Robert Kolb: 28 books

Book cover of An Introduction to the Law of the United Nations
by Professor Robert Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2010

This work aims to fill a gap in the existing legal literature by presenting a compact, concise but nevertheless panoramic view of the law of the United Nations. Today the organisation is at the centre of all multilateral international relations and impossible to avoid. And of course the UN Charter...
Book cover of Martin Luther as He Lived and Breathed

Martin Luther as He Lived and Breathed

Recollections of the Reformer

by Robert Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2018

Luther's oft-recounted life made a profound impact on his contemporaries. Some revered him; some hated him. This volume provides a brief narrative of the unfolding events that took place from his birth to a young entrepreneurial family through his turbulent career as university professor and public...
Book cover of The International Law of State Responsibility
by Robert Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

This highly readable book examines the law of State responsibility, presenting it as a fundamental aspect of public international law. Covering the key aspects of the topic, it combines a clear overview with use of specific case studies in order to provide a deeper understanding.
Book cover of The Law of Treaties

The Law of Treaties

An Introduction

by Robert Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2016

Book cover of Theory of International Law
by Professor Robert Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2016

This book seeks to analyse various aspects of international law, the link being how they structure and marshal the different forces in the international legal order. It takes the following approaches to the matter. First, an attempt is made to determine the fundamental characteristics of international...
Book cover of Le statut de combattant dans les conflits armés non internationaux
by Gérard Aivo, Stéphane Doumbé-Billé, Robert Kolb
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2013

Avant les Conventions de Genève de 1949, seuls les conflits armés internationaux étaient réglementés par le droit de la guerre. Ce dernier ne pouvait s’appliquer dans les guerres civiles qu’après la reconnaissance des forces rebelles comme partie belligérante. Or, depuis la Seconde guerre...
Book cover of Die Konkordienformel. Eine Einführung in ihre Geschichte und Theologie
by Robert Kolb
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2011

aus dem amerikanischen Englisch übersetzt von Marianne Mühlenberg mit einer Einleitung von Thomas Kaufmann Als Melanchthon 1530 in der »Confessio Augustana« die zentralen Punkte der evangelisch-lutherischen Lehre unter dem Begriff des Bekenntnisses zusammenfasste, führte dies zur Formulierung...
Book cover of La bonne foi en droit international public

La bonne foi en droit international public

Contribution à l'étude des principes généraux de droit

by Robert Kolb
Language: French
Release Date: June 25, 2015

La question de la bonne foi repose sur des problèmes fondamentaux et permanents de chaque ordre juridique. Il faut distinguer ses diverses composantes. La bonne foi subjective a trait à l’ignorance d’un fait excusée par le droit. La bonne foi objective constitue un principe général de droit....
Book cover of Théorie du ius cogens international

Théorie du ius cogens international

Essai de relecture du concept

by Robert Kolb
Language: French
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Cette “Théorie du ius cogens international” tente d’élaborer les bases d’une réflexion approfondie et d’une reconstruction nouvelle de cette notion ayant atteint une importance considérable dans la pratique et le droit internationaux. Dans un premier temps, elle offre une revue méticuleuse...
Book cover of Contribution à l'étude du fonctionnement des organisation internationales pendant la guerre

Contribution à l'étude du fonctionnement des organisation internationales pendant la guerre

Le cas de la société des nations et de l'Organisation internationales du travail

by Victor–Yves Ghébali †, Robert Kolb
Language: French
Release Date: April 25, 2013

Cet ouvrage donne une réponse à différentes questions, en analysant très méticuleusement le fonctionnement de la Société des Nations et de l’Organisation internationale du travail lors de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale : – Comment les organisations internationales universelles sont-elles...
Book cover of Théorie du droit international
by Robert Kolb
Language: French
Release Date: February 19, 2013

Cette seconde édition de l’ouvrage Réflexions de philosophie du droit international rassemble une série de réflexions personnelles sur les points de droit international qui m’ont paru importants au fil des années d’étude de cette matière. Si ces points ne s’ordonnent pas en un système,...
Book cover of The Financial Crisis of Our Time
by Robert W. Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2011

In 2006 residential real estate prices peaked and started to fall, then threatened the world's financial institutions in 2007, and confronted the global economy with disaster in 2008. In the past few years, millions of people have lost very substantial portions of their wealth. And while the markets...
Book cover of The Natural Gas Revolution

The Natural Gas Revolution

At the Pivot of the World's Energy Future

by Robert W. Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2013

Robert W. Kolb reveals how new gas resources are transforming the global energy industry, redistributing economic and geopolitical power in stunning ways. Kolb’s The Natural Gas Revolution explains the new promise of natural gas to stimulate economies and enrich human life — and objectively assesses...
Book cover of Too Much Is Not Enough

Too Much Is Not Enough

Incentives in Executive Compensation

by Robert W. Kolb
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2012

The scholarly literature on executive compensation is vast. As such, this literature provides an unparalleled resource for studying the interaction between the setting of incentives (or the attempted setting of incentives) and the behavior that is actually adduced. From this literature, there are...
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