Paula: 1921 books

Book cover of Website Template and Social Media Marketing Tips For Beginners
by Paula Page
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2011

Are you building a website with a template for the first time? Do you want some help? Read this book for valuable tips on how to: Choose a template, website builder, or blog platform Choose a hosting company Navigate the world of SEO, keywords Get a high Google ranking Learn about Google analytics. Choose...
Book cover of The Career Survival Kit (Collection)
by Richard Templar, Paula Caligiuri, Edward G. Muzio
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2011

A brand new collection of essential insights for your business and career from world-renowned experts…now in a convenient e-format, at a great price!   3 expert guides to supercharging your career… wherever you are, wherever you want to be!   Three great books help...
Book cover of Momfidence!


An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting

by Paula Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2010

Lose the Guilt, Love Your Instincts If the latest “breakthrough” child-development theory, parenting technique, or child-appropriate diet makes you worry or groan (or just want to lie down for a nap), it’s time to make way for Momfidence! Paula Spencer, parenting expert and mother of...
Book cover of Style Clinic

Style Clinic

How to Look Fabulous All the Time, at Any Age, for Any Occasion

by Paula Reed
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2009

Fashion's best-kept secrets from London's leading fashion authority Why is it that simply getting dressed in the morning can be a bewildering experience? Last month's must-haves date you faster than a frizzy perm, and before the credit-card bill is paid, some expert is telling you your latest...
Book cover of Dwelling by the Well
by Paula Rae Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2006

Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold, and the LORD blessed him there. - Genesis 26:12 This is a daily devotional guide for anyone who hungers and thirsts for a rich and exciting walk with Christ. What an incredible verse! Isaac was already wealthy beyond...
Book cover of The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know
by Paula J. Caproni
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2016

In this book you will learn what you need to do to achieve the success in life that you desire and deserve. The author, University of Michigan Business School professor Paula J. Caproni, Ph.D., provides you with a practical framework that will help you get better results at work, be successful in...
Book cover of Beginner's Guide to Office Boxing
by Paula Schumacher
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2012

SAMPLE CHAPTER AVAILABLE AT: Liberty Press August 2012 Book Review By Sheryl LeSage and William N Proctor-Artz This deceptively thin paperback is a genuinely helpful guide to office politics. I know what you're thinking:...
Book cover of Breaking Your Dog's Bad Habits

Breaking Your Dog's Bad Habits

Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-241

by Paula Kephart
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2000

Teach Your Dog Perfect Manners in Just 10 Minutes a Day! Does your dog take you for a walk? Jump up on visitors or beg for food at the table? If so, take heart: Help for your and your pooch is finally here! Paula Kephart offers practical, effective advice for breaking your dog's bad habits...
Book cover of 列車上的女孩


The Girl on the Train

by 珀拉.霍金斯, Paula Hawkins
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 13, 2016

你不認識她 但,她每天都從車窗裡看著你 震撼全球文壇,改變百萬人通勤習慣的飆速小說 全球暢銷破10,000,000冊,改編電影熱映中 ★打破《達文西密碼》紀錄,連霸《紐約時報》小說榜冠軍14週 ★美國6秒賣出一本,亞馬遜書店萬人滿分好評 ★夢工廠重金搶下電影版權,女主角艾蜜莉.布朗再創從影生涯代表作 她,不只是與你擦身而過的通勤乘客。 日復一日,瑞秋固定搭乘早晚兩班倫敦通勤列車。但,她的目的地與一般人並不相同。 列車每天準時在同一地點停靠,透過車窗外掠過的景象,她窺見了軌道旁15號住戶的生活片段。她想像那對陌生夫妻過得很幸福,還給兩人分別取了名字,在腦海中編造他們的人生。有時,男主人的目光似乎盯著車廂裡的瑞秋……難道在疾駛而過的瞬間,他也認出了她? 某日,瑞秋從新聞頭條得知,15號女主人竟已失蹤多日。她這才想起,車窗外的景象似乎曾透露不尋常的線索。但就在當晚,警方找上了瑞秋,要為失蹤案約談她。 她究竟目睹了什麼?只在想像中互動的陌生人、隔絕於車窗之外的事件,為何開始與她有了交集? 前所未見的「移動列車敘事」,點燃小說新風潮 讀完驚悚結局,從此再也無法忽視車窗外的日常風景 各項紀錄火速改寫中! •連霸《紐約時報》小說冠軍14...
Book cover of Managing the Global Workforce
by Paula Caligiuri, David Lepak, Jaime Bonache
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2010

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's employees. As the need for effective and top staff rises, Managing the Global Workforce provides the most up to date and topical information on accessing human resource management. Written...
Book cover of Content Audits and Inventories
by Paula Ladenburg Land
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2014

Successful content strategy projects start with a thorough assessment of the current state of all content assets: their quantity, type, and quality. Beginning with a data-rich content inventory and layering in a qualitative assessment, the audit process allows content owners and business stakeholders...
Book cover of Seven Seasons in Aurukun

Seven Seasons in Aurukun

My unforgettable time at a remote Aboriginal school

by Paula Shaw
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2009

Paula Shaw recounts her experiences of two years teaching at the school at Aurukun in Cape York. She paints a colourful picture of life in a remote Aboriginal community in the sweltering tropics. With the place itself as much of a character as her colleagues, the traditional owners and the eccentric...
Book cover of It's Not You, It's the Dishes (originally published as Spousonomics)

It's Not You, It's the Dishes (originally published as Spousonomics)

How to Minimize Conflict and Maximize Happiness in Your Relationship

by Paula Szuchman, Jenny Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2012

Your marriage is fine, right? Sure, there are showdowns over who unloads more dishes, and some simmering discontent over who drives more car pools, cleans more dust bunnies, and keeps the social wheels of your existence greased. The sex is good, though you can’t remember when you last had it. Come...
Book cover of Households, Employment, and Gender

Households, Employment, and Gender

A Social, Economic, and Demographic View

by Paula England
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

During the twentieth century arrangements governing love, work, and their routinization in households and employment underwent a transformation. During this period women gained employment opportunities. This reduced sex differentiation, but did not equalize the roles or power of men and women. The...
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