Pavel Pavel: 123 books

Book cover of Harry Potter a Fénixův řád
by J.K. Rowling, Pavel Medek
Language: Czech
Release Date: August 30, 2016

„Sdílíte s Pánem zla jeho myšlenky a pocity. Podle ředitele není vhodné, aby tomu tak bylo i nadále. Chce, abych vás naučil, jak před Pánem zla svou mysl uzavřít.“ V Bradavicích nastaly temné časy. Po útoku mozkomorů na bratrance Dudleyho je Harrymu jasné, že se...
Book cover of Leopold Orso and the Case of the Bloody Tree (Sublime Electricity: The Prequel)
by Pavel Kornev
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2017

UPON BEING promoted to the rank of detective constable of the New Babylon Police, Leopold Orso had no idea that, from then on, he would have to track down succubae, exorcise poltergeists and hunt for werebeasts. But, even after grappling with the supernatural had become routine, he was still thrown...
Book cover of Professional Re-Stratification of the Jews in the Works of Oxaal/Weitzmann and Blohm/Cahen
by Pavel Vasilyev
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2010

Essay from the year 2009 in the subject Jewish Studies, grade: B+, University CEU San Pablo Madrid, language: English, abstract: In his 1781 essay, 'Concerning the Amelioration of the Civil Status of the Jews', Christian Wilhelm von Dohm, one of the key leaders of the German Aufklärung, famously...
Book cover of 'Jewish Space' in Fin-De-Siècle Vienna and St. Petersburg: Residential, Occupational and Religious Patterns
by Pavel Vasilyev
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2010

Essay from the year 2010 in the subject History Europe - Other Countries - Newer History, European Unification, grade: A-, University CEU San Pablo Madrid, language: English, abstract: At first glance, the historical Jews do not seem to have been a group that was determining the architectural, visual...
Book cover of The Early Slavs

The Early Slavs

Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus

by Pavel Dolukhanov
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2014

The history of the early Slavs is a subject of renewed interest and one which is highly controversial both politically and historically. This pioneering text reviews the latest archaelogical (and other) evidence concerning the first settlers, their cultural identities and their relationship with their...
Book cover of Cosmic Shift

Cosmic Shift

Russian Contemporary Art Writing

by Ilya Kabakov, Emilia Kabakov, Boris Groys
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2017

Features a strong line-up of the country’s most prominent contemporary artists, writers, philosophers, curators and historians. Featuring: pioneers of the Moscow Conceptualism movement Ilya and Emilia Kabakov; Bart De Baere, Russia’s foremost curator; art critic and theorist Boris Groys;...
Book cover of Modernity, Capitalism and the Pathologies of Jewish Health: Anti-Semitic Elements of Fin-De-Siècle Medical Discourse
by Pavel Vasilyev
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2010

Essay from the year 2010 in the subject History Europe - Other Countries - Modern Times, Absolutism, Industrialization, grade: A, University CEU San Pablo Madrid, language: English, abstract: While we are generally eager to recognize the importance of medicine and medical discourse in the contemporary...
Book cover of Mi novia, la tristeza
by Guadalupe Loaeza, Pavel Granados
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 10, 2013

Más allá de la mera semblanza biográfica o la simple colección de anécdotas, estas páginas significan el encuentro más pleno y emotivo que se haya elaborado hasta hoy con la figura de Agustín Lara. Es una pintura vivaz e informada del gran compositor, del México que le tocó vivir, de su...
Book cover of Estimation and Control Problems for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
by Pavel S. Knopov, Olena N. Deriyeva
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2013

Focusing on research surrounding aspects of insufficiently studied problems of estimation and optimal control of random fields, this book exposes some important aspects of those fields for systems modeled by stochastic partial differential equations. It contains many results of interest to specialists...
Book cover of The Arab Awakening

The Arab Awakening

America and the Transformation of the Middle East

by Kenneth M. Pollack, Daniel L. Byman, Akram Al-Turk
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2011

Even the most seasoned Middle East observers were taken aback by the events of early 2011. Protests born of oppression and socioeconomic frustration erupted throughout the streets; public unrest provoked violent police backlash; long-established dictatorships fell. How did this all happen? What might...
Book cover of Modelling Operational Risk Using Bayesian Inference
by Pavel V. Shevchenko
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2011

The management of operational risk in the banking industry has undergone explosive changes over the last decade due to substantial changes in the operational environment. Globalization, deregulation, the use of complex financial products, and changes in information technology have resulted in exposure...
Book cover of Trends of Private International Law
by Pavel Kalenský
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2013

to Seeking the answer to the three basic questions of contempo­ rary private international law, I also deemed it essential to out­ line to the reader the historical development of the different concepts of this particular branch of law, for without the know­ ledge of this history it is impossible...
Book cover of The Position of the Individual in International Law according to Grotius and Vattel
by Peter Pavel Remec
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

According to democratic theory the state is for man not man for the state. This theory has been implemented by bills of rights in many national constitutions giving the individual a legal opportunity to redress abuses by his state. In Federal Consti­ tutions, however, difficulties have been faced...
Book cover of Ontology Matching
by Jérôme Euzenat, Pavel Shvaiko
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2013

Ontologies tend to be found everywhere. They are viewed as the silver bullet for many applications, such as database integration, peer-to-peer systems, e-commerce, semantic web services, or social networks. However, in open or evolving systems, such as the semantic web, different parties would, in...
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