Raffaella: 90 books

Book cover of Histoires de princesses
by Raffaella
Language: French
Release Date: July 10, 2015

Trois jolies histoires de princesses, charmantes, coquettes et malicieuses, pour partager avec son bébé le plaisir des premières lectures.
Book cover of Jolis contes de Perrault
by Raffaella
Language: French
Release Date: November 7, 2017

La Belle au bois dormant, Cendrillon, Le Petit chaperon rouge, Le Chat botté, Peau d’Âne, Barbe Bleue.Six contes traditionnels, magnifiquement illustrés, à lire et à relire avec les petits.
Book cover of Jolis contes du monde entier
by Raffaella
Language: French
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Baba Yaga - Le tigre, le brahmane et le chacal - Le vieillard qui faisait fleurir les arbres - Marama et la rivière aux crocodiles - Aladin et la lampe merveilleuse - Le bon génie du lac. Six contes traditionnels, magnifiquement illustrés, à lire et à relire avec les petits.
Book cover of Jolis contes d’ogres et de petits enfants à déguster
by Raffaella
Language: French
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Jack et le haricot magique, L’oranger et l’abeille, Hansel et Gretel, Barbe Bleue, Le Chat Botté, Le Petit Poucet. Six contes traditionnels, magnifiquement illustrés, à lire et à relire avec les petits.
Book cover of Jolis contes de loups et de petits enfants à croquer
by Raffaella
Language: French
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Un très bel album pour (re)découvrir tous les contes traditionnels qui parlent du... loup ! Ouh ! Du Petit chaperon rouge aux Trois Petits Cochons, en passant par le Loup affamé, Le Loup et les sept chevreaux, le Vieux Chien et le loup et le Loup et le renard qui allèrent à la pêche : six contes magnifiquement illustrés, à lire et à relire avec les petits.
Book cover of An Oasis City
by Roger S. Bagnall, Nicola Aravecchia, Raffaella Cribiore
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Scattered through the vast expanse of stone and sand that makes up Egypt’s Western Desert are several oases. These islands of green in the midst of the Sahara owe their existence to springs and wells drawing on ancient aquifers. In antiquity, as today, they supported agricultural communities, going...
Book cover of Innovation, Democracy and Efficiency

Innovation, Democracy and Efficiency

Exploring the Innovation Puzzle within the European Union’s Regional Development Policies

by Francesco Grillo, Raffaella Y. Nanetti
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Endogenous growth theory has significantly impacted most of the developing and developed countries, shifting priorities of industrial policies towards innovation. In line with this trend, the European Union significantly increased its budgetary allocation for R&D. However, statistical data show...
Book cover of Delivering Energy for Development eBook

Delivering Energy for Development eBook

Models for achieving energy access for the world’s poor

by Raffaella Bellanca, Dr Ewan Bloomfield, Kavita Rai
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Access to modern energy services remains low or non-existent for approximately 2.8 billion of the world’s population. Energy practitioners are facing the challenge of delivering access to modern energy services where poverty and lack of infrastructure makes it most difficult. Rising awareness about...
Book cover of Lezioni di psicologia generale per le professioni sanitarie
by Raffaella Manzo
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2014

“Non un manuale, ma una guida di supporto allo studio, fornendo, attraverso uno sforzo di sintesi, una serie di strumenti concettuali di base propri della psicologia generale… Ciascun capitolo è corredato di schede di approfondimento, test di autoverifica con soluzioni e brevi commenti… accompagnati...
Book cover of Stenografia Facile. Come Arrivare a Scrivere 180 Parole al Minuto a Mano Libera. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Raffaella Fenoglio
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Stenografia Facile Come Arrivare a Scrivere 180 Parole al Minuto a Mano Libera COME APPRENDERE LE BASI DELLA STENOGRAFIA L'importanza di esercitarti a riprodurre i segni. Come evitare di fissarti su una grafia errata. Il segreto per rendere più veloce la tua scrittura. COME...
Book cover of The Court Artist in Seventeenth-Century Italy
by Elena Fumagalli, Raffaella Morselli
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2015

Up to now the theme of the artist in the service of Italian courts has been examined in various studies focused mostly on the High Renaissance, as though the phenomenon was relevant only to the XV and XVI centuries. It actually lasted much longer, spanning the whole longue durée of the lives of the...
Book cover of Making Democracy Work

Making Democracy Work

Civic Traditions in Modern Italy

by Robert D. Putnam, Robert Leonardi, Raffaella Y. Nanetti
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 1994

Why do some democratic governments succeed and others fail? In a book that has received attention from policymakers and civic activists in America and around the world, Robert Putnam and his collaborators offer empirical evidence for the importance of "civic community" in developing successful institutions....
Book cover of Il narcisismo: storia, teoria, clinica
by Giorgio, Caviglia, Raffaella
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2015

l libro analizza il ruolo del narcisismo nei suoi aspetti normali e patologici: considerato dapprima nella sua dimensione di normalità, successivamente è affrontato il narcisismo patologico, che nasconde, invece, la fuga dal vero amare. Quest’ultima forma di narcisismo nasconde la carenza affettiva...
Book cover of L'altra modernità nella cultura architettonica del XX Secolo
by Raffaella Catini, Francesco Cervellini, Elena Ippoliti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 21, 2015

Vi sono più modi di intendere la modernità ed è già stato scritto come il "ripensare la modernità" abbia portato a sviluppare il concetto che nella cultura dominante nell'Occidente del XX secolo non ne esiste una unica. Già il Congresso del 2007 aveva fatto il punto sullo stato degli...
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