Ralph: 2093 books

Book cover of Ferrara on Insider Trading and The Wall
by Ralph C. Ferrara
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2019

This valuable book discusses the evolution of the law of insider trading and explores ways in which corporations can use compliance programs to deter wrongdoing, with particular attention to multiservice financial institutions. Ferrara on Insider Trading and The Wall demonstrates how such firms can...
Book cover of A Guide for Leaders in Higher Education

A Guide for Leaders in Higher Education

Core Concepts, Competencies, and Tools

by Brent D. Ruben, Richard De Lisi, Ralph A. Gigliotti
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2016

At a time when higher education faces the unprecedented challenges of declining revenues and increased scrutiny, questions about access, cost, and the value of degrees, and the imperative to educate a more diverse student body, there is an urgent need for leadership that is conversant with, and able...
Book cover of A Template for Analyzing and Projecting Labor Market Indicators
by Ralph Mr. Chami
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2012

This note is a reference guide for the unemployment template, an econometric tool that allows researchers to analyze and project labor market indicators for any country with sufficient data coverage. Section I explains the motivation behind designing a new surveillance tool to study labor markets,...
Book cover of Tipps für schlaue Fondsanleger

Tipps für schlaue Fondsanleger

Wenn ich das nur früher gewusst hätte

by Ralph Fütterer
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Anlagefonds, ein interessantes Anlageprodukt für Investorinnen und Investoren – also für Sie. - Dieser Ratgeber hilft Ihnen, ohne große Kenntnisse der Finanzmärkte, zukünftig bessere Anlageentscheidungen zu treffen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen gut gemanagten Anlagefonds aus einer Anlagekategorie...
Book cover of Bilanzkennziffern im Bilanztableau
by Ralph Altherr
Language: German
Release Date: April 18, 2012

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Bilanz eines Unternehmens gliedert sich nach § 266 HGB in eine Aktiv- und eine Passivseite. Für Analysezwecke lassen sich hieraus vier Grundkonzeptionen von...
Book cover of The Eight Principles of Doing Business with Collaboration in the Earth

The Eight Principles of Doing Business with Collaboration in the Earth

Benefit Uniqueness Strategy Innovation Necessity Execution Success Sustainability

by Ralph S. Collymore
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2015

This book should be read by sole proprietors, LLCs. Private corporations, public corporations, SMEs, NGOs, church leaders, and leaders of nations. This book is timely for our world that is going through perilous times. The title of the book is The Eight Principles of Doing Business with Collaboration...
Book cover of Vernetzung der Medienarbeit mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Schweizer Unternehmen
by Philip Ritschard, Thomas Gygax, Ralph Eli
Language: German
Release Date: January 17, 2006

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Public Relations, Werbung, Marketing, Social Media, Note: sehr gut, Berner Fachhochschule, Veranstaltung: Marketing und Kommunikation, 8 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Für Unternehmen ist es aufgrund...
Book cover of Debating the Origins of the Cold War

Debating the Origins of the Cold War

American and Russian Perspectives

by Ralph B. Levering, Vladimir O. Pechatnov, Verena Botzenhart-Viehe
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2002

Debating the Origins of the Cold War examines the coming of the Cold War through Americans' and Russians' contrasting perspectives and actions. In two engaging essays, the authors demonstrate that a huge gap existed between the democratic, capitalist, and global vision of the post-World War II peace...
Book cover of The Gotti Tapes
by Ralph Blumenthal
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2012

The author of Last Days of the Sicilians presents a look into the Mafia in the tradition of Wiseguy and Boss of Bosses. Culled from years of wiretapping, here are the unexpurgated FBI tapes of mobster John Gotti, which reveal in detail how he and his crew commanded the most powerful organized crime...
Book cover of Macroeconomic Consequences of Remittances
by Connel Fullenkamp, Thomas Mr. Cosimano, Michael Gapen
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2008

Given the large size of aggregate remittance flows (billions of dollars annually), they should be expected to have significant macroeconomic effects on the economies that receive them. This paper directly addresses the two main issues of interest to policymakers with regard to remittances--how to...
Book cover of Germany After Capitalism

Germany After Capitalism

New Democracy - Old Principles: the Wagenknecht-Doctrine

by Ralph T. Niemeyer
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2012

In 1989 hard core Stalinists overnight became the best ever imaginable capitalists who managed to privatise the entire economy in Eastern Europe. Nowadays, we observe how the Masters of the Universe suddenly become anti-globalisation activists raising the question whether we shall trust the populist...
Book cover of Detection Theory

Detection Theory

Applications and Digital Signal Processing

by Ralph D. Hippenstiel
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Using simplified notation and a practical approach, Detection Theory: Applications and Digital Signal Processing introduces the principles of detection theory, the necessary mathematics, and basic signal processing methods along with some recently developed statistical techniques. Throughout the book,...
Book cover of Yammer Starter
by Ralph Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2006

This book is an introduction to Yammer which uses simple but enjoyable terms, informing you how to get the best out of Yammer while enjoying the process. The "Yammer Starter Guide" and Yammer itself requires very little advance knowledge. Most of us have already posted something, sometime...
Book cover of Leading for a Change
by Ralph D. Jacobson
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2012

Bringing together the best practices of many of the most highly respected organizational thinkers shaping the future landscape of business, Leading for a Change finally answers the question of how to make leadership success a reality. This book is relevant for all leaders within the organization-from...
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