Rossi: 591 books

Book cover of Intimacy in Marriage
by Paolo Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2018

Having marital issues? If you were looking for a solution. It is quite likely you answered "yes" to this question. After some time a marriage could get stale and boring.   Wouldn't it be nice to find a solution to all these marital problems? I won't lie, some...
Book cover of Decoding 2012

Decoding 2012

Doom, Destiny, or Just Another Day?

by Melissa Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2011

December 21st, 2012. Will it be the end of the world? A new dawn for human civilization? Or are the predictions and prophecies all based on a series of misinterpretations, coincidences, and elaborate hoaxes? In this illustrated and comprehensive look at the science, history, legends, and recent discoveries...
Book cover of The Ship of Fools
by Cristina Peri Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: September 12, 2017

The Ship of Fools has established Cristina Peri Rossi, author of a dozen other books of poetry and prose, as a leading writer in Europe and Latin America. This is her most important work in English and is recognized as a modern classic. The Ship of Fools subverts and reinvents the novel form,...
Book cover of Kairós
by Padre Marcelo Rossi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 19, 2013

Quase três anos depois do lançamento de "Ágape", maior fenômeno editorial brasileiro, que teve seus direitos vendidos para mais de 30 países e adaptação para o público infantil, chega às livrarias "Kairós", o novo livro de Padre Marcelo Rossi. Os leitores que se emocionaram...
Book cover of Thoreauvian Modernities

Thoreauvian Modernities

Transatlantic Conversations on an American Icon

by Bruno Monfort, Christian Maul, David Dowling
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Does Thoreau belong to the past or to the future? Instead of canonizing him as a celebrant of “pure” nature apart from the corruption of civilization, the essays in Thoreauvian Modernities reveal edgier facets of his work—how Thoreau is able to unsettle as well as inspire and how he is able...
Book cover of Seeking More

Seeking More

A Catholic Lawyer's Guide Based on the Life and Writings of Saint Thomas More

by C. T. Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2017

CAN YOU BE A GOOD LAWYER AND STILL BE A GOOD CATHOLIC? The short answer is “yes.” But you can’t do it without understanding that being a lawyer is a special vocation — one that calls upon you to know how your Catholic faith intersects your professional life. In these times when developments...
Book cover of Filosofía y vocación

Filosofía y vocación

Seminario de filosofía moderna de José Gaos

by Alejandro Rossi, Emilio Uranga, Luis Villoro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Textos inéditos rescatados y analizados por Aurelia Valero —especialista en el pensamiento de Gaos— se reúnen en esta obra, producto de un fructífero seminario realizado en 1958 por José Gaos con sus discípulos Ricardo Guerra, Alejandro Rossi, Emilio Uranga y Luis Villoro, en el que las preocupaciones...
Book cover of Memories from the Heart

Memories from the Heart

Family, Love, and Survival

by Francie Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2013

Memories from the Heart: Family, Love, and Survival presents an inspiring collection of memories recalling author Francie Rossis life from birth to age seventeen. She describes her medical challenges in Helen Keller and I, considering her role as the eleventh of twelve children in her large, loving...
Book cover of A Communist Party in Action

A Communist Party in Action

An Account of the Organization and Operations in France

by A. Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2018

Recent events in the United States have shown the workings of little-known elements of the Communist Party, like the secret section whose members are unknown to the rank and file. All this and much more is explained in Rossi’s remarkable disclosure of the entire structure of the Communist Party...
Book cover of Philia: Derrote a depressão, a ansiedade, o medo e outros problemas aplicando o Philia em todas as áreas de sua vida
by Padre Marcelo Rossi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 24, 2015

Chegou o novo livro do Padre Marcelo Rossi Após o sucesso de Ágape e Kairós, com mais de 12 milhões de exemplares vendidos, Philia, com tiragem inicial de 500 mil exemplares, é baseado na experiência pessoal do Padre para derrotar a depressão, destacando a importância do amor fraterno...
Book cover of Ruah: quebrando os paradigmas de que gordura é saúde e magreza é doença
by Padre Marcelo Rossi
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 25, 2015

Ruah é uma palavra hebraica que significa vento, espírito, alento, hálito divino, sopro de vida. Com este sopro Deus deu à vida ao primeiro homem, feito a sua imagem e semelhança. Fomos criados no amor de Deus e ele colocou um pouco de seu sopro em cada um de nós, por isso, para que o Ruah que...
Book cover of Boho Braids

Boho Braids

40 Modern, Free-Spirited Hairstyles

by Heidi Marie Garrett, Katie Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Romantic, loose and messy (but in the nicest way!), and absolutely gorgeous, boho braids are everywhere-from celebrities on the red carpet to models on the runways, at music festivals, on fashion blogs, and in TV shows from Vikings to Game of Thrones. The look is modern, free-spirited, and fanciful,...
Book cover of Waking the Lion

Waking the Lion

Inside Writing (1984 to 2017)

by Mark Antony Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2018

American futurist poet and playwright Mark Antony Rossi has selected essays, notes and interviews from the past thirty three years of writing covering poetry, short fiction and drama. A short book of instruction and discovery meant to help fellow writers.
Book cover of Le fils de la sorcière

Le fils de la sorcière

Les Enkoutan - Episode 5

by Anne Rossi
Language: French
Release Date: December 16, 2013

Contrairement à sa sœur Hortense, Victoire a toujours eu besoin de sentir la mer sous le pont de son bateau, et de voir l’horizon ouvert à l’infini devant elle. Fille de pirate elle est, fille de pirate elle restera ! Aussi, face au refus obstiné de sa grand-mère, la terrible Ma Enkoutan,...
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