Rainbow Rainbow: 131 books

Book cover of Eleanor & Park
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 5, 2015

Eleanor en Park zijn slim genoeg om te weten dat een eerste liefde bijna nooit voor eeuwig duurt, maar moedig en wanhopig genoeg om het een kans te geven. Het prachtige en tijdloze liefdesverhaal van twee buitenbeentjes tijdens een schooljaar in 1986. Eleanor en Park zijn personages bij wie...
Book cover of Fangirl
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: June 4, 2014

Cath is fan van Simon Snow, maar zo zijn er wel meer. Het enige verschil is dat een Simon Snow-fan zijn voor Cath net zo veel betekent als kunnen ademen voor de rest van de mensheid. Als Cath niet over Simon Snow leest, in boeken waarin hij de hoofdpersoon is of op forums, dan schrijft ze fanfictie...
Book cover of Klik
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 7, 2017

Beth en Jennifer weten dat het niet toegestaan is om hun werkmail te gebruiken voor persoonlijke berichten. Ze proberen zich daaraan te houden, maar ze zijn beste vriendinnen, dus dat lukt niet al te best. Hun mailwisselingen staan vol met persoonlijke verhalen en goede grappen. Als IT-medewerker...
Book cover of Verkeerd verbonden
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 5, 2016

Georgie McCool weet dat het niet goed gaat met haar huwelijk. Vlak voordat ze moet vertrekken naar het vliegveld om Kerstmis te vieren haar schoonfamilie, vertelt Georgie dat ze niet meer mee kan. Er is een grote kans opgedoken op haar werk, als ze die wil grijpen kan ze nu echt niet weg uit Los Angeles....
Book cover of Carry On

Carry On

De opkomst en ondergang van Simon Snow

by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Simon Snow wil gewoon relaxen en genieten van zijn laatste jaar op de Watford School of Magicks, maar iedereen valt hem lastig. Zijn vriendin heeft het uitgemaakt, zijn beste vriend is een plaaggeest, en zijn mentor probeert hem in de bergen te verstoppen, waar hij misschien veilig zal zijn. Simon...
Book cover of English Russian Norwegian Bible No2

English Russian Norwegian Bible No2

World English 2000 - Синодольный Перевод 1876 - Bibelen 1930

by TruthBeTold Ministry, Rainbow Missions, Det Norske Bibelselskap
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and Синодольный перевод 1876 and Bibelen (1930) translation. It has 210,908 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes World English Bible and Синодольный перевод and Bibelen formatted in a read...
Book cover of World English Bible 2000 - TTS

World English Bible 2000 - TTS

Text To Speech Friendly

by TruthBeTold Ministry, Rainbow Missions
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2017

This publication contains World English Bible (2000) translation. It has 4,876 references and shows 1 formats of The Bible. It includes a fullcopy of the World English Bible, built for text-to-speech (tts) so your device can read The Bible out loud to you. How the Bible-navigation works: A...
Book cover of Fangirl
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 13, 2016

Cath ama os seus livros e a sua família. Haverá espaço para mais alguém? Todo o mundo é fã dos livros de Simon Snow. Mas Cath vai mais longe: ser fã desses livros tornou-se a sua vida. Ela e a sua irmã gémea, Wren, refugiaram-se na obra de Simon Snow quando eram miúdas, e na verdade foi isso...
Book cover of Eleanor e Park
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 10, 2015

Dois inadaptados. Um amor extraordinário. Eleanor é uma miúda nova na escola, vinda de outra cidade. A sua vida familiar é um caos; sendo gorda e ruiva, e com a sua forma esquisita de se vestir, atrai a atenção de todos em seu redor, nem sempre pelos melhores motivos. Park é um rapaz meio coreano....
Book cover of Fangirl
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 18, 2014

Cath é fã da série de livros Simon Snow. Ok. Todo mundo é fã de Simon Snow, mas para Cath, ser fã é sua vida – e ela é realmente boa nisso. Vive lendo e relendo a série; está sempre antenada aos fóruns; escreve uma fanfic de sucesso; e até se veste igual aos personagens na estreia de...
Book cover of Ligações
by Rainbow Rowell
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 23, 2015

GEORGIE MCCOOL sabe que seu casamento está estagnado. Tem sido assim por um bom tempo. Ela ainda ama seu marido, Neal, e ele também a ama, profundamente – mas o relacionamento entre eles parece estar em segundo plano a essa altura. Talvez sempre esteve em segundo plano. Dois dias antes da tão...
Book cover of Working with Dysphagia
by Lizzy Marks, Deirdre Rainbow
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

This practical text is indispensable to all clinicians working with dysphagia and is suitable for those involved in a range of settings and with a diversity of client groups. With its perspective on everyday working practice, "Working with Dysphagia" fills a gap in an area where practical...
Book cover of English Vietnamese Bible

English Vietnamese Bible

World English 2000 - Vietnamese 1934

by TruthBeTold Ministry, Joern Andre Halseth, Rainbow Missions
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2017

This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and Vietnamese Bible (1934) translation. It has 173,772 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes World English Bible and Vietnamese Bible formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you...
Book cover of English Tagalog Bible No2

English Tagalog Bible No2

World English 2000 - Ang Biblia 1905

by TruthBeTold Ministry, Rainbow Missions
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2017

This publication contains World English Bible (2000) and Ang Biblia (1905) translation. It has 173,772 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible. It includes World English Bible and Ang Biblia formatted in a read and navigation friendly format, or the Navi-format for short. Here you will find each...
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