Paula: 1921 books

Book cover of La Troisième Hemingway
by Paula MCLAIN
Language: French
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Celle qui osa quitter Ernest Hemingway... Fin 1936. La jeune romancière Martha Gellhorn a vingt-sept ans mais déjà une solide réputation de globe-trotteuse. De neuf ans son aîné, Ernest Hemingway est en passe de devenir le monstre sacré de la littérature américaine. Elle est célibataire...
Book cover of Acceso a la abogacía
by Mª Paula Díaz Pita, Mª Paula Díaz Pita, Francisco Javier Calvo Gallego
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 17, 2019

El tomo V de Materia Laboral, cuarto de los tomos de Materias específicas, desarrolla en 20 temas la materia laboral, dentro de la cual figuran temas de Derecho laboral y temas de Derecho procesal laboral, de tal manera que los aspirantes disponen del material que les permite preparar adecuadamente...
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 354
by Paula Roe, A.C. Arthur, Kathie DeNosky
Language: German
Release Date: May 26, 2015

WIE VERFÜHRE ICH MEINEN EX? von ROE, PAULA Soll Angelina dem attraktiven Matt eine zweite Chance geben? Sie hat dem erfolgreichen Millionär nie verziehen, dass er sie vor zehn Jahren eiskalt abserviert hat! Jetzt könnte er ihren größten Wunsch erfüllen. Doch ihm wieder nah zu sein, bringt Angelinas...
Book cover of Um ano inesquecível
by Paula Pimenta, Babi Dewet, Bruna Vieira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 23, 2016

Dizem por aí que os melhores momentos da vida são vividos na juventude: os primeiros amores, os encontros, as festas, as viagens, as surpresas… E são sempre os instantes inesperados que transformam um dia comum em uma lembrança especial, daquelas que nunca nos deixam. Neste livro inesquecível...
Book cover of Cocina vegetariana: Platos saludables, livianos y nutritivos
by Paula Diego
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Comience su estilo de vida vegana hoy! El libro de cocina vegetariana esencial contiene una mezcla de tantas sabrosas recetas que no sabrás cuál probar primero. Cada una de las recetas proporcionadas le da la información esencial para hacer la comida nutritiva para su familia y amigos. Los...
Book cover of Un héritage inestimable - Délicieuse attirance

Un héritage inestimable - Délicieuse attirance

T4 - Les Secrets de Waverly's

by Paula Roe, Helen Lacey
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Les secrets de Waverly’s, tome 4 Même dans la plus prestigieuse salle des ventes, l’amour est un trésor qui ne s’achète pas. Un héritage inestimable, Paula Roe Parce qu’elle rêve d’acquérir pour ses filles le manuscrit original du dernier D.B. Dunbar – le célèbre...
Book cover of The Lady of Solitude
by Paula Parisot
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2016

The Lady of Solitude projects a fresh and daring new voice on to the Brazilian literary scene. These transgressive and highly charged erotic stories are all written from a woman's point of view and they offer an unexpected perspective on the world, sex and desire in a changing Brazilian and global context....
Book cover of 50 anos daquele 64
by Concha Celestino, Cris Gonzalez, Deborah Dornellas
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 4, 2018

50 anos daquele 64 é o fanzine que o Coletivo Martelinho de Ouro preparou para pensar o Golpe de 1964. Idealizado por Marcelino Freire para ser distribuído na Vigília pela Liberdade, que aconteceu em São Paulo, no Espaço dos Satyros, entre 30 de março e 1º de abril de 2014, traz contos, crônicas...
Book cover of Treasures: a Mallory O’Shaughnessy Novel
by Paula Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2010

Teenager Mallory OShaughnessy mourns the recent death of her father and is still reeling from her narrow escape from being killed. While keeping up her high school studies, Mallory must deal with her lavish lifestyle and the challenges that wealth brings. But she trusts in God to help her make the...
Book cover of Violência na história

Violência na história

Memória, trauma e reparação

by Carlos Fico, Antonio Costa Pinto, Denise Rollemberg
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 20, 2013

Nos últimos anos tem se intensificado, em todo o mundo, o debate sobre justiça de transição. Inúmeros países que vivenciaram ditaduras militares, regimes arbitrários e discriminatórios e experiências de guerra civil enfrentam, nos dias de hoje, a questão de como lidar com o legado da violência...
Book cover of The Odyssey Of Elysion
by Douglas C. A. Paula
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

It all begins when Elysion, a twelve-year-old boy, builds a spaceship and travels to another galaxy. He arrives on an Earth-like planet - a parallel world dominated by animals. The story takes the reader on a journey both to outer space and into the human mind, outlining the struggles of mankind...
Book cover of Baccara Exklusiv Band 135
by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Diana Palmer, Paula Roe
Language: German
Release Date: November 20, 2015

DIAMANTEN UND HEIßE KÜSSE von ROE, PAULA Holly soll ein Auge auf den wieder aufgetauchten Millionenerben Jake Vance haben, der Anspruch auf das Diamantenimperium erhebt, für das sie arbeitet. Doch dann lässt sie sich auf eine riskante Affäre mit ihm ein - und ihre Gefühle glitzern heller als...
Book cover of His Master's Hands
by Paula Merensuo
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2013

Joney feels himself abandoned in many ways. In his new job he one day meets a man who, perhaps, would change the course of his life. Jake, however, has known of his heavy hands. His boyfriend is definitely not allowed letting loose. Does Joney dare to trust him?
Book cover of Collection Baccara Band 0308

Collection Baccara Band 0308

Heiße Küsse - kalter Verrat? / Wenn aus Lüge Liebe wird / Erst die Vernunft, dann das Verlangen /

Language: German
Release Date: October 18, 2011

Heiße Küsse - kalter Verrat? von SANDS, CHARLENE In fiebriger Erregung gemurmelte Liebesschwüre, die später keine Bedeutung mehr hatten - Brooke versuchte jahrelang, Nick zu vergessen. Jetzt steht er wieder vor ihr, und sofort knistert die Luft … Aber Brooke darf ihm nicht trauen. Egal, wie...
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