Reina: 108 books

Book cover of Het lied der seizoenen
by Margreet Crispijn, Reina Crispijn
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 1, 2012

De Tweede Wereldoorlog heeft grote gevolgen voor de gezinnen van twee zussen Berna en Jantine. Berna woont met haar man Antheun Gerlach en kinderen op De Karmelhof, een grote boerderij. Als haar dochter Fanny met de kleine Debora plotseling uit Duitsland thuis komt, besluiten ze haar te laten doorgaan...
Book cover of A Gentleman's Daughter: Her Love

A Gentleman's Daughter: Her Love

A Gentleman's Daughter, #3

by Reina M. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2018

Jack Brightwell is home. For years, he's distanced himself from his only love, and sought justice for his murdered shipmates. Now he must take his place as heir to his family's estate, a position he did not think to find himself in. And his mama, the only family he has left, urges him to marry. When...
Book cover of Misunderstood: A Pride and Prejudice Novella
by Reina M. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2017

Miss Maria Lucas, after jilting her fiancé, has traveled to Pemberley for the Christmas season. She hopes her visit to childhood friends Kitty and Lizzy will ease the discomfort she’s felt at home after disappointing her parents’ plans for her marriage. But she could not marry the man they chose—there...
Book cover of Love at Pemberley

Love at Pemberley

Love at Pemberley

by Reina M. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2018

Find love at Pemberley in four sweet novellas continuing the beloved story of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In Most Truly, Kitty Bennet meets Colonel Fitzwilliam, who is most truly a gentleman, and truly knows he wants Kitty for his wife. Then Miss Darcy Decides for herself whether Sir Camden...
Book cover of Rancho Valle: Jane Austen in California
by Reina M. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2018

Take an Austenesque trip to California! Love finds the residents of Rancho Valle, a small "country village" in the heart of modern Sonoma County where hearts are as gold as the California hills, and people care for each other--with a little gossip from the town vines and meddling from the...
Book cover of The Master of the Good Name

The Master of the Good Name

A Novel of the 18Th Century

by Reina, John Menken
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

In the words of Elie Wiesel: The man who left his mark on so many survivors of so many massacres in Central and Eastern Europe, the leader who not only made survival imperative but possible, the Master who gave to despairing communities, managedwe shall never know howto disappear without leaving the...
Book cover of The Torch Bearer
by Reina Melcher Marquis
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

Peter Burnett stood on the top-most of the broad white steps leading to the “Shadyville Seminary for Young Ladies. ” He had just closed the door of that sacred institution behind him, and with a sigh of relief which was incompatible with the honors of his professorship. But Peter had never duly valued...
Book cover of El misterio de la casa abandonada

El misterio de la casa abandonada

¡Elige entre 15 posibles finales!

by Andrés Reina
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 8, 2015

¡El primer libro de aventuras para niños y adolescentes donde tú eres el verdadero protagonista! En esta oportunidad tu tío, un detective que trabaja para la policía de tu ciudad, te invita a participar en una investigación relacionada con extraños sucesos que están ocurriendo en las cercanías...
Book cover of Upton All Night (The Complete Series)
by Reina Stowe
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2014

Six erotic romance short stories about men and women looking for love and lust in the city of Upton.  OPEN ME: Sabrina and Jonathan are co-owners of a commercial photography studio and they are going through a dry spell - creatively, financially and sexually. When they receive three boxes...
Book cover of Greenwebeconomics
by Davide Reina, Silvia Vianello
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 13, 2011

Mentre i media continuano a guardare alla vecchia economia delle grandi banche e delle multinazionali globalizzate, c'è una nuova economia che si sta diffondendo attraverso la rete globale di internet, che si ispira al principio green del fare il massimo utilizzando il minimo e che è già leader...
Book cover of 30 Días con Dios

30 Días con Dios

Lecturas diarias que te fortalecerán y te acercarán al Padre

by Andrés Reina
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 2, 2016

Este es un libro devocional. El mismo contiene algunas de las reflexiones que ya se han enviado por correo electrónico a miles de personas alrededor del mundo desde el año 2004. Podrás usar este libro para aprender más de Dios y enamorarte cada día más de Jesús. A medida que vayas leyendo...
Book cover of El misterio de la casa abandonada
by Andres Reina
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 7, 2014

¡El primer libro de aventuras para niños y adolescentes donde tú eres el verdadero protagonista! En esta oportunidad tu tío, un detective que trabaja para la policía de tu ciudad, te invita a participar en una investigación relacionada con extraños sucesos que están ocurriendo en las...
Book cover of Het winterschilderij
by Reina Crispijn
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 6, 2012

Ingeborg van Wijngaarden groeit op als een wereldvreemd, eenzaam meisje. Ze is enig kind en als ze veertien jaar is, vertrekt haar vader naar een booreiland. Dan is ze overgeleverd aan haar moeder, die niet van haar kan houden. Ingeborg vlucht in de kunst. Kunst en klassieke muziek, daaraan houdt...
Book cover of Bonbons voor een gebroken hart
by Reina Crispijn
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 17, 2012

Fotomodel Lottemarie Mazurel krijgt op kerstavond een auto - ongeluk. Daardoor verliest ze haar baan, haar vriend en haar hartsvriendin. Na haar herstel reageert ze, op aanraden van haar grootmoeder, op een vreemde advertentie en komt ze terecht bij een rasechte Amsterdamse familie. Door het winnen...
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