Paul Jenkins: 55 books

Book cover of Fiction Squad
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2015

Fablewood is a pretty dangerous place, but no area is more dangerous than the City of Rimes, deep in the heart of the Children's Realm. After transferring in from the realm of Mystery, a failed detective from an unfinished prose novel, Frankie Mack, is about to uncover a conspiracy that could unmake...
Book cover of Fiction Squad #1
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Fablewood is a pretty dangerous place, but no area is more dangerous than the City of Rimes, deep in the heart of the Children's Realm. After transferring in from the realm of Mystery, a failed detective from an unfinished prose novel, Frankie Mack, is about to uncover a conspiracy that could unmake...
Book cover of Fairy Quest Vol. 2 Outcasts
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2015

The adventures of Red and Mister Woof have only just begun. In Fablewood, all of the stories that have ever been told live side-by-side. But it is an evil place, overseen by the awful Mister Grimm and his cadre of Think Police. Red and Woof want to escape to a world where their friendship isn't prohibited, but nothing can prepare them for what lies ahead in the Dark Forest.
Book cover of Revelations
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2015

London detective Charlie Northern is a devout atheist, but when the pope's successor dies suddenly and mysteriously, he has no choice but to step foot back in church. Sidestepping nefarious local politics and a crooked police force, Northern comes face to face with hundreds of years of conspiracy...
Book cover of Fairy Quest Vol. 1: Outlaws
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2014

The world of Fablewood, where all of the stories that have ever been told live sidebyside, is a sinister place indeed! Under the watchful eye of the dreaded Mister Grimm and his Think Police, Red Riding Hood and her Wolf must risk everything to try and escape and find sanctuary in a mysterious place called the Real World.
Book cover of Spawn - Renaissance T01
by Paul Jenkins, Tood Mc Farlane, Jonboy Meyers
Language: French
Release Date: April 27, 2016

Après avoir disparu pendant cinq ans, Al Simmons fait son grand retour ! Et il est prêt à combattre l'Enfer et le Paradis... La guerre est déclarée ! Personne ne sait vraiment où est allé Al pendant cinq ans, mais c'est un autre homme. Plus sage, plus fort, et empli de tous les souvenirs d'une...
Book cover of Spawn - De Sang et D'ombres
by Paul Jenkins
Language: French
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Deux histoires horrifiques situées à deux époques différentes et unifiées par la maestria graphique d'Ashley Wood. Ces contes horrifiques révèlent des facettes encore inexplorées de la mythologie et de la malédiction de Spawn, qu’il soit croque-mitaine porteur des pêchés des damnés de la Terre ou apôtre d’une justice faite de violence et de sang.
Book cover of Fiction Squad #2
by Paul Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Jack, of Jack and Jill, has taken a tumble. Humpty has cracked. The Wicked Witch of the East is buried under a two-story house. Key players are being taken out right and left and someone is trying to push the Queens of Wonderland and witches of Oz into a gang war. It is up to Frankie, with his partner Simple Simon, to solve the mystery before another death comes knocking at his doorstep.
Book cover of Fiction Squad 03: Lauf, Frankie, lauf!
by Paul Jenkins, Ramon Bachs
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2016

Morde im Land der Reime! Düstere Verbrechen werfen ihre Schatten über das sonst so schöne Reimheim: Zuerst stößt jemand den armen Humpty Dumpty von einer Mauer, bald darauf wird eine Hexe unter einem Haus begraben. Detective Frankie Mack und sein Assistent Simple Simon wollen herausfinden, wer...
Book cover of Fiction Squad 01: Es zerbrach am hellichten Tag
by Paul Jenkins, Ramon Bachs
Language: German
Release Date: January 14, 2016

Erschütterung im Märchenland! Ein geheimnisvoller Übeltäter hat den armen Humpty Dumpty in der Stadt der Reime von einer Brüstung gestoßen, so dass seine Eierschale zerbrochen ist und er in Folge sogar seine Stimme verloren hat?! Detektiv Frankie Mack und sein ungeschickter Assistent Simon können...
Book cover of Offenbarungen
by Paul Jenkins, Humberto Ramos
Language: German
Release Date: January 14, 2016

Am ungewöhnlichsten aller Orte, dem Vatikan, geschieht ein Mord: Ein Körper stürzt aus dem Fenster, Schreie ertönen. Ein Mann stirbt. Zeitgleich liegt der Papst im Sterben und kämpft mit dem dunkelsten Geheimnis der katholischen Kirche ... Der Londoner Ermittler Charlie Northern von Scotland...
Book cover of Fairy Quest 01
by Paul Jenkins, Humberto Ramos
Language: German
Release Date: August 24, 2015

Aufstand im Märchenwald! Mit harter Hand regiert Herr Grimm über den Märchenwald und lässt seine Gedankenpolizei ohne Rücksicht jeden Versuch unterdrücken, von den alten Geschichten abzuweichen. Aber Rotkäppchen hat all das längst satt und möchte viel lieber ihre Zeit mit dem Wolf verbringen,...
Book cover of Scisma (Grandi Eventi Marvel)
by Jason Aaron, Kieron Gillen, Paul Jenkins
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 15, 2016

I mutanti sono vicini all’estinzione e le scelte sempre più estreme di Ciclope hanno aumentato la tensione all’interno degli X-Men fino a un punto di rottura. Un vecchio amico, Wolverine, dovrà prendere in mano la situazione per salvare il gruppo e il sogno di Xavier. Ma chi trarrà vantaggio...
Book cover of Clinical Orthopaedic Examination E-Book
by Paul Jenkins, MBChB MD FRCSEd(Tr & Orth) MFSTEd
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2010

A new edition of an internationally respected textbook of orthopaedic examination The unique ‘strip cartoon’ artwork programme provides an easy-to-read approach to the subject affording an effective way to learn A highly praised book by reviewers for its clear and lucid writing...
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