Ruth Langan: 93 books

Book cover of Le maître de Kinloch
by Ruth Langan
Language: French
Release Date: June 1, 2014

Angleterre et Ecosse, 1292 C'est avec méfiance que Leonora, une jeune Anglaise, assiste à l'arrivée au château paternel de Dillon Campbell, un chef de clan écossais venu avec ses frères entamer des pourparlers de paix avec deux représentants du roi. Sa chambrière ne lui affirme-t-elle pas...
Book cover of La dame de cour

La dame de cour

La saga des O'Neil - 2

by Ruth Langan
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2013

La saga des O'Neil - 2 L’incroyable destin d’une famille de rebelles irlandais, deux frères et une sœur partagés entre devoir et passion. Irlande, 1563. Depuis toujours, Conor O’Neil n’a qu’une ambition : bouter les Anglais hors d’Irlande. Mais plutôt que d’affronter directement...
Book cover of Le sceptre du destin

Le sceptre du destin

La saga des O'Neil - 1

by Ruth Langan
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2013

L’incroyable destin d’une famille de rebelles irlandais, trois frères et sœur partagés entre devoir et passion. Irlande, 1560. Depuis que les Anglais ont bafoué son honneur, Rory ne vit que pour se venger. Aussi est-il devenu le chef incontesté des rebelles irlandais, ennemis jurés...
Book cover of Blackthorne
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2011

A World of Darkness and Mystery That was what Olivia St. John discovered when she arrived at Blackthorne to serve as governess. But she was determined to uncover the secrets that haunted the estate of Lord Quenton Stamford, and bring the enigmatic nobleman out of his self-imposed gloom. Quenton...
Book cover of HIGHLAND SWORD
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

A Witch, A Warrior And The Wilds Of Scotland…! 'Twas like a quest out of legend, Merrick MacAndrew knew, but he would risk anything to save his dying son-even kidnapping Allegra Drummond, whose mystical healing talents ran apace with her power to set his heart ablaze! What enchantment,...
Book cover of Briana
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2011

THE O'NEIL SAGA A family driven by destiny! Briana O'Neil Regaled with tales of her brothers' adventures, Briana hoped to follow in their footsteps and fight for the freedom of their homeland. But while she'd dreamed of joining the fray, she'd never considered that she herself...
Book cover of Dulcie's Gift
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2011

A Secret Too Terrible To Tell Dulcie Trenton had risen from the ashes of war, determined to build a new life for herself. Yet the price of survival was high, and could cost her the love of Cal Jermain, whose honesty was as raw and as real as his passion. Weary and bitter, Cal needed...
Book cover of BADLANDS LAW
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Sheriff Conover knew trouble when he saw it-and Billie Calley was definitely big trouble. Problems erupted from the moment she arrived in the Badlands town of Misery. But the brawls over Billie in the Red Dog Saloon were nothing compared to the war Gabe was waging with his unexpected desire for the...
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Yale Conover lived for the thrill of the game. And though he was a man who scorned most of the laws made by mere men, he never actually considered himself an outlaw. Hepreferred to think he was a law unto himself. Now his own code of justice had brought Yale's life full circle, for a decision...
Book cover of Rory
by Ruth Langan
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2011

THE O'NEIL SAGA A family driven by destiny! A Man Most Wanted Rory O'Neil was hunted by every soldier who wore an English uniform, but that would not stop his quest for revenge. A Man Most Despised He was hated by those who knew him as the Blackhearted O'Neil. But...
Book cover of Im Namen der Königin

Im Namen der Königin

Digital Edition

by Ruth Langan
Language: German
Release Date: December 13, 2015

Die tiefblauen Augen des tollkühnen Iren, der sie in letzter Sekunde aus der Gewalt der Engländer befreite, erkennt Emma sofort wieder. Ist denn tatsächlich Conor O'Neil ihr unbekannte Held - der Berater der englischen Königin?
Book cover of Die Geliebte des Rebellen
by Ruth Langan
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2012

Die Nacht, in der man der zarten AnnaClaire den schwer verletzten Rebellen Rory O'Neil ins Haus bringt, verändert ihr Leben für immer! Zwar schlägt auch ihr Herz für Irland. Doch an bewaffneten Widerstand gegen die mordenden und plündernden englischen Truppen hat AnnaClaire niemals gedacht! Aber...
Book cover of Die Freibeuterin des Königs
by Ruth Langan
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Glühend steigt Bethany bei Lord Alsmeeths kühnen Blicken das Blut in die Wangen. Fast, als wisse er um den Kuss des Straßenräubers, der in ihr ungestümes Begehren geweckt hat! Wie kann nur sie, die mutige Freibeuterin, vor ihren Gefühlen so hilflos kapitulieren?
Book cover of Im Glanz der Sterne
by Ruth Langan
Language: German
Release Date: November 26, 2014

Eine Vermählung im Glanz der Weihnachtssterne! Wie sehr wünscht sich die unschuldige Lindsay, dass Morgan ihr als Zeichen seiner Hingabe einen Ring über den Finger streift. Aber Morgan hat Verpflichtungen, die einer Ehe mit Lindsay im Wege stehen...
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