Rafa: 43 books

Book cover of Le Meilleur Job du Monde T03
by Christophe Bec, Rafa Fonteriz
Language: French
Release Date: January 21, 2015

La conclusion haletante d’une trilogie mêlant terreur et suspense !
Book cover of Le Meilleur Job du Monde T01
by Rafa Fonteriz, Christophe Bec
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2012

"Parmi plusieurs dizaines de milliers de candidats, c’est Doug Ellis, jeune trader londonien, qui a remporté le meilleur job du monde ! Il sera le gardien d’une île déserte au large de l’Australie, dans une villa tout confort ! Tout semble idyllique, quoique certains détails commencent...
Book cover of Le Meilleur Job du Monde T02
by Christophe Bec, Rafa Fonteriz
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2013

"Doug Ellis, jeune trader londonien, a décroché le meilleur job du monde ! Il sera le gardien d’une île déserte au large de l’Australie, dans une villa tout confort ! Après quelques semaines idylliques, il découvre avec horreur l’envers du décor… Sa prison dorée est en réalité...
Book cover of Dossier - Régénérescences
by Rémy Bourdillon, Pierre-Yves Cezard, Nicolas Charette
Language: French
Release Date: September 17, 2014

Un dossier sur le thème des régénérescences spirituelles, urbaines ou environnementales qui vous propose des réflexions et éclairages variés sur le thème des nouveaux départs, des résiliences, des régénérations personnelles ou collectives.
Book cover of La Potente Thor (2015) 2

La Potente Thor (2015) 2

I Signori Di Midgard

by Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman, Matthew Wilson
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2018

Loki narra un’antica storia di un giovane figlio di Odino, in lotta contro un nemico gigantesco e potente. La cosa certa è che nessuno vorrebbe fare arrabbiare questo vichingo e che questo racconto dal passato avrà incredibili ripercussioni sul presente. Spionaggio industriale in stile Marvel,...
Book cover of Apache Solr 4 Cookbook
by Rafał Kuć
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2013

"Apache Solr 4 Cookbook" is written in a helpful, practical style with numerous hands-on recipes to help you master Apache Solr to get more precise search results and analysis, higher performance, and reliability. This book is for developers who wish to learn how to master Apache Solr 4. This book will...
Book cover of Apache Solr 3.1 Cookbook
by Rafał Kuć
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2011

This book is part of Packt's Cookbook series; each chapter looks at a different aspect of working with Apache Solr. The recipes deal with common problems of working with Solr by using easy-to-understand, real-life examples. The book is not in any way a complete Apache Solr reference and you should see...
Book cover of Down Syndrome: From Understanding the Neurobiology to Therapy
by Mara Dierssen, Rafa de la Torre
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2012

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common example of neurogenetic aneuploid disorder leading to mental retardation. In most cases, DS results from an extra copy of chromosome 21 (HSA21) producing deregulated gene expression in brain that gives raise to subnormal intellectual functioning. The topic of...
Book cover of Funning. Diviértete corriendo
by Rafa Vega
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 18, 2015

El running, indiscutiblemente, es un fenómeno social: en total, según las encuestas de Runner’s World, la principal revista especializada, hay alrededor de dos millones y medio de practicantes del running en nuestro país. Lo que genera en España, según datos de la consultora NPD Group, más...
Book cover of Gin tonic et concombre
by Rafaële Germain
Language: French
Release Date: June 22, 2010

À trente-deux ans, Marine Vandale attend encore le grand amour. Celui qui décoiffe, qui jette par terre, qui fait peur et qui rend fou. «C'est pas en passant tout ton temps avec trois gars que tu vas le trouver, en tout cas!» lui répète sa mère. C'est que Marine, son ex Laurent, son coloc Jeff...
Book cover of Bala perdida

Bala perdida

A violência policial no Brasil e os desafios para sua superação

by Bernardo Kucinski, Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker, Coronel Íbis Pereira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2015

A Boitempo Editorial, que completa 20 anos de atividade em 2015, publica em parceria com o portal Carta Maior a coletânea Bala perdida: a violência policial no Brasil e os desafios para sua superação, quarto volume da coleção Tinta Vermelha. Ao longo de 16 artigos, a obra incita o debate público...
Book cover of Affect-Language Interactions in Native and Non-Native English Speakers
by Rafał Jończyk
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2016

This volume provides an up-to-date and evaluative review of theoretical and empirical stances on emotion and its close interaction with language and cognition in monolingual and bilingual individuals. Importantly, it presents a novel methodological approach that takes into account contextual information...
Book cover of High Pressure Technologies in Biomass Conversion
by Ana Matias, Manuel Nunes da Ponte, Jeremy Luterbacher
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

In recent years carbon dioxide has played an increasingly important role in biomass processing. This book presents the state-of-the-art of a range of diverse approaches for the use of carbon dioxide in biomass valorisation. The book explores cutting-edge research and important advances in green high-pressure...
Book cover of Advanced Spanish Academy Coaching

Advanced Spanish Academy Coaching

120 Technical, Tactical and Conditioning Practices from Top Spanish Coaches

by David Aznar, Rafa Juanes
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2014

Learn How To Coach The Spanish Academy Way! A Chance for You to Learn and Use the same sessionsfrom the Professional Academy Coaches ofVillarreal, Real Madrid and Spanish Football Federation This incredible book IN FULL COLOUR contains Spanish coaching philosophies as well as 120 practices...
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