Priscilla: 406 books

Book cover of Julie Winsome, M.D., Medical Detective

Julie Winsome, M.D., Medical Detective

Science Fiction Mysteries Volume One

by Priscilla Lowell
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

If readers have enjoyed Dr. Julie Winsome and government agent Jeff Barton's travels and experiences in Volume I of the series: "Julie Winsome, M.D. , Medical Detective," science fiction mysteries, they will be glad to know six more chronicles will follow. Volume 2 and 3 are on the horizon....
Book cover of Wine of Violence
by Priscilla Royal
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2017

With a Foreword by Sharon Kay Penman. It's summer 1270, and England is as weary as its aging king, Henry III. The Simon de Montfort rebellion is over, and in the small priory of Tyndall on the remote East Anglian coast, the monks and nuns of the Order of Fontevraud long to return to their tranquil...
Book cover of A Holiday Fantasy
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2016

Desires have a way of sculpting who we are and how we think. A great desire for being married or accepted can weigh on us differently. Kristen gets more than she desires from Mathew. He's a good guy. His life is about to endure a great change. A holiday shock-and-awe change.
Book cover of 18 & Loving Her
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2016

This is a short tale of two young lovers coming to odds with their feelings for each other. They come out and are happy to face their family and teachers, confessing their love for each other. 
Book cover of The More, the Merrier
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2016

A vacation (in a big, fabulous estate) brings a group of young friends (and one classy 'good guy') together. As the group speaks about their experiences, desires, relationship failures and most inner inhibitions, they find out there's a virgin among them. The theme of their retreat quickly becomes "you're...
Book cover of Double Standard
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2016

This is what happens when two women conspire to (playfully) have their way with a unknowing fellow. Playful deception is good fun. To a woman's understanding, a man can never get enough. These two young ladies take "boy-toying" to a whole new level and enjoy every minute of it. 
Book cover of Nicki's Menage'
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2016

This presentation is dialog rich. It's not your average romance. Some people wake up and decide to take life by the horns. When they do, they experience journey's and people most others will only dream about. At the end of the day, A husband + a wife (named Nicki) + Kim + Jenny = 1 hell of a time. Three is company, but 4 is much more. This is the story of Nicki's Ménage. Enjoy. 
Book cover of The Perfect Platform
by Priscilla Laster
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2016

This is the story of two young kids who reach adulthood to realize they've always been more than willing to be boyfriend/girlfriend. When Andrew wins $128M (through a lottery ticket), he conceals his fortune to make sure Michelle will except his marriage proposal for only loving him.
Book cover of Il segreto supremo
by Priscilla Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2012

Come il bambino si abbandona completamente alla madre, così l’abbandono al Divino è descritto dai saggi di ogni tempo come il segreto di una vita realizzata. Questo libro ci insegna a riappropiarci della nostra innocenza. L’unica regola viene dal momento presente in cui l’anima si muove leggera...
Book cover of Undercover Mission Spies
by Priscilla Way Yun
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Due to my fathers new job, Dean and I, two regular thirteen-year-old teenager twins, move to Dashtille to start our new lives. Leaving everything behind, we meet Cassidy, Jake, and Dylan, who have apparently been waiting for our arrival. Through them, we meet Mr. Coronel, gaining the knowledge of...
Book cover of La crisi come opportunità di crescita
by Priscilla Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 10, 2010

Lo strumento fondamentale per superare le crisi Tutti noi affrontiamo nella nostra vita momenti di crisi. Crisi evolutive, che fanno parte della vita, o accidentali, che ci colpiscono in tempi e modi imprevedibili. In genere si tende a coglierne soltanto il portato negativo, ma nella prova è insito...
Book cover of Che tipo psicologico sei?
by Priscilla Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2012

Conoscersi è il primo passo per il raggiungimento di un reale stato di benessere. I guna sono le tre energie archetipe che sono alla base di noi stessi e del mondo. In ciascuno di noi c’è un guna che predomina sugli altri e questo spiega gusti, comportamenti, atteggiamenti così diversi nelle...
Book cover of La chiave per realizzarsi
by Priscilla Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 18, 2012

Per realizzarsi quello che conta è credere. L’essere umano per sua natura è fatto per credere. La fede fa riferimento a ciò che abbiamo collocato nelle profondità del nostro cuore e allora la mente, l’intelligenza, l’azione, seguiranno quel sentiero e orienteranno la nostra vita in una direzione...
Book cover of L’arte dell’equilibrio
by Priscilla Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 9, 2011

La vita è un delicato gioco di equilibri in quanto la realtà nella quale viviamo è caratterizzata da numerose polarità apparentemente in antitesi tra loro. Uno degli obiettivi, nonché una delle sfide più avvincenti della vita umana, è proprio quello di comprenderli e di mantenerli in uno stato...
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