On: 1238 books

Book cover of O Mundo Invisível e a Guerra
by Léon Denis
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: September 8, 2016

Léon Denis escreve sobre os horrores da guerra e suas consequências. Através de uma médium, o autor conseguiu acompanhar, durante mais de três anos, a influência dos espíritos nos acontecimentos e observar seus aspectos mais importantes.'A educação do povo precisa ser totalmente modificada,...
Book cover of Espíritos e Médiuns
by Léon Denis
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 8, 2016

Nesta obra – uma valiosa contribuição de Léon Denis para aclarar o trato do Espiritismo experimental – temos muito que aproveitar, reconhecendo em seu autor um homem habituado lidar com médiuns e espíritos. De uma leitura atenta, podemos extrair inúmeras lições, que nos ajudarão a compreender facetas das comunicações mediúnicas, e que só o tempo poderia nos dar.
Book cover of O Mundo Invisível e a Guerra
by Léon Denis
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 16, 2015

Nesta edição você encontrará o livro O Mundo Invisível e a Guerra. Esta é uma obra extremamente delicada, criada em 1919, enquanto o autor vivenciava a terrível experiência da guerra de 1914. Através de médiuns da época León...
Book cover of Pour la Société des Nations
by Léon Bourgeois
Language: French
Release Date: June 23, 2016

Le programme de la première Conférence de la Paix, contenu dans la circulaire du comte Mouravieff du 30 décembre 1898, plaçait au premier plan l’étude des moyens propres « à mettre un terme à l’accroissement progressif des armements de terre et de mer. » La discussion de ce problème...
Book cover of Aventures d'un numismate
by Léon Ville
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2016

PLUS de doute, gémit douloureusement M. Blanchard en laissant tomber avec accablement ses bras de chaque côté du fauteuil où il gisait anéanti, plus de doute, on me l’a subtilisée ! Soudain, il se dressa et, se précipitant vers un cordon de sonnette, il l’agita violemment en rugissant...
Book cover of Daily Prayer for All Seasons
by The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, Office of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

Fresh new material for a daily prayer discipline Authorized for use by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church Available in English and Spanish (separate volumes) People in all kinds of religious traditions, including Judaism and Christianity, have been marking time with prayer for almost as...
Book cover of The Way of Scripture

The Way of Scripture

Ancient Wisdom for Living

by The Rev. Fr. Jonathan Bar-On
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2015

With the passion of a scholar and the insight and compassion of a parish priest and counselor, Fr. Jonathan Bar-On makes the ancient stories and parables of the Bible come alive for modern readers. Fr. Jonathan, as he is commonly known, explores the different ways in Scripture to follow in creating...
Book cover of 9/11 and Terrorist Travel

9/11 and Terrorist Travel

A Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

by National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2004

Finally, the answer to the question people have asked since 9/11: How DID the terrorists enter the United States?"" Before 19 hijackers could commit the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, they passed through U.S. border security 68 times. In all, they had 25 contacts with consular...
Book cover of Guidelines Scouting & Civic Youth-Serving Ministry

Guidelines Scouting & Civic Youth-Serving Ministry

Build Effective Scouting Ministry in Your Church

by General Commission on Un Meth Men
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

The United Methodist Church is endowed with certain responsibilities that allow scouting and civic youth serving programs to become a ministry. This is what differentiates us from a civic or community-based club. This Guideline will help explain the Office of Civic Youth Serving Agencies/Scouting...
Book cover of Guidelines Trustees

Guidelines Trustees

Manage the Resources of the Congregation

by General Council On Fin & Admn
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Your role as trustee is governed by The Book of Discipline. Being a trustee of your local church is an important role and one in which you can take great pleasure. This Guideline is intended to be a guide as you begin fulfilling your responsibilities, and a reference throughout your tenure as trustee. This...
Book cover of Guidelines Men’s Ministries

Guidelines Men’s Ministries

Expand Your Ministries to Men in Your Church and Community

by General Commission on Un Meth Men
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Families, congregations, and the world need men who are growing spiritually and leaders who serve as men’s ministry partners to reach men within and beyond the denomination. This Guideline is designed to help lay and clergy leaders reach men for Christ. This is one of the twenty-six Guidelines...
Book cover of Guidelines Church Historian

Guidelines Church Historian

Remember the Past and Inspire the Future

by General Commission on Archives and History
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

You have been asked to be your church's historian, or you have just found a box of old records. What do you keep? How do you store the materials? How do you preserve them? What good is all this? As part of celebrating you church's anniversary, you want to write a history of your church. How do you...
Book cover of Henri IV en Gascogne (1553-1589)
by Charles De Batz De Trenqueléon
Language: French
Release Date: February 16, 2014

« ...Quelque digne de l’admiration universelle que soit l’œuvre de Henri IV depuis 1589 jusqu’à sa mort, il n’en est presque rien de grand, presque rien d’heureux pour la France, que le roi de Navarre n’eût déjà manifestement voulu, projeté et entrepris. Avant de succéder à Henri...
Book cover of Ce que peut souffrir une mère — HISTOIRE VÉRITABLE —
by Hendrik (Henri) Conscience, Léon Wocquier
Language: French
Release Date: March 12, 2016

Il faisait extrêmement froid dans les derniers jours du mois de janvier 1841. Les rues de la ville d’Anvers avaient pris leur vêtement d’hiver et resplendissaient d’une éclatante blancheur. Pourtant la neige ne tombait pas en moelleux flocons, et ne réjouissait pas...
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