Noah Gordon: 37 books

Book cover of La gran trilogía de Rob J. Cole
by Noah Gordon
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 13, 2012

La saga de la familia Cole: la obra más ambiciosa de Noah Gordon y que vendió más de dos millones de ejemplares en España.
Book cover of Xamã


A história de um médico do século XIX

by Noah Gordon
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 20, 1993

Ao migrar da Escócia para os Estados Unidos, Robert J. Cole já dominava o ofício da medicina. Mas não era só isso: um raríssimo dom familiar o diferenciava de outros médicos. Estabelecendo-se na fronteira de Illinois, em pleno século XIX, ele entrará em contato com uma América marcada por...
Book cover of O último judeu

O último judeu

Uma história de terror na Inquisição

by Noah Gordon
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2000

O último judeu é uma aventura de tirar o fôlego. Tendo como pano de fundo os horrores da Inquisição, Noah Gordon conta a história de Yonah Helkias Toledano, o último judeu da Espanha no final do século XV. O édito real expulsando seu povo da região é o ponto de partida para o caminho errante...
Book cover of O diamante de Jerusalém
by Noah Gordon
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 1997

O judeu Harry Hopeman tem um conhecimento profundo sobre pedras preciosas, uma herança atávica. Desde os tempos bíblicos, passando pela Inquisição, à perseguição nazista e atentados árabes, seus ancestrais trabalham com diamantes. Nem sempre foram tão prósperos como os judeus foragidos...
Book cover of The Jerusalem Diamond
by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

A fascinating book that travels effortlessly from biblical times to tomorrow, with stops in Israel, Europe, Africa, and the Diamond Dealers’ Club on New York City’s 47th Street. As Nebuchadnezzar's hordes approach Jerusalem, sacred objects are hidden—the Tablets of Law, the Ark and its...
Book cover of The Cole Trilogy

The Cole Trilogy

The Physician, Shaman, and Matters of Choice

by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2012

**The New York Times–bestselling author’s historical saga of a family of healers—from Dark Ages London to Civil War America to modern-day Boston.   In The Physician, an orphan in eleventh-century London, Robert Cole, becomes a fast-talking swindler. As he matures, his strange gift—an...
Book cover of Shaman
by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

This New York Times Notable Book is a “sweeping historical drama” of a physician and his family on the Illinois frontier in the nineteenth century (The New York Times Book Review). Dr. Robert Judson Cole travels from his ravaged Scotland homeland, through the operating rooms of Boston,...
Book cover of Matters of Choice
by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

A woman physician confronts the moral issues of her time in the third novel in the New York Times–bestselling author’s historical medical trilogy. Roberta Jeanne d’Arc Cole is favored to be named associate chief of medicine at a Boston hospital. She is married to a surgeon. They own a...
Book cover of The Winemaker
by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

New York Times**–bestselling author: In 19th-century Spain, the son of a vineyard owner builds a life for himself, but a dangerous plot threatens it all . . .**   Josep Alvarez is a young man in the tiny grape-growing village of Santa Eulália, in northern Spain, where his father grows black...
Book cover of The Death Committee
by Noah Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2012

What if hospitals and doctors could quietly bury their mistakes? This fascinating, bestselling novel tells you why they can’t. Three young men from different backgrounds have graduated from medical schools and become surgical fellows at a leading teaching hospital in Boston. They learn to...
Book cover of Der Medicus

Der Medicus


by Noah Gordon
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2013

Der Waisenjunge Rob findet bei einem Bader Schutz und wird sein gelehriger Schüler. Nach dem Tod seines Meisters bricht er nach Persien auf, denn dort, im fernen Isfahan, lehrt Avicenna, der berühmteste aller Ärzte. Rob trotzt mutig den Gefahren seiner weiten Reise, Hunger, Pest und den Überfällen religiöser Fanatiker. Unbeirrt folgt er seiner Berufung als Arzt und Heiler.
Book cover of El médico
by Noah Gordon
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 29, 2011

Un joven aprendiz de médico con un don para sanar nunca visto recorrerá la Europa sombría y oscura del siglo XI hasta la fascinante Persia, para encontrarse con el mejor maestro imaginable: el mítico Avicena. Rob J. Cole, un joven londinense del siglo XI que pertenece a una familia de carpinteros,...
Book cover of Le Médecin d'Ispahan
by Noah Gordon
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2014

Londres, en l'an 1021. Orphelin, Rob J. Cole, neuf ans, est recueilli par un barbier-chirurgien et devient son apprenti. Ensemble, ils sillonnent l'Angleterre. C'est une époque où l'on brûle les sorcières, où la vie est dure et la mort vite venue... Mais Rob n'a qu'une idée en tête : devenir...
Book cover of Der Schamane

Der Schamane


by Noah Gordon
Language: German
Release Date: December 3, 2013

Als Nachfahre des legendären Medicus will Rob J. Cole seine medizinische Laufbahn in der Neuen Welt beginnen. Nach ersten Erfahrungen als Armenarzt in Boston lässt er sich am Mississippi als Landarzt nieder. Eine indianische Schamanin weiht ihn dort in ihr Wissen über die heilenden Kräfte der...
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