Robert Louis: 1244 books

Book cover of Underwoods
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2014

Of all my verse, like not a single line; But like my title, for it is not mine. That title from a better man I stole: Ah, how much better, had I stol'n the whole!
Book cover of Kidnapped
by Robert Louis Stevenson, Standard eBooks
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2018

Written in 1886, Kidnapped is an adventure novel set in Scotland in the mid-1700s, not long after the Jacobite rebellion in the Highlands which had attempted to set Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne. This rebellion was put down brutally and afterwards the Government imposed strict controls on Highlanders,...
Book cover of Lay Morals
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Records of a Family of Engineers
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2014

From the thirteenth century onwards, the name, under the various disguises of Stevinstoun, Stevensoun, Stevensonne, Stenesone, and Stewinsoune, spread across Scotland from the mouth of the Firth of Forth to the mouth of the Firth of Clyde.  Four times at least it occurs as a place-name. ...
Book cover of Dynamiter
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2014

Three broke, unemployed, English gentlemen speculate on becoming detectives and agree to each pursue the next adventure they come across. The novel follows each fellow's subsequent misfortune. The first adventure gives the impression the book is something of a mystery/thriller, but each man runs into the same group of people (anarchists).
Book cover of Across the Plains
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2013

“…one child, who had lost her parents, screamed steadily and with increasing shrillness, as though verging towards a fit; an official kept her by him, but no one else seemed so much as to remark her distress; and I am ashamed to say that I ran among the rest”. Across the plains describes Stevenson's...
Book cover of The Adventure Collection: Treasure Island, The Jungle Book, Gulliver's Travels, White Fang, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (A to Z Classics)
by Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2018

Contents : Treasure Island The Jungle Book Gulliver's Travels White Fang The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Book cover of Fables
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011 thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. AFTER the 32nd chapter of TREASURE ISLAND, two of the puppets strolled out to have a pipe before business should begin again, and met in an open place not far from the story.
Book cover of L’isola del tesoro
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 6, 2015

Quando ‘Il Capitano’ muore, lasciando nel proprio baule la mappa di un’isola dove sembra sia stato nascosto un favoloso tesoro, il dodicenne Jim Hawkins si imbarca con una ciurma non proprio onesta e affidabile, alla ricerca dell’isola. Inattesi ammutinamenti, pericolosi naufragi, fughe e...
Book cover of L'Isola del Tesoro
by Andrea Rauch, Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Sulla rotta di una mappa misteriosa, alla ricerca del leggendario forziere di Capitan Flint. L’avventura più amata della letteratura per ragazzi rivive nelle splendide tavole di Roberto Innocenti. Un racconto per immagini della storia del giovane Jim, del pirata Long John Silver, della goletta...
Book cover of Lo strano caso del dottor Jekyll e del signor Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 23, 2017

UNO DEI PILASTRI DELLA LETTERATURA FANTASTICA, IL ROMANZO CHE HA TERRORIZZATO GENERAZIONI DI LETTORI. UN VIAGGIO ATTRAVERSO LE PIÙ OSCURE E DEFORMI PROFONDITÀ DELL’INCONSCIO.   «In questo racconto la banalità diventa spaventosa, con un’alchimia di parole e rovesciamenti del normale che rendono...
Book cover of Lo strano caso del Dottor Jeckyll e Mister Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 24, 2013

l libro racconta la storia di un medico che, facendo degli studi sulla psiche umana, capisce che ogni individuo possiede una doppia natura, come due personalità contrapposte, una buona e una cattiva. Sulla base di questa vicenda, l’autore è portato a riflettere sulla perenne lotta tra il bene...
Book cover of L'isola del tesoro
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2013

L’avventura bussa alla porta della locanda dove lavora il giovane Jim Hawkins sotto le spoglie del capitano, un marinaio irascibile e malconcio, che nasconde un oscuro segreto. Quando quest’uomo misterioso muore, nel suo baule il ragazzo scopre la mappa di un’isola dove sembra che una banda...
Book cover of Il Signore di Ballantrae (The Master of Ballantrae)
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 15, 2012

Romanzo con scenario la Scozia che narra il dissidio tra due fratelli, uno buono e fedele al re, mentre l'altro cattivo e sostenitore dei ribelli. Libro in lingua originale inglese con traduzione in italiano.
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