccupations françaises, cet ouvrage, issu d’une étude menée avec l’aide du Commissariat Général du Plan, apporte un éclairage comparatif sur les formes que revêt cette persistance dans les...
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