S B : 820 books

Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1
by Curtis M. Frederick, Masahiko Mori, Dr Paul Bethke
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2018

Potatoes are one of the world’s key food crops. Their nutritional value, and the fact that they can be grown with relatively few inputs in a wide range of environments, makes them an important food security crop. However, yields in developing countries are held back by factors such as poor cultivation...
Book cover of Urinary Cytology

Urinary Cytology

Manual and Atlas

by A. Böcking, R. Friedrichs, F. Hofstädter
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Excellent illustrations and the latest technology from the clinic, practice and laboratory are compiled for both the practicing urologist and the researching cytopathologist in the book "Urinary Cytology." The completely revised and up-dated text in the new second edition reflects the first...
Book cover of Dermatopathology
by S.M. Burge, A.C. Chu, B.M. Goudie
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Book cover of Operative Techniques: Foot and Ankle Surgery E-Book
by Glenn B. Pfeffer, MD, Mark E. Easley
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2017

Part of the practical, highly illustrated Operative Techniques series, this fully revised title by Drs. Glenn B. Pfeffer, Mark Easley, Beat Hintermann, Andrew Sands, and Alastair Younger brings you up to speed with must-know surgical techniques in today’s foot and ankle surgery. Step-by-step, evidence-based...
Book cover of Radiology of the Lower Urinary Tract
by E.S. Amis, W. Anzböck, L.R. Bigongiari
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Significant recent advances in the imaging of the lower urinary tract are comprehensively presented in this handbook. It offers information on both imaging examinations and interventional techniques with all the modern modalities, including MRI and ultrasound. The contributors are all experts in clinical...
Book cover of Gramática griega: Sintaxis del Nuevo Testamento - Segunda edición con apéndice
by Daniel B. Wallace, Daniel S. Steffen
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 13, 2015

Muchos estudiantes de griego se frustran porque nunca aprenden cómo aplicar su conocimiento básico del griego a una interpretación del texto. Este libro ofrece un texto de referencia para los cursos de gramática griega del segundo año, y servirá de vínculo entere las formas de las palabras...
Book cover of El Quijote Desconocido
by Publio S. Colmenares B.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 27, 2016

Esta es una historia que tardó 400 años en ser revelada públicamente. En ella, el autor relata cómo Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, durante su cautiverio en Argel (1575-1580) a manos de los Moros, fue Iniciado e instruido en una enseñanza secreta; y al haber adquirido el compromiso voluntario de...
Book cover of Sin Pecado Concebida
by Publio S. Colmenares B.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

El autor narra la experiencia vivida por un adolescente de 17 años cuando se enamora perdidamente de una joven de 16, quien le confiesa su adicción a las drogas, y le cuenta la horrible experiencia que vivió a los 13 años, de donde le viene un trauma que le hace sentir odio por su primer nombre...
Book cover of Hasta que la Muerte los Separe
by Publio S. Colmenares B.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 25, 2016

Transmitidas de padres a hijos de generación en generación, directamente de boca a oído, esta serie de máximas y preceptos que revelaban a las futuras parejas ciertos aspectos de la naturaleza humana que habrían de afrontar en sus relaciones, poco a poco se fueron convirtiendo en la Tradición...
Book cover of Estatus ácido-base

Estatus ácido-base

Conceptos, desequilibrios e interpretación

by Ernesto Andrés Dalmau B., Carlos Andres Trujillo J., Carlos Alberto Venegas C.
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2014

"El tema central de esta obra es el mantenimiento de la condición ácido-base, los desequilibrios y la compensación de las alteraciones en caninos, bovinos y equinos. A partir del estudio de los sistemas renal y respiratorio, mediante la revisión de aspectos y definiciones básicos, se tratan...
Book cover of Golden Grove
by B. S. Davies
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2017

Travelling toward Norwich through the worst snow storm in British history, James Humfries discovers an unknown village in the heart of Thetford forest.The villagers there seem to living an idyllic life, seemingly separated from the rest of the world.James has to tell them that their way of life is...
Book cover of Darkness Falls
by B. S. Davies
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2017

It is the year of Our Lord 1293.Assistant to the Royal Architect, Tynon Wade, is charged by Edward I to investigate what is happening in the South Wales township of Rhaeadr Tywyllwch which is living under a threat that comes under the cover of night. It preys on anyone who lights the darkness, it...
Book cover of Signs of Love

Signs of Love

12 Quickies quer durchs Horoskop

by Natalie Rabengut, Kajsa Arnold, Izabelle Jardin
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2015

Ein erotisches Abenteuer mit einem Widder-Mann gefällig? Oder prickelnde Begegnungen mit einem Wassermann? Es spielt keine Rolle, welche Sternzeichen dein Herz höher schlagen lassen: Hier zeigen sich alle von der verführerischen Seite, denn ganz egal, zu welchen Zeichen des Horoskops sie zählen,...
Book cover of Les Contes secrets de la Nature
by Sébastien Bühr
Language: French
Release Date: February 19, 2016

Vous pensez tout connaitre de nos forêts ? Et bien, savez-vous pourquoi la chenille fabrique un cocon pour se transformer en papillon ? Ou pourquoi les taupes sont presque aveugles ? Venez découvrir 6 contes racontant les secrets de la Nature, et un conte pour expliquer le recyclage aux enfants....
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