Rossi: 591 books

Book cover of Sharing Christ With the Dying

Sharing Christ With the Dying

Bringing Hope to Those Near the End of Life

by Melody Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

A Loving and Compassionate Guide to Talking With Your Family and Friends About Jesus Melody Rossi saw God work in the hearts of three close family members after she had nearly given up hope that they might believe before dying. As their hearts softened to the gospel message she witnessed their...
Book cover of Flat Tax

Flat Tax

Aliquota unica e minimo vitale per un fisco semplice ed equo

by Nicola Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 25, 2018

COME LIBERARCI DA UN SISTEMA FISCALE INGESTIBILE CHE È IL PRINCIPALE FRENO ALLA CRESCITA DEL PAESE? COS’È E COME FUNZIONA LA FLAT TAX? Per il nostro fisco, così come per il nostro sistema di assistenza, è arrivato il momento di una riforma radicale. Non è questione di poco conto, perché si...
Book cover of Statistics for Food Scientists

Statistics for Food Scientists

Making Sense of the Numbers

by Frank Rossi, Victor Mirtchev
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2015

The practical approached championed in this book have led to increasing the quality on many successful products through providing a better understanding of consumer needs, current product and process performance and a desired future state. In 2009, Frank Rossi and Viktor Mirtchev brought their practical...
Book cover of The Perfect Family
by Luca Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Aurelia's relationships have always ended badly, so far. When a friend of hers gives her an unusual advice, she decides to follow it and finds the man of her dreams: a perfect husband and a wonderful father. But perfection does not belong to human males...
Book cover of Bayesian Non- and Semi-parametric Methods and Applications
by Peter Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2014

This book reviews and develops Bayesian non-parametric and semi-parametric methods for applications in microeconometrics and quantitative marketing. Most econometric models used in microeconomics and marketing applications involve arbitrary distributional assumptions. As more data becomes available,...
Book cover of What's Wrong With My Snake
by John Rossi, Roxanne Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2012

What's Wong with My Snake? is one reptile care book from the highly acclaimed Advanced Vivarium Systems series. The AVS series, founded and guided by herpetocultural pioneer Philippe de Vosjoli, is the #1 series on reptile care. From choosing a pet to selecting a veterinarian to feeding, housing,...
Book cover of Communication for Couples
by Paolo Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2017

Trouble in paradise? If you were looking for a solution. It is quite likely you answered "yes" to this question. After some time a relationship could get stale and boring. Wouldn't it be nice to find a solution to all these relationship problems? I won't lie,...
Book cover of Nove inchieste dell'ispettrice Ricci
by Elisabetta Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2012

Una città adagiata sul mare fa da cornice alle indagini dell’ispettrice Francesca Ricci che dovrà sfoderare tutte le sue capacità investigative per risolvere nove difficili casi di omicidio. Ad affiancarla due validi colleghi: Giorgio Lombardo, un abile ispettore con una lunga esperienza investigativa...
Book cover of Fantasie nascoste
by Elisabetta Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 8, 2012

Samantha. Un nome che promette serate bollenti. In realtà, è solo una grigia bibliotecaria… almeno fino a che un intrigante entomologo non entra nella sua vita e la stravolge completamente. della stessa autrice: Collana "IN LOVE" edizioni PIEMME MILLE PAROLE D'AMORE Per conoscere o contattare l'autrice:
Book cover of Percorsi Erotici

Percorsi Erotici

i piaceri di Rebecca

by Patrizia Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Patrizia Rossi PERCORSI EROTICI ** **i piaceri di Rebecca  Rebecca chiuse il libro delle Effemeridi e spense il computer.  Le pareva di impazzire. Masturbarsi, anziché calmare il desiderio, l’aveva aumentato ancora di più. “Fammelo almeno succhiare”, lo implorò lei. Dan scosse la...
Book cover of Deadline


One shot

by Christian Rossi, LF Bollée
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2013

« Tu vois la rambarde, là, qui forme une ligne ? Ça, mon pote, c’est la deadline ! Le doigt de Dieu… » Camp d’Anderson, Georgie, août 1864. Dans cette gigantesque prison à ciel ouvert, alors que la guerre de Sécession fait rage, le monde se divise en deux catégories : les...
Book cover of From Slavery to Aid

From Slavery to Aid

Politics, Labour, and Ecology in the Nigerien Sahel, 1800–2000

by Benedetta Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2015

From Slavery to Aid engages two major themes in African historiography, the slow death of slavery and the evolution of international development, and reveals their interrelation in the social history of the region of Ader in the Nigerien Sahel. Benedetta Rossi traces the historical transformations...
Book cover of Strength to Be Human
by Mark Antony Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

American futurist writer Mark Antony Rossi fights for the independence of humanity by tackling the tyranny of the extreme ends of Science and Religion. The core thesis for this book is the essay "Strength to Be Human in This Day of Machines" is presented in this international edition in seven languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, German, French and Japanese.
Book cover of Disciplined by the Doctor
by Adriana Rossi
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2013

Chelsea has always been an immature, disobedient virgin. She is crazy about sex, but after being caught giving oral sex to her boyfriend, her mother drags her to the male OB/GYN, who happens to be her intimidating next door neighbor.  Her mother gives the doctor a list of sex acts that she wants...
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