Robert Stein: 36 books

Book cover of The Squam Lake Report

The Squam Lake Report

Fixing the Financial System

by Darrell Duffie, Kenneth R. French, Martin N. Baily
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2010

In the fall of 2008, fifteen of the world's leading economists--representing the broadest spectrum of economic opinion--gathered at New Hampshire's Squam Lake. Their goal: the mapping of a long-term plan for financial regulation reform. The Squam Lake Report distills the wealth of insights...
Book cover of World-Systems Theory in Practice

World-Systems Theory in Practice

Leadership, Production, and Exchange

by Rani T. Alexander, Gary M. Feinman, Andre Gunder Frank
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 1998

In the quarter century since Wallerstein first developed world systems theory (WST), scholars in a variety of disciplines have adopted the approach to explain intersocietal interaction on a grand scale. These essays bring to light archaeological data and analysis to show that many historic and prehistoric...
Book cover of Poetry into Song

Poetry into Song

Performance and Analysis of Lieder

by Deborah Stein, Robert Spillman
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2010

Focusing on the music of the great song composers--Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, and Strauss--Poetry Into Song offers a systematic introduction to the performance and analysis of Lieder . Part I, "The Language of Poetry," provides chapters on the themes and imagery of German Romanticism and the...
Book cover of Studies in Culture Contact

Studies in Culture Contact

Interaction, Culture Change, and Archaeology

by Kathleen Deagan, Prudence M. Rice, Robert L. Schuyler
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2015

People have long been fascinated about times in human history when different cultures and societies first came into contact with each other, how they reacted to that contact, and why it sometimes occurred peacefully and at other times was violent or catastrophic. Studies in Culture Contact:...
Book cover of Luke


An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture

by Robert A. Stein
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 1993

THE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY is for the minister or Bible student who wants to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features include:* commentary based on THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION;* the NIV text printed in the body of the commentary;* sound scholarly methodology that reflects capable...
Book cover of Die Rückkehr der Surfpoeten
by Ahne, Andreas Krenzke, Michael Stein
Language: German
Release Date: December 12, 2013

Achtung: die Surfpoeten sind zurück! Zurück in den Regalen der Buchhandlungen. Zurück in den Nylonbeuteln zwischen den Pausenbroten der Schichtarbeiter, zurück auf den traumfeuchten Nachttischen unzähliger Heranwachsender und auf studentischen Wohngemeinschaftstoiletten. Auf Wunschzetteln für...
Book cover of Scheiden tut weh

Scheiden tut weh

Elterliche Trennung aus Sicht der Väter und Jungen

by Gerhard Amendt, Martin Dinges, Frank Dammasch
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2013

Dieser Band setzt sich mit den Folgen von Trennung und Scheidung für Männer und Kinder – insbesondere aus Sicht der betroffenen Väter und Jungen – auseinander. Beziehungen sind für alle Menschen von grundlegender Bedeutung. Der Qualität des Miteinanders von Männern und Frauen sowie von Eltern...
Book cover of Read/Write Book

Read/Write Book

Le livre inscriptible

by Philippe Aigrain, Marin Dacos, Tim O'Reilly
Language: French
Release Date: March 3, 2010

En entrant dans l’ère de l’informatique en réseau, le livre devient inscriptible. Son développement ne suit plus la ligne droite de la traditionnelle chaîne du livre, mais se diffuse par ramifications réticulaires. Comme un oignon, il se pare de multiples couches d’informations, ajoutées...
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