P G : 819 books

Book cover of Blockheads!


Essays on Ned Block's Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness

by Bill Brewer, Ned Block, Tyler Burge
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2019

New essays on the philosophy of Ned Block, with substantive and wide-ranging responses by Block. Perhaps more than any other philosopher of mind, Ned Block synthesizes philosophical and scientific approaches to the mind; he is unique in moving back and forth across this divide, doing so with...
Book cover of Moyen-Orient, le nouveau "Grand Jeu"

Moyen-Orient, le nouveau "Grand Jeu"

L'Europe au défi des populismes

by Georges Malbrunot, Gérard-François Dumont, Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2016

Le Moyen-Orient décomposé redevient-il le centre d’un nouveau « Grand Jeu » ?... S’y réinscrivent les puissances globales : des États-Unis faussement tentés par l’éloignement, une Russie qui s’impose sur un échiquier inattendu, une France secouée par les contradictions de ses politiques......
Book cover of The Wartime President

The Wartime President

Executive Influence and the Nationalizing Politics of Threat

by William G. Howell, Saul P. Jackman, Jon C. Rogowski
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2013

“It is the nature of war to increase the executive at the expense of the legislative authority,” wrote Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. The balance of power between Congress and the president has been a powerful thread throughout American political thought since the time of the Founding...
Book cover of Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
by G. De Baker, P.L. Canner, J.W. Farquhar
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In recent years, major social forces such as: ageing populations, social trends, migration patterns, and the globalization of economies, have reshaped social welfare policies and practices across the globe. Multinational corporations, NGOs, and other international organizations have begun to influence...
Book cover of Towards Financial Inclusion in India
by K G Karmakar, G D Banerjee, N P Mohapatra
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2011

Towards Financial Inclusion in India is a treatise on ‘inclusion of the Last, the Lost and the Least’. It provides an in-depth analysis of the various pillars of financial inclusion such as micro-remittance, micro-savings, micro-credit and micro-insurance. The book stresses on financial...
Book cover of Barren
by G.P. Burdon
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2017

Leaving a dying Earth behind them, the remnants of humanity head towards their new home on a distant planet.However, they never reach it, instead crash landing on a barren and hostile planet that no human was ever meant to survive on. With no water, and no hope, they must find a way to keep the human...
Book cover of Realtà Virtuale - Manuale di sopravvivenza
by G.P. Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 11, 2016

SAGGIO (14 pagine) - TECNOLOGIA - Evadere dal mondo reale è stato sempre un pallino, per gli uomini Dopo essere stato per anni un fenomeno di nicchia, la realtà virtuale ormai sta per diventare una tecnologia che ci accompagnerà nella vita di tutti i giorni. Ora, grazie a questo rapido manuale...
Book cover of Blockchain
by G.P. Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 11, 2017

Tecnologia - saggio (12 pagine) - Può un algoritmo di memorizzazione univoca dei dati cambiare il nostro futuro? Blockchain lo sta già facendo: scoprire cos'è e come funziona è fondamentale Con questo piccolo manuale, grazie a un linguaggio semplice per neofiti, si esplora il mondo della...
Book cover of Simester and Sullivan’s Criminal Law
by Professor A P Simester, Professor J R Spencer, Dr F Stark
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2019

This is the new edition of the leading textbook on criminal law by Professors Simester and Sullivan, now co-written with Professors Spencer, Stark and Virgo. Simester and Sullivan's Criminal Law is an outstanding account of modern English criminal law, combining detailed exposition and analysis of...
Book cover of Coronary Artery Diseases

Coronary Artery Diseases

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Imaging Approaches

by M. Amiel, W. Benicelli, A. Maseri
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

2 Diagnostic Use of Radiographic Methods in Coronary Disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3 Material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4 Mode of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 5 Radiological Projections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 6 Monitoring...
Book cover of Sherlock Holmes e la vestaglia della contessa di Castiglione
by G.P. Rossi, Luigi Pachì
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 25, 2017

Giallo - romanzo breve (70 pagine) - Nazioni disposte a tutto, pur di accaparrarsi una vestaglia che nasconde un incredibile segreto. Sherlock Holmes è chiamato a investigare sul segreto della famosa vestaglia verde della contessa di Castiglione (ovvero Virginia Oldoini), con la quale la nobildonna...
Book cover of Realtà Aumentata - Manuale di Sopravvivenza
by G.P. Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Tecnologia - saggio (14 pagine) - Questo breve manuale, fatto per chi è a digiuno dell’argomento, esplora il mondo della realtà aumentata e, grazie a dei piccoli schemi finali, fissa alcuni concetti basilari. Questo breve manuale, fatto per chi è a digiuno dell’argomento, esplora il...
Book cover of Digital Identity - Manuale di sopravvivenza
by G.P. Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 5, 2016

SAGGIO (17 pagine) - TECNOLOGIA - Punti di forza e debolezza dei servizi di Digital Identity Questo piccolo manuale si prefigge lo scopo di chiarire la situazione dei vari servizi di Digital Identity attualmente utilizzati in Italia e nel mondo (SPID, FIDO, GSMA, Mobile Connect, Social Login),...
Book cover of Sherlock Holmes e il mistero di Eilean Mòr
by G.P. Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 8, 2018

Giallo - romanzo breve (70 pagine) - Sherlock Holmes e il fidato Watson sono chiamati ad investigare sull'intrigante segreto della famosa isola di Eilean Mòr. Il mistero pare ruotare attorno a una terribile leggenda e su un’arma inventata da Nikola Tesla. Sherlock Holmes e il suo fidato...
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