Paula: 1921 books

Book cover of Curso básico de Teorias da Comunicação
by Vera V. França, Paula G. Simões
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 14, 2017

O sumário de um livro de Teorias da Comunicação, hoje, não apresenta grandes surpresas; nossas escolas e autores "clássicos" já são mais ou menos consensuais. No entanto, cada manual dessa área é resultado de um processo de seleção e reflete uma forma de empreender esse caminho...
Book cover of Historical Lords & Ladies Band 75
by Paula Marshall, Ann Lethbridge
Language: German
Release Date: August 30, 2019

SIE SIND MEIN GLÜCKSSTERN, GEORGINA von MARSHALL, PAULA Was für ein kecker Knabe, der da so wild Cricket spielt, denkt sich Jesmond Fitzroy bei seinem Spaziergang. Tadelnd weist er den Jungen zurecht und entdeckt verblüfft, dass es sich um eine junge Frau handelt: Georgina, seine Nachbarin. Ein...
Book cover of Il Coniglietto Bunny e la Rondine della Primavera
by Paula Cama
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Il Coniglietto Bunny deve dipingere la Rondine della Primavera sull'uovo di Pasqua di Jo. Con l'aiuto delle api, parte alla ricerca di un fiore con i petali neri per estrarre il colore e dipingere le ali della Rondine. (Favola di Pasqua)
Book cover of Rosa, Bianca, Viola e Celeste
by Paula Cama
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2015

Quattro bambine decidono di colorare il loro paese freddo e buio dove neppure il sole fa capolino. Ma grazie a loro tutto cambierà e in cielo si vedrà perfino l'arcobaleno.
Book cover of Decoraciones navideñas
by Paula Trillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Decoraciones navideñas es una guía paso a paso para diseñar tus fiestas de fin de año. La reconocida artesana Paula Trillo nos enseña diferentes técnicas que incluyen goma eva, pintura sobre madera, decoupage, papel plegado y velas, al servicio de una Navidad llena de color, amor y fantasía. Árbol...
Book cover of Finde dich gut, sonst findet dich keiner

Finde dich gut, sonst findet dich keiner

Wie du lernst, dich selbst zu lieben, und dabei unwiderstehlich wirst

by Paula Lambert
Language: German
Release Date: September 12, 2016

Wer kennt sie nicht? Die Tage, an denen man in den Spiegel schaut und an allen Ecken und Enden etwas an sich auszusetzen findet: Zu dick? Zu dünn? Zu klein? Zu groß? Schluss damit! Die bekannte Sex- Expertin und Beziehungsberaterin Paula Lambert hat den Perfektionswahn satt. Selbstliebe statt Selbstzweifel...
Book cover of Sex and Homicide

Sex and Homicide

The Death Betrayal and Love Series, #2

by Paula-Michelle Trotter
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2018

His job is to hunt the killer. She's an independent career woman, with no time for games. He didn't expect his love to become the target of the killer. Nick and Izzy knew it wasn't love at first sight. They have a chemical, biological and magnetic pull. They didn't know how strong that pull would...
Book cover of Lust and Homicide

Lust and Homicide

The Death Betrayal and Love Series, #3

by Paula-Michelle Trotter
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2018

This book has everything you'll want in a Rom-Com Mystery with a little bit of your friendly neighborhood hacker.  He's trying to solve a murder. She's trying to be a hero.  Seven dead, two gun shots, and one house fire.  When these two hackers go head-to-head online and in bed, things get messy. Can...
Book cover of Wild and Homicide

Wild and Homicide

The Death Betrayal and Love Series, #5

by Paula-Michelle Trotter
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2019

Carla may be smart, confident and beautiful, but she has had to work her way out of a pit of darkness created by the death of her son. Her new mission in life is to help other families going through what she's faced. Being somewhat happy, and in a satisfying relationship, Carla finds herself feeling...
Book cover of Handbuch Wasser im Garten

Handbuch Wasser im Garten

Wasser sparen, nachhaltig nutzen, Teiche und Biotope planen und anlegen

by Paula Polak
Language: German
Release Date: March 21, 2018

GÄRTNERN IN ZEITEN DES KLIMAWANDELS Wasser ist unsere kostbarste Lebensgrundlage - besonders im Biogarten. Stichworte wie Umweltverschmutzung, Klimawandel und Wasserknappheit stellen uns als Gärtner vor eine große Herausforderung: Wir alle wollen möglichst RESSOURCENSCHONEND GÄRTNERN und mit...
Book cover of Juegos y juguetes con material reciclado
by Paula Trillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Maestra jardinera, artesana y actriz, Paula Trillo sabe cómo divertir y educar a los más chicos. Juegos y juguetes con material reciclado es una guía paso a paso para que los chicos aprendan a construir sus propias creaciones cuidando el medio ambiente. ¡Porque jugar con los juguetes que construís...
Book cover of Pflege- und Betreuungsberichte professionell schreiben

Pflege- und Betreuungsberichte professionell schreiben

Tipps und Vorschläge für Mitarbeiter in stationären Altenpflegeeinrichtungen. Berücksichtigt die SIS und das NBI

by Angela Paula Löser
Language: German
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Auf den Punkt gebracht: Die Arbeitshilfe fur Pflege- und Betreuungskrafte bei der Dokumentation. Berücksichtigt die SIS und das NBI. Ideal fur Unterricht und Fortbildung. Viele Pflege- und Betreuungskräfte haben große Probleme, beim Erstellen des Pflege- oder Betreuungsberichts: Was sollen sie...
Book cover of Neue Mitteilungen aus meinem Garten
by Paula Almqvist, Marion Nickig
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2019

Unterhaltsam, fröhlich und (selbst-)ironisch plaudert sich Paula Almqvist auch im vierten Band ihrer Kolumnen quer durch die Beete. Sie berichtet über neueste Trends, erzählt von der Lieblings-Blumenfarbe, von Garten-Flohmärkten, von Mitbringseln floraler Art aus dem Urlaub, von schwarzen Löchern im Garten, wo vom Handschuh bis zur Säge alles verschwindet und... und... und.
Book cover of Bicho-papinha
by Paula Browne
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 20, 2013

Se você pensa que conhece todo tipo de monstro, prepare-se? Igual ao bicho-papinha, tenho certeza que você nunca viu! Com narrativa tão divertida e vivaz quanto às ilustrações, Paula Browne nos apresenta as peripécias de um monstro para assustar a vovó, e as peripécias da vovó para dar uma lição no monstro!
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