Renner: 105 books

Book cover of Tenafly
by Alice Renner Rigney, Paul J. Stefanowicz
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2009

In the mid-19th century, Tenafly was a small Dutch-settled farming community located along the Hudson River, west of the Palisades. Once the railroad started running through the village around 1860, Tenafly developed into an attractive growing neighborhood as well as a summer retreat for wealthy professionals....
Book cover of Battlespace 1865

Battlespace 1865

Archaeology of the Landscapes, Strategies, and Tactics of the North Platte Campaign, Nebraska

by Douglas D. Scott, Peter Bleed, Amanda Renner
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2016

For a period of about week in February 1865, as the Civil War was winding down and Plains Indian communities were reeling in the wake of the Sand Creek massacre, combat swept across the Nebraska panhandle, especially along the Platte River. The fighting that marked this event barely compares to the...
Book cover of Reflections in Rhyme

Reflections in Rhyme

An Everyman's Life, as Told Through Poetry

by Edward W. Renner
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2008

This book is written by an Everyman, a person who has traveled through the ups and downs of life, with his eyes wide open and his heart exposed. The eyes have seen too much. The heart has taken a few hits. It started with a poem. One poem reflecting a single thought. Then a second and a third and...
Book cover of Linke und Nation

Linke und Nation

Klassische Texte zu einer brisanten Frage

by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, August Bebel
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2016

Die Linke war und ist stolz darauf, internationalistisch zu sein. Ihr Leitspruch war immer "Proletarier aller Ländern, vereinigt Euch!? Und doch stritten Linke auch darum, ob und wie nationale Befreiungskämpfe zu unterstützen seien, ob die Einheit der Nation auch ihr Anliegen sein dürfe....
Book cover of Russia and Its Northeast Asian Neighbors

Russia and Its Northeast Asian Neighbors

China, Japan, and Korea, 1858–1945

by Masafumi Asada, Shinichi Fumoto, Yoshiro Ikeda
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2016

As a result of the Aigun (1858) and Beijing Treaties (1860) Russia had become a participant in international relations of Northeast Asia, but historiography has underestimated the presence of Russia and the USSR in this region. This collection elucidates how Russia's expansion affected early Meiji...
Book cover of Vital Signs 1999-2000

Vital Signs 1999-2000

The Environmental Trends That Are Shaping Our Future

by Lester R. Brown, Michael Renner
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

This annual volume shows key trends that should be integrated into the planning of our global future. It enables readers to track key indicators that show social, economic and environmental progress, or the lack of it, into 45 vital signs of our time. Each trend is presented as an overview using both text and graphics.
Book cover of Vital Signs 2000-2001

Vital Signs 2000-2001

The Environmental Trends That Are Shaping Our Future

by Lester R. Brown, Michael Renner, Brian Halweil
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

This ninth annual edition of Vital Signs takes the world's pulse by compiling a wide-ranging collection of trends that identify both problems and progress in the quest for a sustainable society. It highlights both alarming situations and encouraging developments. Part One is a comprehensive presentation...
Book cover of Inst Of Private Law Ils 208
by Karl Renner, Otto Kahn-Freund, A. Schwarzschild
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

As relevant to today's debates about law and order and punishment as when they were published, titles in this set put forward the central principle that it is impossible to think about contemporary problems without thinking about society. Covering topics such as youth crime, legal aid, youth detention...
Book cover of Storm of Eagles

Storm of Eagles

The Greatest Aviation Photographs of World War II

by John Dibbs, Mr Kent Ramsey, Lt Col Robert "Cricket" Renner
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2017

Soaring high above the fields and cities of Europe and Asia as well as the vast expanse of the Pacific, Allied and Axis pilots engaged in a deadly battle for control of the skies in World War II. Whoever won the skies would win the war. Published in association with the National Museum of World War...
Book cover of 不費力的力量:順勢而為的管理藝術


Not Doing: The Art of Effortless Action

by 黛安娜‧雷納(Diana Renner), 史蒂文‧杜澤(Steven D’Souza), 林金源
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2019

倘若你必須費盡力氣使某件事情發生, 那麼也許生命對你另有安排。   「我越是匆忙,越是落後。」 「不間斷的會議,讓我窒息。」 「我在不同任務之間切換,因此很少獲得完成任何一件事的滿足感。每次的勝利都有苦澀的後遺症,因為我太累了,累到不想慶祝,只是接著去完成清單上的下一個任務。」 「拼命完成工作縱使能產生成果,但我們可能到達錯誤的目的地,或者一路上造成自己和別人不必要的痛苦和折磨。」     ■****生活如此忙碌,同時又如此空虛? 我們活在一個「搞定事情」「效能至上」的世界   面對變動的職場現實,讓人身陷過度的忙碌之中,感覺被逼到極限、精疲力竭,受困於複雜的計畫和工作場域的諸多要求。多數人掙扎求生,逆勢而為,最終導致壓力、焦慮全盤崩潰。   當我們發現自己正在艱困地逆流而行,不妨自問我們到底想做什麼?這麼做合乎自然嗎?我們是否使用不管用的方法?強迫自己朝不管用的方向推進。一旦我們停止掙扎,不再違抗潮流,不強迫、不控制,借力使力、甚至與阻力合作,順勢而為,新的選項便有可能浮現。如同河流從源頭流向海洋,我們將發現新的生活、新的工作和新的成功模式,而展開新的行動,找到對我們真正重要的東西。   ■****這是一本有助於將努力程度減至最低的一本書。 不要強推無法移動的物體,而要開始藉由「做」得更少,來成就更多事情。 ** **   ■本書內容與特色: ** ** 本書散發著商管書少見的詩意,書中想要傳達的概念被包裝在一篇篇可讀性極高的短小散文故事中,好像在與讀者談心一樣,讓人無所防備地吸收作者想傳達的經驗和洞見。...
Book cover of The Jacobins

The Jacobins

An Essay in the New History

by Karl Renner
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

The Jacobins were the most famous of the political clubs that fomented the French Revolution. Initially moderate, they are remembered mainly for instituting the Reign of Terror. Crane Brinton's The Jacobins was written in the 1930s, itself a decade of the violent centralization of unchecked political...
Book cover of Called by Many Names
by Margaret A. Renner
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2001

This text investigates the relationship of naming and being called by name to lived experience, and then reflects about and relates these experiences to a spiritual quest. These concepts unfold as a series of vignettes which entice and enhance but do not overshadow the elusive process. This elusive...
Book cover of Raising communicative competence in second language learning - the Blackpool Telos Project
by Sofie Renner
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2008

Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 3,0, University of Tubingen (Seminar für Englische Philologie), course: Hauptseminar Englische Linguistik, 12 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: 'Communication is understood...
Book cover of Wagons West to Montana
by Emma Jo Olson Heimark Renner
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

Two families break up their homes and travel from the east by wagon train across the open prairie to build a ranch in the wild open undeveloped range land not far from the mountains in western Montana. The long trip is tiresome uneventful travel at times with unexpected dangers along the way. When...
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