Rivers: 505 books

Book cover of You're Greatest Quotes - Quick, Short, Medium Or Long Quotes. Find The Perfect You're Quotations For All Occasions - Spicing Up Letters, Speeches, And Everyday Conversations.
by Kayla Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2016

This book is the outcome of an idea, and the idea is very simple. It is that the best way to understand the dramatic transformation any idea can bring and to successfully bring ideas across, is to think of them as profound insights and moments of clarity often disguised as wit, captured in one single...
Book cover of Southern Gals
by Gail Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2017

Southern Gals takes place in Orangeburg, South Carolina, in the 1950s. Two cousins, Melinda (Me) and Lucinda (Ludie), are living with their Aunt Ant (Antonia) and their Uncle B (Robert). They share a two-bedroom wooden house, which contains a wood stove, and they have a few animals. The farm is their...
Book cover of Lambs In Winter
by Ray Z Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2011

Life is full of promise when we’re young. We are the lambs that go through the seasons of life, from that early sunny spring until we have to face the icy winds of winter. That winter for Tony, his wife Katherine, and best friend Richard arrives just as the world is going through the greatest financial...
Book cover of Getting Back to Dawn
by Penelope Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2012

Don and Colton have always been together, but that is about to change… When Colton goes on a one month trip, he is murdered when trying to save a woman from a mugger. Don is devastated. He can’t imagine his life without Colton in it. He is so overwhelmed by grief that he cannot survive...
Book cover of The Barbarian & the Librarian

The Barbarian & the Librarian

Twin Souls Trilogy, #2

by D.C. Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2016

Howard, distraught after being torn apart from Alita, joins the outlaws. With only a club as a weapon, he becomes known as the Barbarian as he strives to fight the royals to make sure no one else in the kingdom has to go through the pain he has suffered.In the meantime, an unknown girl with amnesia in...
Book cover of Prelude to Genocide: Incident in Erzerum
by Virginia Gavian Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

October 1895 brought suffering, violence and death to Armenians living in eastern Turkey, the historic homeland of Armenians. Set off by events in Constantinople in late September, the governments military and paramilitary troops tear through villages, towns, and cities where Armenians live....
Book cover of Leota's tuin
by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 20, 2014

Eens was de tuin van Leota een prachtige plek, waar bloemen bloeiden en hoop gedijde. Het was haar toevluchtsoord na de oorlog. Nu is de 84-jarige Leota alleen en haar tuin is verwoest. Al Leota's pogingen om zich met haar volwassen kinderen te verzoenen, zijn vruchteloos gebleken. Ze spreekt haar...
Book cover of Een echo in de duisternis
by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 29, 2013

Nadat de christelijke slavin Hadassah in het oude Rome door haar werkgeefster voor de leeuwen is gegooid, wordt ze, zwaar gewond, gered door een jonge arts. Hij verzorgt haar en ze herstelt van haar vele verwondingen. Ze wordt daarna zijn assistente en om de littekens in haar gezicht te verbergen...
Book cover of De onafwendbare dageraad
by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 16, 2013

De onafwendbare dageraad speelt zich af in het decadente oude Romeinse Rijk. De Germaanse krijger Atretes is een gevreesd gladiator. Zijn vrijheid, die hij tien jaar eerder op het slagveld in Germania had verloren, heeft hij door zijn woestheid en vastberadenheid in de arena herwonnen. Maar hij beleeft...
Book cover of Bevrijdende liefde
by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 23, 2012

Deze roman speelt zich af omstreeks 1850 in Californië. De om haar schoonheid geroemde Angel verwacht niets van mannen dan leugens, bedrog en geweld. Als jong meisje werd zij verkocht en misbruikt en later gedwongen als publieke vrouw haar lichaam te exploiteren. De enige kracht die Angel in staat...
Book cover of De profeet

De profeet

het verhaal van Amos de Boer uit Tekoa

by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 27, 2012

Het vierde deel in een serie van vijf over mannen in de Bijbel die een belangrijke plaats innamen in de geschiedenis van Israël. Getrouw aan de feiten zoals die in de Bijbel zijn vermeld, brengt de schrijfster mannen van lang geleden tot leven en laat zij ze spreken op een bijdetijdse en inspirerende...
Book cover of De laatste zondeneter
by Francine Rivers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 17, 2013

Cadi verlangt wanhopig naar vergeving. Kan de zondeneter haar die schenken? In de negentiende eeuw kwamen er zondeneters voor in Engeland, Schotland en Amerika. De zondeneter - zo geloofde men - kon alle zonden op zich nemen van iemand die net overleden was, zodat de overledene in het hiernamaals...
Book cover of The Wrong Wedding
by Maggie Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

Claire Marie Jones, a mild mannered grade school teacher, wakes up in a strange man’s bed and finds, with only three days to go before her upcoming wedding to her lifelong sweetheart, Ralph, she’s going to need a fast annulment.  The strange man is none other than Jack Wakefield,...
Book cover of The Architect
by Deke Rivers
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2016

A young Architect finds himself unexpectedly involved in Murder, Fraud, Identity Theft in the Development Industry in Los Angeles, California.
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