S L: 1671 books

Book cover of El petróleo mexicano (segunda edición)
by Fundación Heberto Castillo Martínez AC, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Jaime Cárdenas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 17, 2013

Temas en torno a la privatización energética analizando las políticas económica, fiscal, sindical, petrolera, de medios y debate energético, de soberanía nacional y de derecho constitucional de México.
Book cover of Reverence


Volume 3: Destiny Unveiled

by Jeanie L.S. Galster
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2013

In Reverence Volume 3, Destiny Unveiled, Allessandra realizes her path has been set forth in motion and embraces her new identity. She comes to terms with who will stand beside her and against her. Allessandra and her team continue to seek reverence for those who were lost, for those who cant fi ght...
Book cover of Public Modalities
by Phaedra Carmen Pezzullo, Robert Asen, Helene A. Shugart
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2010

This book explores the ways that scholars, journalists, politicians, and citizens conceive of “the public” or “public life,” and how those entities are defined and invented. For decades, scholars have used the metaphors of spheres, systems, webs, or networks to talk about, describe, and map...
Book cover of Höllenfahrt



by Martina Bauer, L. S. Anderson
Language: German
Release Date: May 4, 2015

Nur einen Kilometer ist die rettende Straße entfernt. Dort hinzulaufen würde bedeuten, einen todkranken Freund im Stich zu lassen. Für Doro kommt das nicht in Frage. Was sie nicht ahnt: die Jäger des Waldes wittern den Geruch des Todes, der von dem sterbenden Jungen ausgeht. Und sie wittern auch Doro. Düster, beklemmend, bedrohlich: Ein Horrorschocker der Extraklasse!
Book cover of El enigma de La Rosa Negra (ebook)
by Pilar López Bernués
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 30, 2015

Una concentración ecologista servirá de pretexto a Rafa, Ana, Nuria, Álex, David, Víctor y Jordi para cambiar de aires y pasar un fin de semana todos juntos. El plan es muy apetecible, pues los chicos podrán participar en un montón de actividades divertidas, lo que no sospechan es que un perverso juego se ha puesto en marcha, un juego que pondrá sus vidas en peligro...
Book cover of Shadow and Friends Spend Christmas in New York
by Mary L. Schmidt, S. Jackson, A. Raymond
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2019

Stubby invites Shadow, a small dog, and his squirrel family to go with him. They board the Rodent Road Adventure Tours jet, flown by Pilot, and Shorty greets them with a hello from atop the Empire State Building as they fly past! Not only do children learn safety and are introduced to the Eastern...
Book cover of Un descubrimiento diabólico (ebook)
by Pilar López Bernués
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 12, 2013

Un trabajo de clase reúne de nuevo a Rafa, Ana, Nuria, Álex, David, Víctor y Jordi. Lo que parecía una aburrida actividad escolar acaba conduciéndoles al Barrio Gótico de Barcelona, en donde empezarán a investigar la misteriosa desaparición de un pintor y las diabólicas maquinaciones de su mecenas... Una emocionante aventura llena de misterio, intriga y acción.
Book cover of Optical Nanomanipulation
by David L Andrews, David S Bradshaw
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2017

This book provides a broad introductory survey of this remarkable field, aiming to establish and clearly differentiate its physical principles, and also to provide a snapshot portrait of many of the most prominent current applications. Primary emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of the...
Book cover of Melt Blowing

Melt Blowing

Equipment, Technology, and Polymer Fibrous Materials

by L.S. Pinchuk, Vi.A. Goldade, A.V. Makarevich
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book is devoted to a nontraditional class of materials which are manufactured by the melt-blowing process. The text examines the structure and main properties of melt-blown materials as conditioned by peculiarities of overheated polymer melt spraying in oxidizing medium. Information is given about filtering mechanisms and the main types of polymer fibrous filtering materials.
Book cover of Modern Dental Assisting - E-Book
by Doni L. Bird, CDA, RDA
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2016

Prepare for a successful career as a dental assistant with Modern Dental Assisting, 11th Edition! Using an easy-to-understand approach, this book provides a complete foundation in the basic and advanced skills you must master to achieve clinical competence. Full-color photographs and clear, step-by-step...
Book cover of Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications
by S Giani, C Leroy, L Price;P-G Rancoita;R Ruchti
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2012

The exploration of the subnuclear world is done through increasingly complex experiments covering a wide range of energy and performed in a large variety of environments ranging from particle accelerators, underground detectors to satellites and the space laboratory. Among recent advances one has...
Book cover of The Art of Forgiveness
by Kit Barker, Dale Campbell, David P. Gushee
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian Gospel. It goes hand in hand with love, mercy, and grace, the fundamental theological virtues. However, forgiveness is easier to define than it is to embody. This unique collection of essays brings together theologians, ethicists, and ministry practitioners...
Book cover of Chromosomal Nonhistone Protein

Chromosomal Nonhistone Protein

Volume III: Biochemistry

by L. S. Hnilica
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2018

The third volume of the Chromosomal Nonhistone Proteins treatise deals with the isolation and analysis of chromosomal proteins in general with specific features of these proteins in particular. In addition to the high mobility group (HMG) proteins, post synthetic modifications of chromosomal nonhistone proteins are discussed, together with some of their enzymatic properties DNA binding.
Book cover of Laser Refractography
by B.S. Rinkevichyus, O.A. Evtikhieva, I.L. Raskovskaya
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2010

This monograph is devoted to the description of the physical fundamentals of laser refractography—a novel informational-measuring technique for the diagnostics of optically inhomogeneous media and flows, based on the idea of using spatially structured probe laser radiation in combination with its...
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