Roman Plesky: 59 books

Book cover of Berlin Weekend Tour
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Berlin ist die Stadt aller Sprachen und Hautfarben, die Stadt der vielen kreativen und nützlichen Ideen und die Stadt des konservativen Starrsinns trotz des ewigen Wandels. Berlin kann urgemütlich sein aber auch total gestresst wirken. Die Architektur erinnert an eine grandiose und vielseitige Zirkus-Vorstellung...
Book cover of Fotobuch Cuba Auténtica
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2017

Kuba ist ein faszinierendes Land, das sich von den anderen Ländern in Lateinamerika stark unterscheidet. Viele, die an Kuba denken, haben spontan Zuckerrohr, Palmen, Salsa, Kaffee, Rum, Zigarren, Orchideen, Sonne und glassklares Wasser vor den Augen. Doch die Insel bietet weit mehr. Hier ist eine...
Book cover of Prag Weekend Tour
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2017

Klappentext:Prag – Hauptstadt der Tschechische Republik – die goldene Stadt – die Stadt der Hundert Türmer – und die Mutter aller Städte (Praga mater urbium). Das alles sind Attribute, die Prag im Laufe ihrer mehr als tausendjährigen Geschichte errungen und verdient hat. Aber Prag ist nicht...
Book cover of Fotobuch New York – Big Apple
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: December 22, 2017

Die Wahrnehmungen von New York schwanken zwischen Großstadt-Albtraum und Multi-Kultur-Paradies. New York ist so groß, dass wenn man eine Behauptung aufstellt, das genaue Gegenteil genauso gilt, wie die gestellte Behauptung. Die Stadt charakterisiert sich durch Ihre dynamische Veränderung. Reichtum...
Book cover of New York Weekend Tour
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Die Wahrnehmungen von New York schwanken zwischen Großstadt-Albtraum und Multi-Kultur-Paradies. New York ist so groß, dass wenn man eine Behauptung aufstellt, das genaue Gegenteil genauso gilt, wie die gestellte Behauptung. Die Stadt charakterisiert sich durch Ihre dynamische Veränderung. Reichtum...
Book cover of Alaska Kreuzfahrt - Fotobuch
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2017

Vor der pittoresken Kulisse der Küstenberge wirkt selbst ein riesiger Kreuzfahrtdampfer wie ein winziges Boot, das sich in eine Welt der Riesen verirrt hat. Das Schiff ist unterwegs aus Vancouver durch die Inside-Passage nach Whittier - Alaska. Richtung Norden, immer tiefer hinein in die dünn besiedelten...
Book cover of Photobook Santorin
by Roman Plesky
Language: German
Release Date: December 22, 2017

Santorini is a natural phenomenon of a special kind. Once a green and fertile island in the middle of an island ring, Santorini is perhaps "the lost city of Atlantis", reported by Plato. The big catastrophe about 3,600 years ago, as the island volcano Thera has exploded, has changed the...
Book cover of New York in 5 Days

New York in 5 Days

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2018

The perceptions of New York vary between metropolitan nightmare and multi-cultural paradise. New York is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely to be true and the opposite is probably equally true. The city is characterized by their dynamic change. Wealth and poverty live side by side,...
Book cover of Alaska Cruise Inside Passage

Alaska Cruise Inside Passage

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2018

Blurb: Against the picturesque backdrop of the coastal mountains, a giant cruise ship acts itself like a tiny boat that got lost in a world of giants. The ship is on the way from Vancouver through the Inside Passage to Whittier - Alaska. Northbound, deeper and deeper into the sparsely populated areas...
Book cover of Santorini in 5 Days

Santorini in 5 Days

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2018

To experience Santorini is a natural event, which will fascinate historians, geologists, seismologists, archaeologists or nature lovers, romantics and photographers similarly. Do you want to discover this natural phenomenon at close range? Do you want to go to the most beautiful places on the island?...
Book cover of Cuba Roundtrip

Cuba Roundtrip

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2018

Blurb: Cuba is a fascinating country that is very different from the other countries in Latin America. Many people who think of Cuba, spontaneously have sugar cane, palm trees, salsa, coffee, rum, cigars, orchids, sun and crystal clear water in front of their eyes. But the island offers much more....
Book cover of Thailand Roundtrip

Thailand Roundtrip

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2018

Blurb: Kingdom of Thailand is the tropical country with fantastic beaches and paradise islands, which arouses longing among many holidaymakers for sun and recreation. At the same time, the former Siamese empire is blessed with a wealth of particularly interesting and unique cultural monuments. Thailand...
Book cover of Nile Cruise Egypt

Nile Cruise Egypt

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2018

Blurb: FROM CAIRO TO ABU SIMBEL! A thousand years of ancient culture, breath-taking scenery, ancient monuments, beautiful beaches and a unique history make the "Country of Desert" Egypt a very special destination. Pyramids, temples, mysterious tombs of the pharaohs. The land on the Nile...
Book cover of Vienna in 5 Days

Vienna in 5 Days

A Photo Travel Guide to Photo Shot Spots Using Google Maps Locating

by Roman Plesky
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2018

To experience Vienna is a fascinating cultural event. Extraordinary architecture, large selection of museums and festival halls, numerous parks and green areas, events that fill the calendar plump and much more offers this beautiful city on the Danube. The variety of the attractions applies to all...
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