Philip: 4665 books

Book cover of Reparations Mind
by Philip Wyeth
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2018

Election Season, 2028. The War for Dignity has begun. The government is reeling after hackers took control of the massive database used by the Historical Reparations Administration. As panicked techno-refugees flood its gates, the rising Church of Modestianity offers sanctuary from the surveillance...
Book cover of How I Became a Drifter
by Christmas Philip
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2016

In Birmingham, England, Christmas Philip has lived a rather unconventional life with an equally unconventional outlook. A self-described drifter, he has lived and traveled all over the world, a journey that mirrors mankinds search for happiness and acceptance. In his first book, Rip Off Christmas...
Book cover of Argentine Ornithology Volume II
by Philip Sclater
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2014

Argentine Ornithology Volume II Philip Sclater, english lawyer and zoologist (1829-1913) This ebook presents «Argentine Ornithology Volume II », from Philip Sclater. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected. TABLE OF CONTENTS -01- ABOUT...
Book cover of Unter der Haut

Unter der Haut

Eine literarische Reise durch unseren Körper - Mit Beiträgen von Naomi Alderman, A.L. Kennedy, Philip Kerr u.a.

by Naomi Alderman, A.L. Kennedy, Philip Kerr
Language: German
Release Date: November 4, 2019

15 der beeindruckendsten und talentiertesten Schriftsteller der Gegenwart erzählen in diesem Buch ihre ganz persönliche Geschichte über den Körper: Naomi Alderman etwa entschlüsselt die Antwort des Darms auf moderne Essgewohnheiten, A. L. Kennedy erforscht die erstaunliche Merkfähigkeit der...
Book cover of Mortal Engines - Krieg der Städte
by Philip Reeve
Language: German
Release Date: August 22, 2018

"Mortal Engines - Krieg der Städte" ist der Auftaktband zu Philip Reeves monumentaler Fantasyserie voller Luftschiffe und Piraten, Kopfgeldjäger und Aeronauten – und fahrender Städte. Niemand hatte mit einem Attentat gerechnet. Als das Mädchen mit dem Tuch vor dem Gesicht ein Messer zückt,...
Book cover of Mortal Engines - Jagd durchs Eis
by Philip Reeve
Language: German
Release Date: November 28, 2018

"Mortal Engines – Jagd durchs Eis" ist der zweite Teil von Philip Reeves epischer Fantasyserie um die fahrenden Städte. Vor zwei Jahren hat sich London selbst zerstört. Tom und Hester leben seitdem an Bord ihres Luftschiffs Jenny Haniver und bereisen die Welt als Händler und Abenteurer....
Book cover of The Zodiac Project
by Dr. Philip Gordon, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2012

THE ZODIAC PROJECT "We are living in an age of chaos. Chaos defined as a condition of confusion, indicative of unorganized matter (energy) that existed before the creation of the cosmos. Simply by going about our lives, we find ourselves worn out and fatigued. Media, newspapers...
Book cover of Thangam Philip's Vegetarian Recipes for Healthy Living
by Thangam Philip
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

In this book, the author embarks on a gastronomic journey through the wonderful and diverse world of plants. From roots to leaves, cereals to spices, and nuts to fruits, she describes their nutritional benefits medicinal properties and how to use them in everyday cookinga subject very close to her heart....
Book cover of We Were a Band of Brothers

We Were a Band of Brothers

The Memoir of Captain Philip Heath

by Captain Philip Heath
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2017

Captain Philip Heath’s memoir is a vivid and compelling insight to the First World War experiences of a front-line officer. It is by turns harrowing and honest, and also occasionally humorous. Heath survived the Somme, Passchendaele and finally the advance to victory in 1918. He was twice decorated...
Book cover of Sonhos Eletricos
by Philip K. Dick
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 20, 2018

OS CONTOS DE PHILIP K. DICK QUE INSPIRARAM A SÉRIE TELEVISIVA ELECTRIC DREAMS. Philip K. Dick foi um dos maiores nomes da ficção científica em todo o mundo e encabeça, também, a lista dos autores do gênero mais roteirizados em Hollywood. Os dez contos de sua autoria reunidos nesta edição...
Book cover of Unseen Paths
by Philip Jackson
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2018

What does it mean to be told your much-loved Mum has only two months to live? That is the question answered in Unseen Paths as Philip and Claire sit in the doctor's office with their Mum and receive this life-changing news. It records their thoughts, feelings and experiences and those of family...
Book cover of Niemand in de stad
by Philip Huff
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 23, 2012

Philip Hofman woont in het Weeshuis, een statig studentenhuis aan de Amsterdamse Prinsengracht. De twaalf bewoners hebben daar, buiten het blikveld van de maatschappij, hun ouders en hun vriendinnen, een vrijplaats gecreëerd, een proeftuin voor het echte leven. Zijn beste vrienden zijn huisgenoten...
Book cover of Anatomie d'un assassinat
by Philip SHENON
Language: French
Release Date: November 28, 2013

L'enquête explosive qui réécrit l'histoire de l'assassinat le plus mystérieux et controversé du XXe siècle. Depuis un demi-siècle, on ne cesse de poser les mêmes questions : Kennedy a-t-il été tué par un tireur solitaire ? Lee Harvey Oswald faisait-il partie d'un complot ? La commission...
Book cover of Cuentos completos IV
by Philip K. Dick
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 18, 2011

Además de novelista, Philip K. Dick fue un prolífico autor de cuentos y relatos, muchos de los cuales han sido llevados al cine en los últimos tiempos. Él mismo reunió sus narraciones breves en cinco volúmenes que ahora recuperamos en una edición revisada. Esta cuarta entrega recoge 18 relatos...
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