Ricard: 107 books

Book cover of Cerveau et méditation. Dialogue entre le bouddhisme et les neurosciences
by Matthieu Ricard, Wolf Singer
Language: French
Release Date: January 5, 2017

Huit années d'échanges entre deux esprits remarquables. Un dialogue approfondi entre les sciences contemplatives et les sciences modernes pour percer les mystères de l'esprit humain. Moine bouddhiste depuis quarante ans, Matthieu Ricard est un méditant chevronné, régulièrement sollicité par...
Book cover of En defensa del altruismo
by Matthieu Ricard
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 7, 2016

Tras el éxito de El arte de la meditación y En defensa de la felicidad, vuelve Matthieu Ricard con una de las obras más urgentes de nuestro tiempo: un completo tratado del altruismo como solución a la crisis personal y social que asola al individuo occidental. Ricard, asesor personal del Dalai...
Book cover of Formúla Barça

Formúla Barça

Der FC Barcelona und Pep Guardiola – eine Erfolgsgeschichte

by Ricard Torquemada, Jürgen Löhle
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Ricard Torquemada, geboren 1971 in Barcelona, hat einen, vor allem in den letzten Jahren, unglaublich schönen Beruf: Er ist bei Catalunya Radio dafür zuständig, ausschließlich über den FC Barcelona zu berichten. Dies macht er täglich, und er ist deshalb auch täglich auf Barças Trainingsgelände...
Book cover of Enlightened Vagabond

Enlightened Vagabond

The Life and Teachings of Patrul Rinpoche

by Matthieu Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2017

Colorful stories about and profound teachings of Patrul Rinpoche, one of the most impactful teachers and thinkers in the Tibetan tradition from the nineteenth century. The life and teachings of the wandering yogi Patrul Rinpoche—a highly revered Buddhist master and scholar of nineteenth-century...
Book cover of Journey to Enlightenment

Journey to Enlightenment

The Life of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

by Matthieu Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2016

An inspiring portrait of one of the great spiritual leaders of the twentieth century, this book follows Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in his travels to Tibet, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, revisiting important places from his past. His birthplace in eastern Tibet, the monastery of Shechen that he entered at...
Book cover of Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme

Plaidoyer pour l'altruisme

La Force de la bienveillance

by Matthieu RICARD
Language: French
Release Date: September 19, 2013

" Rien n'est plus puissant qu'une idée dont le temps est venu. " Victor Hugo Saturés d'images violentes, confrontés à un monde en crise où semblent régner le plus souvent individualisme et cynisme, nous n'imaginons pas l'importance et la force de la bienveillance : le pouvoir...
Book cover of L'Art de la méditation
by Matthieu RICARD
Language: French
Release Date: April 7, 2011

Si l'apprentissage de la méditation est un long chemin que même les plus grands sages suivent toute leur vie durant, un exercice quotidien peut déjà transformer notre regard sur nous-mêmes et sur le monde. Tel est le propos de cet essai très accessible, à la fois guide spirituel et philosophique...
Book cover of Le moine et le philosophe

Le moine et le philosophe

le bouddhisme aujourd'hui

by Matthieu RICARD, Jean-François REVEL
Language: French
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Une confrontation inédite entre l'Orient et l'Occident, entre deux cultures, deux visions de la vie, entre un père, philosophe, et son fils, moine bouddhiste. "Un livre exceptionnel, le meilleur sans doute que l'on puisse trouver aujourd'hui sur la vérité, mais aussi sur les difficultés...
Book cover of A Plea for the Animals

A Plea for the Animals

The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion

by Matthieu Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2016

Every cow just wants to be happy. Every chicken just wants to be free. Every bear, dog, or mouse experiences sorrow and feels pain as intensely as any of us humans do. In a compelling appeal to reason and human kindness, Matthieu Ricard here takes the arguments from his best-sellers Altruism and Happiness...
Book cover of Power and Care

Power and Care

Toward Balance for Our Common Future—Science, Society, and Spirituality

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Frans B. M. de Waal, Sarah B. Hrdy
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2019

Leading thinkers from a range of disciplines discuss the compatibility of power and care, in conversation with the Dalai Lama. For more than thirty years, the Dalai Lama has been in dialogue with thinkers from a range of disciplines, helping to support pathways for knowledge to increase human...
Book cover of UCT - Unité Combattante Trudaine
by Sylvain Ricard, Rica
Language: French
Release Date: September 16, 2015

« Le devoir de défense et de résistance n’est pas du seul domaine des mots ! » Paris, 1984. Depuis maintenant plusieurs années, les activistes radicaux d’« Action Directe », ou AD, font exploser des bombes et signent leurs attentats contre plusieurs symboles de l’impérialisme...
Book cover of The Monk and the Philosopher

The Monk and the Philosopher

A Father and Son Discuss the Meaning of Life

by Jean Francois Revel, Matthieu Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2011

Jean Francois-Revel, a pillar of French intellectual life in our time, became world famous for his challenges to both Communism and Christianity. Twenty-seven years ago, his son, Matthieu Ricard, gave up a promising career as a scientist to study Tibetan Buddhism -- not as a detached observer but...
Book cover of In Search of Wisdom

In Search of Wisdom

A Monk, a Philosopher, and a Psychiatrist on What Matters Most

by Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André, Alexandre Jollien
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2018

In Search of Wisdom is a book born of the friendship of three gifted teachers, exploring the universal human journey and our quest for meaning and understanding. This translation of the French bestseller brings readers an intimate, insightful, and wide-ranging conversation between Buddhist monk and...
Book cover of Beyond the Robe

Beyond the Robe

Science for Monks and All It Reveals about Tibetan Monks and Nuns

by Bobby Sager, Robert Thurman, Matthieu Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Twelve years ago, the Sager Family Foundation, the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, and the Dalai Lama's private office began a groundbreaking program called Science for Monks to teach Western science to Tibetan monks and nuns. Recently, Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama announced...
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