Ralf: 512 books

Book cover of Building on Air

Building on Air

The International Industrial Gases Industry, 1886–2006

by Raymond G. Stokes, Ralf Banken
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

The industrial gases industry originated in 1886, when a London-based company began producing high-purity oxygen. Initially, purified oxygen was a solution in search of a problem, but demand for it soared early in the twentieth century with the emergence of welding technology. By then, dramatic technological...
Book cover of The EU's Northern Dimension - rich in rhetoric, poor in substance?
by Ralf Segeth
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2002

Diploma Thesis from the year 2002 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: very good, London School of Economics (European Institute), 24 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: It has been maintained that the European Union can best be considered...
Book cover of Labour Market Efficiency in the European Union

Labour Market Efficiency in the European Union

Employment Protection and Fixed Term Contracts

by Thomas Kruppe, Ralf Rogowski, Klaus Schömann
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 1998

The deregulation of labour law in the European Union was thought to be a spur to lasting growth of employment and an increase in labour market efficiency. This book reveals that the results of such policies have been far from those expected.This study provides a country by country overview of the legal regulations concerning employment protection a
Book cover of Flying Leap
by Ralf W. Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2012

Flying Leap is a book about many things. The main character embarks on a journey of discovery through an unusual circumstance, a conversation that questions everything and every thing. Through this process the protagonist and the reader find themselves looking at life anew. In the tradition of Daniel...
Book cover of The Great East Japan Earthquake and Its Impact on German Firms
by Ralf Bebenroth
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2013

This publication sheds light on how Japan-based German firms dealt with the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011. To gather data, a questionnaire was developed and sent out in April 2012 to 244 German subsidiaries based in the Kanto area, mainly in Tokyo, with replies...
Book cover of Internationalisation in Secondary Education in Europe

Internationalisation in Secondary Education in Europe

A European and International Orientation in Schools Policies, Theories and Research

by Henk Oonk, Ralf Maslowski, Greetje van der Werf
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

The scope of the book is an integrated discussion of several aspects of the internationalisation process in secondary education in Europe. The European and International Orientation (EIO) in education is dealt with from different national angles and theoretical visions, supported by recently conducted...
Book cover of Tonic
by Ralf Mohren
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 22, 2015

Arthur Poolman is alcoholist. Hij leeft in een wereld waarin drank de baas is. Het begint met de weekends: de teugels los, alle zorgen voor even vergeten. Maar het kan niet altijd vrijdagavond zijn. De werkweek schudt hem wakker, en steeds meer heeft hij diezelfde drank nodig om nog te kunnen functioneren...
Book cover of Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Saas-Fee Advanced Course 43. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy

by Nickolay Y. Gnedin, Simon C. O. Glover, Ralf S. Klessen
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2015

This book contains the elaborated and updated versions of the 24 lectures given at the 43rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course. Written by four eminent scientists in the field, the book reviews the physical processes related to star formation, starting from cosmological down to galactic scales. It presents...
Book cover of Why Literacy Matters: Understanding the Effects of Literacy Education for Adults
by Ralf St Clair
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2010

Why does reading and writing matter in modern societies? How do we know adult literacy education does any good? Why Literacy Matters pulls together a wide range of evidence to build a powerful and convincing argument about why literacy matters to all of us. St Clair explains that we can look at literacy...
Book cover of Das Haus Zamis 5 - Des Teufels Günstling
by Uwe Voehl, Susan Schwartz, Ralf Schuder
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Der Weg ins centro terrae, zum Mittelpunkt der Erde, ist frei. Doch im Zentrum selbst warten Schrecken auf Coco, wie sie noch nie ein Mensch oder Dämon erblickte. Wird es der jungen Hexe gelingen, den Magier Merlin zu befreien? Oder wird sie ein Opfer der Intrige, die hinter ihrem Rücken auf der...
Book cover of Das Haus Zamis 6 - Axinums Schattenheer
by Uwe Voehl, Susan Schwartz, Ralf Schuder
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2013

Cocos Bruder Georg Zamis ist verschollen, offenbar entführt durch Asmodi, der einen neuen Schlag gegen die Zamis-Sippe plant. Bei einem weiteren Angriff wird das Zamis-Kastell in Sizilien zerstört. Und während Coco einer Spur folgt, die sie zu Georg führen soll, schickt Asmodi seinen stärksten...
Book cover of Mords-Feste
by Uwe Voehl, Ralf Kramp, Carsten Sebastian Henn
Language: German
Release Date: May 31, 2017

Man muss die Leichen feiern, wie sie fallen! Die Eifel – Deutschlands mörderischster Landstrich ist auch die Heimat des wohl durchgeknalltesten Ermittler-Trios aller Zeiten: Omma Brock, Kaplan Florian Unkel und Kommissarin Coltella kämpfen für das Gesetz und sorgen für Chaos. Sie zertrampeln...
Book cover of Mords-Feste Band 2
by Uwe Voehl, Ralf Kramp, Carsten Sebastian Henn
Language: German
Release Date: July 10, 2017

Bei Mord fängt der Spaß an! Und wieder geht es mörderisch zu in der Eifel. Das schrägste Ermittlertrio aller Zeiten sorgt einmal mehr für Angst und Schrecken in Verbrecherkreisen und für Chaos und Verwirrung bei den ermittelnden Behörden. Wenn Omma Brock, Kaplan Florian Unkel und Kommissarin...
Book cover of Dorian Hunter 48 – Die Blutkirche
by Dario Vandis, Ralf Schuder, Uwe Voehl
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2014

In den Pyrenäen geht die Angst um unter den Menschen: Neugeborene verschwinden spurlos, und werdende Mütter kehren als Untote zurück. Dorian Hunter sucht das Zentrum des Schreckens auf und kommt einer ungeheuerlichen Verschwörung auf die Spur. Isbrant erschafft ein neues Asmoda - eine schwarze...
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