Ricard: 107 books

Book cover of Basic Chemometric Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy
by Jose Andrade-Garda, Joan Ferré-Baldrich, Alfredo Sanz Medel
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2015

The first edition of this book was a first book for atomic spectroscopists to present the basic principles of experimental designs, optimization and multivariate regression. Multivariate regression is a valuable statistical method for handling complex problems (such as spectral and chemical interferences)...
Book cover of Knowledge, Belief, and Character

Knowledge, Belief, and Character

Readings in Contemporary Virtue Epistemology

by Alvin Goldman, Ernest Sosa, Hilary Kornblith
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2000

There have been many books over the past decade, including outstanding collections of essays, on the topic of the ethical virtues and virtue-theoretic approaches in ethics. But the professional journals of philosophy have only recently seen a strong and growing interest in the intellectual virtues...
Book cover of Sacrée croissance !
by Marie-Monique ROBIN, Gaël GIRAUD, Matthieu RICARD
Language: French
Release Date: May 23, 2019

Nous sommes en 2034 : désormais journaliste et réalisatrice retraitée, Marie-Monique Robin rédige ce livre, qui raconte comment les humains ont réussi, vingt ans plus tôt, à éviter l'effondrement de leur civilisation. Cela grâce à un étonnant sursaut collectif survenu après la publication...
Book cover of Vers une société altruiste
by Matthieu Ricard, Tania Singer, Dalai-lama
Language: French
Release Date: April 16, 2015

Pouvons-nous rendre nos sociétés plus altruistes ? Pour répondre à cette question clé pour notre avenir, ce livre réunit, autour du Dalaï-lama, des scientifiques, des économistes et des acteurs sociaux de renommée mondiale. Pouvons-nous rendre nos sociétés plus altruistes ? Pour répondre...
Book cover of Pouvoir et altruisme
by Matthieu Ricard, Tania Singer
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Une conversation avec le Dalaï-Lama sur le grand défi du XXI e siècle : exercer le pouvoir avec bienveillance. Historiquement associée à la domination, l'instrumentalisation ou la souveraineté, la notion de pouvoir n'est pas neutre en Occident. Comme en témoignent les inégalités entre les...
Book cover of Integration and Resistance

Integration and Resistance

The Relation of Social Organisations, Global Capital, Governments and International Immigration in Spain and Portugal

by Ricard Morén-Alegret
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Integration is a key challenge facing modern society today. Integration and Resistance offers a new theoretical perspective for considering integration. By focusing on international immigrants and their organisations from a wider perspective the author demonstrates that the threat to social integration...
Book cover of Fiches brevet L'épreuve orale

Fiches brevet L'épreuve orale

pour réussir son exposé et l entretien

by Cécile Gaillard, Laure Pequignot-Grandjean, Gaëlle Perrot
Language: French
Release Date: January 9, 2019

Tous les outils pour préparer et réussir la nouvelle épreuve orale, que vous ayez choisi de présenter un objet d’étude en histoire des arts, votre stage en entreprise ou un projet EPI.   L’épreuve orale en 61 fiches claires et visuelles • Les méthodes clés  : – pour réussir son...
Book cover of West African Popular Theatre
by Karin Barber, John Collins, Alain Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 1997

"... a ground-breaking contribution to the field of African literature... " —Research in African Literatures "Anyone with the slightest interest in West African cultures, performance or theatre should immediately rush out and buy this book." —Leeds African Studies Bulletin "A seminal...
Book cover of Image Blending Techniques and their Application in Underwater Mosaicing
by Ricard Prados, Rafael Garcia, László Neumann
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2014

This work proposes strategies and solutions to tackle the problem of building photo-mosaics of very large underwater optical surveys, presenting contributions to the image preprocessing, enhancing and blending steps, and resulting in an improved visual quality of the final photo-mosaic. The text opens...
Book cover of François sans nom T01

François sans nom T01

Le Sculpteur et la Voleuse

by Sylvain Ricard, Runberg, Bianchini
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2013

Au sortir de la guerre de Cent Ans, sous le règne de Louis XI. François Sans Nom est un arpenteur des sentiers, un vagabond qui se déplace au gré des opportunités. On dit de lui qu'il serait le poète Villon, disparu depuis son exil forcé de Paris. François ne dément pas plus qu'il n'acquiesce....
Book cover of Love to Believe

Love to Believe

Fireflies ~ Book 2

by Lisa Ricard Claro
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2016

A woman in a man’s world… CPA Rebecca Walker wields a hammer and saw with skill, but it’s like fighting tooth and nail to prove to her chauvinistic father that she’s capable of managing the family construction business. Romance is a luxury Rebecca can’t afford. A man with...
Book cover of Biological Systems: Complexity and Artificial Life
by Jacques Ricard
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2014

The exponential increase in computing power in the late twentieth century has allowed researchers to gather, process and analyze large volumes of information and construct rational paradigms of systems. Life sciences are no exception and computing advances have led to the birth of fields such as functional...
Book cover of Retales del pasado

Retales del pasado

Antología de relatos históricos

by Javier Negrete, Teo Palacios, Carla Montero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 28, 2015

Tienes en tus manos una antología que nace con espíritu solidario. Diecinueve relatos históricos que abarcan diversos momentos y lugares. Diecinueve autores que pretenden poner su granito de arena; paliar, aunque solo sea un poco, el abandono institucional que sufre la cultura española. Un recorrido...
Book cover of 25 cuentos clásicos para leer en 5 minutos
by Ricard Zaplana Ruiz, Marc Donat Balcells
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 5, 2016

¿Quieres compartir un cuento conmigo? Tus personajes clásicos favoritos -y alguno más que pronto lo será- te invitan a disfrutar de 25 cuentos que duran 5 minutos, que es lo que tú tardas en quedarte dormido. Érase una vez... El patito bonito, Ricitos de oso, la ratita emperifollada... El...
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