Richard Daniel: 154 books

Book cover of Last Man Down

Last Man Down

A Firefighter's Story of Survival and Escape from the World Trade Center

by Richard Picciotto, Daniel Paisner
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2003

A first responder’s harrowing account of 9/11—the inspirational true story of an American hero who gave nearly everything for others during one of New York City’s darkest hours. On September 11, 2001, FDNY Battalion Chief Richard “Pitch” Picciotto answered the call heard around the...
Book cover of Transforming Undergraduate Education

Transforming Undergraduate Education

Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed

by Jann H. Adams, Jerzy Axer, Kenneth R. Bain
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

For those ready to participate in making transformative changes, Transforming Undergraduate Education provides evidence and case studies that suggest how steps can be taken and progress made. For those who are currently leading their campuses through a change in culture, this book offers support and...
Book cover of Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth

Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth

Developing Evidence-Based International Practice

by Hans Grietens, Erik Knorth, Richard Barth
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2014

Therapeutic Residential Care For Children and Youth takes a fresh look at therapeutic residential care as a powerful intervention in working with the most troubled children who need intensive support. Featuring contributions from distinguished international contributors, it critically examines...
Book cover of SHALLOW CREEK
by Nick Adams, Erik Bergstrom, Simon Billinton
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

This is the tale of a town on the fringes of fear, of ordinary people and everyday objects transformed by terror and madness, a microcosm of the world where nothing is ever quite what it seems. This is a world where the unreal is real, where the familiar and friendly lure and deceive. On the outskirts...
Book cover of Culture Matters in Russia—and Everywhere

Culture Matters in Russia—and Everywhere

Backdrop for the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

by Oscar Árias Sánchez, Miguel Basáñez, Marita Carballo
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2015

This collection of essays discusses modernization, democratization, and economic and political reforms in Russia and asserts that these reforms can be accomplished through the reframing of cultural values, attitudes, and institutions. The contributors—which include three Nobel Laureates—strive...
Book cover of Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion
by Mercedes Aguirre, Richard Buxton, Soteroula Constantinidou
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2010

Light and darkness played an important role beyond the division of time in ancient Greek myth and religion; the contributors to Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion consider its function on both the individual and social level as manifested in modes of thought and behavior and expressed...
Book cover of A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament
by Richard Belcher, John D. Currid, William B. Fullilove
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Read the Old Testament from a biblical-theological perspective. Featuring contributions from thirteen respected evangelical scholars, this gospel-centered introduction to the Old Testament will help anyone who teaches or studies Scripture to better see the initial outworking of God’s plan to redeem the world through Jesus Christ.
Book cover of La Femme dans la Voiture
by Richard Marsh, Charles Giraudeau (traducteur), Jean-Daniel Brèque (traducteur)
Language: French
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Londres, 14 mai, deux heures du matin. Le colonel Overton vient d'assister à un crime en plein Piccadilly Circus : une femme a poignardé un homme dans le dos puis s'est perdue dans la foule. Tout en l’écoutant, son ami John Baird remarque une luxueuse Rolls-Royce,...
Book cover of Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals
by Richard Feynman, Albert R Hibbs, Daniel F Styer
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2012

The developer of path integrals, Nobel Prize–winning physicist Richard Feynman, presents unique insights into this method and its applications. Feynman starts with an intuitive view of fundamental quantum mechanics, gradually introducing path integrals. Later chapters explore more advanced topics,...
Book cover of El líder resonante crea más

El líder resonante crea más

El poder de la inteligencia emocional

by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Tres prestigiosos especialistas, entre ellos el afamado autor de Inteligencia emocional**, analizan las claves alrededor de un buen liderazgo empresarial: el uso y aprovechamiento de las emociones, el arte de transmitir y lograr un equipo óptimo. Ideal para ejecutivos que anhelan una empresa pujante.** El...
Book cover of Deepest Red

Deepest Red

a Manchester United anthology

by Richard Kurt, Daniel Harris, Andy Mitten
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2013

Deepest Red is a collection of writing about the myth, madness, and glory that is Manchester United Edited by lifelong United fan, and journalist, Brian Foley, it brings together writers, bloggers and journalists to provide fresh insight into the club’s history, pinpointing the defining...
Book cover of 平靜的心,專注的大腦 : 禪修鍛鍊,如何改變身、心、大腦的科學與哲學

平靜的心,專注的大腦 : 禪修鍛鍊,如何改變身、心、大腦的科學與哲學

Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body

by 丹尼爾・高曼 Daniel Goleman、理查‧戴維森 Richard J. Davidson
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 30, 2018

一心多用的分心年代 禪修是拉回你的注意力、強化心智的過程 脫去其宗教性、神秘性,從腦科學研究驗證 你我都能更專注、更慈心、擁有持續改變人生的力量 現代EQ情緒之父X腦神經科學權威 這是即將改變你生命的一本書! 有一種方法讓你不必被隨時冒出的心念、被恐懼和憤怒等情緒所掌控 東方智慧的心靈修鍊,啟動深層的大腦變化   禪修、正念過去經常被拿來強調於減壓、加強人際關係、甚至增進工作生產力,但在其神秘的儀式或簡單的方法中,不乏一些誤解與過度誇大的神話。到底禪修、正念可以為我們做什麼?不能做什麼?   心理學家也是暢銷科普作家丹尼爾・高曼,在二十年前著書揭露EQ是決定個人成功、快樂與否的關鍵;二十年後,他與大腦╱情緒研究國際權威的神經科學家理查‧戴維森博士,在達賴喇嘛的鼓勵下,從倆人的禪修經驗出發,佐以大量的腦神經科學研究,萃取出禪修有益於廣大世界的價值,進一步提出禪修科學。 心腦相依,鍛鍊心就能訓練大腦   禪修真正的好處是增強腦部的神經可塑性,改變大腦的結構和功能,帶來長期深層正向的生命轉變,遠超越以往心理學所能想像   禪修能重塑大腦的四種主要神經迴路   1.焦慮煩躁惱人的反應系統—受到壓力並從中恢復的迴路   2.提升專注力的神經迴路—禪修的核心就是重新訓練我們的專注習慣,減少分心散漫   3...
Book cover of The Best Ghost Stories Ever Told
by Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Wilkie Collins
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2011

Tales of spooks and spirits that have taught generations of readers what it means to be afraid of the dark—by authors from H. G. Wells to Willa Cather.   Before movies, television, and teams of high-tech “ghost hunters” running around darkened houses, there was only one sure-fire way to scare...
Book cover of The Great English Short-Story Writers, Volume 1
by Robert Louis Stevenson, James Hogg, Washington Irving
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

The short-story commenced its career as a verbal utterance, or, as Robert Louis Stevenson puts it, with the first men who told their stories round the savage camp-fire.
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