Pearl: 495 books

Book cover of When Their Memories Became Mine: Moving Beyond My Parents' Past
by Pearl Goodman
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2015

Much interest has been generated about the impact of trauma and in particular, the transmission of trauma from generation to generation. In this poignant and humorous coming-of-age memoir, Toronto psychotherapist, Pearl Goodman, writes about just that. She embodies her parents' past in ways that aren't...
Book cover of A House Divided
by Pearl S. Buck
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

A man returns to his native China to find upheaval in both his homeland and his family in this novel by a New York Times–bestselling author. On the eve of a popular rebellion, the Chinese government starts to crack down in cities across the country. Fleeing the turmoil, Wang Yuan, the son...
Book cover of Creada Para Ser Su Ayuda Idónea: Descubre cómo puede Dios hacer glorioso tu matrimonio
by Debi Pearl
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2010

Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a...
Book cover of Para Entrenar a Un Nino
by Michael Pearl, Debi Pearl
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2010

Three thousand years ago, a wise man said, "Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Good training is not crisis management; it is what you do before the need of discipline arises. Most parenting is accidental rather than deliberate. Imagine...
Book cover of Best Man Wedding Speeches

Best Man Wedding Speeches

: How to Deliver Best Man Great Wedding Speeches with Examples of Funny and Memorable Touch

by Luna Pearl
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2012

Your buddy is getting married and you are asked to be his best man. A best man wedding speech comes in to your mind. You want to deliver the best man speech with fun and unforgettable memory. Best Man Wedding Speeches gives you the guidance on how to write a best man wedding speech with samples and...
Book cover of Dragon Seed: The Story of China at War

Dragon Seed: The Story of China at War

The Story of China at War

by Pearl S. Buck
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

A Nobel laureate’s gripping historical novel about the Japanese invasion of Nanking Farmer Liang Tan knows only a quiet, traditional life in his remote Chinese farming community. When news filters in that Japanese forces are invading the country, he and his fellow villagers believe that if...
Book cover of The Time Is Noon
by Pearl S. Buck
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2013

A woman looks back on her long, rocky path to fulfillment in this revealing novel by the New York Times–bestselling author of The Good Earth. Considered one of the most personal and autobiographical novels by the Nobel and Pulitzer Prize–winning author, The Time Is Noon tells the story...
Book cover of I Was Raised To Be A Lert
by Pearl Vork-Zambory
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2012

I Was Raised To Be A Lert is a collection of short childhood stories based on the life and blog posts of Pearl Vork-Zambory.
Book cover of Ginnifer
by Matthew Pearl
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

A man convicted of murdering his wife finds an unlikely champion in this short story by the bestselling author of The Dante Club. Our narrator is a man convicted of first-degree murder with only one person on his side: Ginnifer. After seeing him on TV and becoming obsessed with the case, Ginnifer...
Book cover of The New Death

The New Death

American Modernism and World War I

by Pearl James
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2013

Adopting the term "new death," which was used to describe the unprecedented and horrific scale of death caused by the First World War, Pearl James uncovers several touchstones of American modernism that refer to and narrate traumatic death. The sense of paradox was pervasive: death was both...
Book cover of The Wee, the Wound and the Worries: My Experience of Being a Kidney Donor
by Pearl Howie
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

In 2002 Pearl donated a kidney to her brother, and offers practical advice to anyone considering donation. Reviews “Thank you so so much for your kind words and advice, it has really given me so much to think about and to be grateful for. Thank you once again for taking the time to respond to my...
Book cover of Speaking Out on Human Rights

Speaking Out on Human Rights

Debating Canada's Human Rights System

by Pearl Eliadis
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Canadians like to see themselves as champions of human rights in the international community. Closer to home, however, the human rights system in Canada - particularly its public institutions such as commissions and tribunals - has been the object of sustained debate and vehement criticism, based largely...
Book cover of When Dead Men Love

When Dead Men Love

A Testament of Devotion, Exploits, and Life Extraordinaire

by Nonye Pearl Mike-Nnaji
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2015

Are you gazing at life through a keyhole? Does the life you see and yearn for seem unreachable? Are there possibilities in life you cannot access? Do you feel trapped in your imperfections and shortcomings? Is every day a grind? What if we could step out and be part of life, thrive in life, and be...
Book cover of 因果革命:人工智慧的大未來


The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect

by 朱迪亞‧珀爾 Judea Pearl, 達納‧麥肯錫 Dana Mackenzie
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 26, 2019

