Oasis: 30 books

Book cover of Oasis n. 28, Muslims of Europe. Between the Local and the Global
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

LEADER The Task That Awaits Us - Felice Dassetto FOCUS European Islam: Trends and Prospects - Jørgen S. Nielsen The Paradoxes of the Integration Debate - Uriya Shavit Morocco on the Road to European Islam - Benjamin Bruce Islam in Italy: from Community to Citizenship - Bartolomeo Conti Fatwas: Mirrors...
Book cover of Oasis n. 26, Musulmani, fede e libertà

Oasis n. 26, Musulmani, fede e libertà

Gennaio 2018 (Italian Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Provocati prima dalle rivolte del 2011 e poi dall'ascesa del fondamentalismo violento, istituzioni islamiche e intellettuali musulmani hanno avviato un'inedita riflessione sul rapporto tra fede e libertà. Il numero presenta i protagonisti di questo dibattito e le loro posizioni, anche nel confronto...
Book cover of Oasis n. 27, Islam sunnita: malessere e rinnovamento
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2018

Sciiti vs. sunniti: secondo una lettura corrente, sarebbe questa la chiave per comprendere le lacerazioni del Medio Oriente contemporaneo. In realtà, il fronte sunnita è tutt’altro che compatto, come dimostra la crisi tra Qatar e un quartetto di Stati arabi capeggiati dall’Arabia Saudita. Più...
Book cover of Oasis n. 28, Musulmani d'Europa. Tra locale e globale

Oasis n. 28, Musulmani d'Europa. Tra locale e globale

Novembre 2018 (edizione italiana)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 29, 2018

Pressioni statali e tendenze transnazionali scuotono l’Islam d’Occidente Islam in Europa, Islam d’Europa, Islam europeo? I musulmani che vivono nel Vecchio Continente si confrontano con problemi inediti, ma cercano spesso le risposte da siti e istituzioni estere. Alcuni sono cittadini europei,...
Book cover of Oasis n. 24, Tra immigrazione e Islam. L'Europa si ripensa
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2016

Dal Medio Oriente e dall’Africa sub-sahariana è in corso un esodo destinato a trasformare l’Europa. Il cambiamento non è soltanto di natura demografica, ma ha profonde implicazioni culturali. In questo quadro ha una particolare rilevanza la presenza dell’Islam, che costringe il nostro continente...
Book cover of Oasis n. 24, Immigration et Islam

Oasis n. 24, Immigration et Islam

Février 2017 (French Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: February 10, 2017

ÉDITORIAL Une rencontre complexe destinée à nous changer (Michele Brignone) THÈMES Christianisme et Europe, entre laïcité liquide et migrations (Pierangelo Sequeri) La fuite des cerveaux et l’avenir de la Syrie (Omar S. Dahi, Helen Makkas) Sahel, frontière stratégique oubliée (Emilio E....
Book cover of Oasis n. 25, Qui parle pour les musulmans

Oasis n. 25, Qui parle pour les musulmans

June 2017 (French Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: September 19, 2017

L'Occident cherche un interlocuteur unique, mais l'autorité en Islam est polycentrique. ÉDITORIAL À la recherche d’un guide - Martino Diez THÈMES Le Coran comme programme politique - Asma Afsaruddin Les islamistes s’approprient les textes sacrés pour construire une conception de gouvernement...
Book cover of Oasis n. 26, Musulmans, foi et liberté

Oasis n. 26, Musulmans, foi et liberté

Janvier 2018 (French Edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: April 11, 2018

C’est là la vraie question de l’avenir. Plus que le terrorisme ÉDITORIAL Une demande qui traverse l’histoire de l’Islam THÈMES Jésus dans le Coran et la troisième voie entre extrémisme et laïcisme - Mustafa Akyol Droits de Dieu vs droits de l’homme: l’Islam en tension - Omero Marongiu-Perria...
Book cover of Oasis n. 27, Islam sunnite: malaise et renouveau

Oasis n. 27, Islam sunnite: malaise et renouveau

Juillet 2018 (French edition)

by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: October 11, 2018

La recherche d’une nouvelle identité religieuse entre menace extrémiste, confl its internes et pressions politiques ÉDITORIAL Actualiser, redécouvrir, réinventer: les options du sunnisme - Martino Diez THÈMES La pluralité légitime de l’autorité sunnite - Sohaira Z. M. Siddiqui Naviguer...
Book cover of Oasis n. 28, Musulmans d'Europe. Entre local et global
by Fondazione Internazionale Oasis
Language: French
Release Date: March 5, 2019

ÉDITORIAL La tâche qui nous attend - Felice Dassetto THÈMES L'Islam européen : tendances et perspectives - Jørgen S. Nielsen Les paradoxes du débat sur l'intégration - Uriya Shavit La voie marocaine de l'Islam européen - Benjamin Bruce L'Islam en Italie, de la communatuté à la citoyenneté...
Book cover of White Heat

White Heat

A Novel

by Oasis, Mrs. Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2013

A major player in the narcotics business doesn’t learn that the woman who stole his heart is an undercover DEA agent…until it’s too late. The divorce decree delivered to Limbo’s Pennsylvania prison cell was the consequence of a single bad decision: choosing the streets instead of his...
Book cover of Eternal Flame

Eternal Flame

An Erotica Short Story

by Oasis, Mrs. Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2014

From the popular author of Duplicity, White Heat, and Push Comes to Shove comes this engrossing and erotic novel about a scarred woman who becomes ensnared by a famous and dangerously sexy spoken word artist. Celebrity spoken word artist Phoenix Alexander has his hands full, touring the country...
Book cover of Push Comes to Shove
by Oasis
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2011

A fast-paced tale of greed—Push Comes to Shove examines the pitfalls and struggles that an honest family faces to survive the perils of financial woes. The bills are due again for Greg “GP” Patterson, but this time, they won’t get paid. He and his wife are facing robbery charges when...
Book cover of No Turning Back
by Brenda Hampton, OASIS
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

A crippled economy changes Lola Jones's silver spoon status to copper and threatens to rip her sheltered family from the upper echelons of society, dropping them into the rotten bowels of East St. Louis. Only one thing can save Lola's children from the claws of poverty, and that comes in the form...
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