Rossi: 591 books

Book cover of A Separate Reality
by Selene Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2017

"A Separate Reality "is a novella or short story, which I value highly. It is about a woman who suffers from mood disorders, depression or existential emptiness typical in today's society. She experiences periods of so-called normality to periods of depression more or less accentuated, in...
Book cover of L'agire didattico

L'agire didattico

Manuale per l'insegnante

by Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 28, 2013

La didattica sta vivendo una nuova centralità: le trasformazioni del contesto socio-culturale, il protagonismo dei media digitali, i nuovi stili e ritmi di apprendimento dei più giovani, le esigenze di aggiornamento nelle professioni ne spiegano le ragioni. Questa centralità trova conferma nei...
Book cover of La robe rouge

La robe rouge

Les Enkoutan - Episode 2

by Anne Rossi
Language: French
Release Date: September 20, 2013

La vie de Marianne bascule en quelques minutes : de jeune fille de bonne famille voguant en direction des Caraïbes, elle devient la captive d’Olivier Enkoutan, un terrible pirate dont la réputation sanguinaire n’est plus à faire. Désormais prisonnière de ce bateau plein de bandits, elle ne...
Book cover of L'île sans trésor

L'île sans trésor

Les Enkoutan - Episode 3

by Anne Rossi
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2013

Femme indépendante et valeureuse capitaine d’un des navires appartenant à la terrible Ma Enkoutan, Isabelle a connu une ascension qui ferait pâlir d’envie n’importe quel pirate. Pourtant, sa situation n’est pas si enviable, car elle cache un secret qui, s’il était découvert, pourrait...
Book cover of Multilayer Social Networks
by Mark E. Dickison, Matteo Magnani, Luca Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2016

Multilayer networks, in particular multilayer social networks, where users belong to and interact on different networks at the same time, are an active research area in social network analysis, computer science, and physics. These networks have traditionally been studied within these separate research...
Book cover of Board Governance in Bank Foundations

Board Governance in Bank Foundations

The Italian Experience

by Chiara Leardini, Gina Rossi, Sara Moggi
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2014

 Bank foundations serve an important purpose in the Italian nonprofit sector. This book presents the legal grounds, areas of intervention, and basic tools involved in the asset management and grant-making activities that such organizations undertake. A special emphasis focuses on the analyses of...
Book cover of Economic and Financial Crises

Economic and Financial Crises

A New Macroeconomic Analysis

by A. Cencini, S. Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

This book deals with the structural origins of economic and financial crises. It explains that both economic theories and policies need to be grounded on a monetary macroeconomic analysis of the working of domestic and international economies. The volume outlines reform proposals to make sure that banking activities respect the nature of money.


Book cover of Oro


by Salvatore, Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Un relitto barbarico? No, l’oro si lega a un sentimento ancestrale: la fiducia che sempre e ovunque, nel presente e nel futuro, potrà essere scambiato. Da sempre simbolo di ricchezza, bellezza, divinità, potere. Ma anche di risparmio e di scambio. Chi lo possiede lo conserva al sicuro in...
Book cover of Infrastructure Project Finance and Project Bonds in Europe
by E. Rossi, Rok Stepic, Mahvash Alerassool
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2015

Project sponsors in Europe are facing more and more difficulty when acquiring conventional long-term bank loans for infrastructure projects. The regulatory landscape for debt markets will evolve further with implementation of Basel III requirements. Recently, the Asset Quality Review under the European...
Book cover of Leitfaden für Intrahospitaltransporte

Leitfaden für Intrahospitaltransporte

Zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung von innerklinischen Patiententransfers

by Rolando Rossi
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2016

Dieses essential liefert alle Informationen, die für die sichere Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Intrahospitaltransporten erforderlich sind. Innerklinische Patiententransfers sind elementare Bestandteile der stationären Behandlung. Dennoch wird ihre Brisanz selten richtig und umfassend wahrgenommen....
Book cover of Situational Method Engineering
by Brian Henderson-Sellers, Jolita Ralyté, Matti Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

While previously available methodologies for software – like those published in the early days of object technology – claimed to be appropriate for every conceivable project, situational method engineering (SME) acknowledges that most projects typically have individual characteristics and situations....
Book cover of Gender and the Life Course
by Alice Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2018

Book cover of How to Become a Gig Tender

How to Become a Gig Tender

How to Become a Gig Tender

by Dorcas Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Gig Tender. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Gig Tender
Book cover of Stress and Quality of Working Life

Stress and Quality of Working Life

Current Perspectives in Occupational Health

by Ana Maria Rossi, Pamela L. Perrewé, Steven L. Sauter
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2006

This book was developed for the 2005 International Stress Management Association Conference in Brazil. The original book was recently published in Portuguese, but because of the popularity of the topics and the worldrenowned stress scholars who contributed chapters, we are very pleased to have the...
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