大數據為什麼不夠聰明? 比機率更強大的思考工具又是什麼? 電腦科學界諾貝爾獎「圖靈獎」得主暨貝氏網路研發先驅Judea Pearl總結畢生研究成果,聯手獲獎的統計學家Dana Mackenzie,提出改變人工智慧及科學界的重要工具! ▎大數據看似厲害,其實有很大的侷限 近幾年大數據當紅,加上它在許多領域的成功運用,其地位與能力備受追捧。與大數據密切相關的統計學,是法蘭西斯・高爾頓與卡爾・皮爾森解答對於遺傳的疑問未果,而開發出來的學科,這門學科創立後興盛數十載,其名言「相關不是因果」影響科學界經常止步於探究「關聯」而非「因果」,並且長期受資料本位的歷史所影響,認為資料無所不能,但是朱迪亞・珀爾希望藉此書告訴讀者,資料本身一點也不智慧。 ▎要發展出「強AI」,機率思考仍遠遠不夠 一九八○年代初,朱迪亞・珀爾認為不確定性是AI所欠缺的最重要的能力,於是運用機率開發出強大的推理工具——貝氏網路,因而獲得有電腦科學界諾貝爾獎之稱的「圖靈獎」。貝氏網路是首先讓電腦以灰階方式思考的工具,至今仍極受人工智慧界倚重,然而到了一九八○年代末,珀爾認為貝氏網路仍沒有填補人工智慧和人類智慧的差距,於是他轉而研究如何教AI學會「因果推論」,本書便是整理了歷代科學家推展因果革命的努力與成果。 ▎從「求得相關性」的舊階段,邁入「釐清因果關係」的新時代 本書最初幾章是有趣的科學史,探討科學家追求因果解釋的過程如何受挫,以致發展出統計學,並讓統計學方法長期引領學界研究。接著書中有大約一半篇幅,作者以實例示範因果語言(圖示模型)如何解決傳統統計學認為無解的難題,逐一揭示「因果階梯」三大分層的能力(越高的層級,認知挑戰越高,越難理出因果關係),並讓讀者了解因果革命路上諸人的努力與進展,以及這些進展的重要性。本書末尾回頭說明因果革命相對於人工智慧各重要發展面向(比如大數據、深度學習、資料探勘、機器學習等),有何勝出之處、能對它們起什麼正面影響,以及最重要的——「因果革命」將會如何改變人工智慧。 ▎「因果革命」不只影響人工智慧,還影響各研究領域 現今機器學習運作時仰賴的是「相關性」,而不是「因果」,如果能成功將因果思考導入電腦,將使電腦變成真正的科學家,使它們成為我們的得力伙伴,提供我們更合理的洞見。由於因果思考可以呈現罪責,電腦能因而具備道德感——「具備道德感的強AI」是因果革命在人工智慧領域的終極追求,作者形容這「是人工智慧給人類的第一個、也是最好的禮物」。 因果性研究還釐清了我們多年來對許多知識本質的不解,改變我們對於眾多問題的認識,這些問題牽涉的層面無所不包,舉凡涉及解讀資料以及根據解釋而採取的作法(像是致病因素、醫療資源分配、公共政策擬定等),都能受益。集結眾多領域學人之力才有如今成果的因果革命,亦將回頭影響整個科學界,珀爾形容它「將使科學的體質更加健全,是人工智慧給人類的第二個禮物」。在美國,因果科學已經開始被大學列入課程…… ▎我們強烈建議這些人士閱讀這本書: (1)資料科學家與大數據研究者,以及對大數據深感興趣的人 (2)統計學家、數學家,電腦科學相關從業人員與學習者 (3)對經濟趨勢與科研發展有興趣的一般大眾 (4)希望培養科學素養,了解最新科學方法的學子 各界盛讚 《快思慢想》作者暨諾貝爾獎得主康納曼、《大演算》作者多明哥斯、谷歌網路推廣長文特‧瑟夫、微軟研究實驗室主任艾瑞克‧霍爾維茲 ————重磅推薦!———— ◎谷歌網路推廣長文特‧瑟夫: 珀爾近三十年來的學術成就,為人工智慧發展提供堅實的理論基礎……同時把「思考機器」提升到另一個境界。 ◎《大演算》作者佩德羅‧多明哥斯: 因果如果不是相關,那又是什麼?拜朱迪亞‧珀爾的劃時代研究之賜,現在我們已能精確回答這個問題。想理解世界如何運行,這本引人入勝且讀來愉快的書是理想的起點。 ◎微軟研究實驗室科技研究員及主任艾瑞克‧霍爾維茲: 朱迪亞‧珀爾是人工智慧領域、甚至整個電腦科學界革命的核心人物。 ◎諾貝爾經濟學獎得主及《快思慢想》作者丹尼爾‧康納曼...
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