Rusty: 130 books

Book cover of Las Leyes De La Fructificación
by Armando Rusty
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 18, 2014

Quines deben leer esta obra?: 1. Personas que desean ser promovidas 2. Aquellos que quieren que sus bendiciones sean ms sostenibles en el tiempo 3. Quienes desean tener un panorama equilibrado sobre las bendiciones espirituales y las materiales 4. Administradores que necesitan presupuestar sabiamente...
Book cover of Jesus Lord of Your Personality

Jesus Lord of Your Personality

Four Powerful Principles for Change

by Bob Russell, Rusty Russell
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2010

Bob Russell presents four powerful principles that will shape and sculpt your personality to be more like Christ's. In this profound book, Russell and his son, Rusty, deliver answers to four problem areas of our personalities that keep us from becoming what God wants us to be. Using biblical...
Book cover of From Drag Queens to Leathermen

From Drag Queens to Leathermen

Language, Gender, and Gay Male Subcultures

by Rusty Barrett
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

This book examines gendered language use in six gay male subcultures: drag queens, radical faeries, bears, circuit boys, barebackers, and leathermen. Within each subculture, unique patterns of language use challenge normative assumptions about gender and sexual identity. Rusty Barrett's analyses of...
Book cover of My Old Confederate Home

My Old Confederate Home

A Respectable Place for Civil War Veterans

by Rusty Williams
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2010

In the wake of America's Civil War, hundreds of thousands of men who fought for the Confederacy trudged back to their homes in the Southland. Some -- due to lingering effects from war wounds, other disabilities, or the horrors of combat -- were unable to care for themselves. Homeless, disabled, and...
Book cover of Lady Landlords of Prince Edward Island

Lady Landlords of Prince Edward Island

Imperial Dreams and the Defence of Property

by Rusty Bittermann, Margaret McCallum
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2008

As absentee owners of large estates, each of the four women faced challenges from those who wanted land redistributed in freehold lots to actual settlers. Their individual management strategies were determined in part by class standing and marital status, as well as individual eccentricities and prejudices....
Book cover of Rural Protest on Prince Edward Island

Rural Protest on Prince Edward Island

From British Colonization to the Escheat Movement

by Rusty Bittermann
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2006

Who has the more legitimate claim to land, settlers who occupy and improve it with their labour, or landlords who claim ownership on the basis of imperial grants? This question of property rights, and their construction, was at the heart of rural protest on Prince Edward Island for a century. Tenants...
Book cover of Brain In A Bulb
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2016

The realization that we are never disconnected as a Human Family was mind-melting for me. Although we are all unique in special ways, we share more commonalities than differences, suggested by our DNA sequencing being 99.5% similar to one another. That is to say, 99.5% of our DNA sequencing is the...
Book cover of Justice. Mercy. Humility.

Justice. Mercy. Humility.

A Simple Path to Following Jesus

by Rusty George
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2019

We've made following Jesus far too complex. We don't know what to do with all the things in the Bible that seem necessary, so we make them into a to-do list: love others, forgive those who hurt you, have joy, be patient, stay faithful, give to the hurting, serve in your church, pray without ceasing,...
Book cover of Swim, Sucka Fish
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2015

Everyone will experience the waves of life, joyous and not so joyous. Each person's inward journeys are incredibly similar, according to scholars such as Joseph Campbell. It is the reconciling of within and without as it pertains to each of us, and the flowering outward each of us uniquely manifests that the poetry of Swim Sucka Fish expresses.
Book cover of The Wait
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2012

A collection of poems traversing love, loss, and rage. This book was written while truly riding the tiger. Think it takes skill to write when well rested and feeling safe and sound within the bosom of the world? Try it when your mind is melted to the consistency of aluminum ore, fight or flight becomes perpetual flight, and danger rests within every synapse.
Book cover of Two Pennies
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2012

Two Pennies was a work inspired by two pennies found in my pocket. One shiny and bright, the other a bit worn and torn.
Book cover of Mutiny of the Broken
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: September 4, 2015

Anger erupted within because I felt like a small child being let in on an inside joke...about me. How could this have been withheld from me for four decades? Who would do such a thing to me? Who would not allow God's Grace, Love, Light, Spirit, and Song to fill me from within? The tears cried...
Book cover of Soul Speak
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2012

Soul Speak are seeds of God sprouted through the Soul and cultivated with The Mind.
Book cover of Iterate
by Rusty Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2015

As we journey into and around life's nodes and crossroads, iteration becomes thematic. The challenge of allowing familiarity to shift and change, as our perceptions shift and change. Only to circle around and try it all again. Until, if we're lucky, everything and everyone is fresh and new within every single moment. Until we get there, we must iterate.
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