Sandra Brown: 156 books

Book cover of The Devil's Own
by Sandra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Of the lot, this man was still her best bet. He not only looked the most inebriated, but the most disreputable – lean and hungry and totally without principle. Once he was sober, he would no doubt be easy to buy. “Sister” Kerry Bishop got more than she bargained for when she entered the seedy...
Book cover of Tomorrow's Promise
by Sandra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2017

I met a man, a wonderful man. He kissed me, touched me like no other man ever has. I think I’ve fallen in love. What am I going to do about it? That’s the dilemma confronting Keely Preston upon meeting dashing Congressman Dax Devereaux. The attraction between them was like a lightning strike...
Book cover of Above and Beyond
by Sandra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2017

Give up while you’re ahead, ol’ boy. She doesn’t want you. Then he remembered the passion of her kiss, the taste of her mouth, the scent of her hair, the feel of her skin beneath his hands, and he knew he wasn’t about to give up. While serving his country, Trevor Rule experienced the...
Book cover of Honor Bound
by Sandra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2018

“My name is Lucas Greywolf.” A raspy voice, as soft and sandy as the wind that blew across the desert, spoke directly into her ear. It was a gentle sound, but Aislinn wasn’t deceived. Like the winds it reminded her of, it could be whipped into a fury. . . Aislinn Andrews knows...
Book cover of Led Astray
by Sandra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

LED ASTRAY And once he had kissed her, felt the responding warmth of her body beneath his hands, there had been no turning back. What he had done had been unforgivable. But what he was going to do was almost as bad. Cage and Hal Hendren are as unalike as two brothers can be. Preacher’s kids,...
Book cover of Letal
by Sandra Brown
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 4, 2019

Ao escutar sua filha de quatro anos gritar que há um homem doente deitado no jardim da casa, Honor Gillette corre para ajudá-lo. Mas este homem vem a ser Lee Coburn, um foragido acusado de assassinar sete pessoas a sangue-frio na noite anterior. Perigoso, desesperado e armado, ele promete não machucar...
Book cover of Impasse
by Sandra Brown
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 1, 2013

Tiel McCoy está saindo para merecidas – e quase compulsórias – férias quando ouve pelo rádio do carro a notícia de um suposto sequestro. Logo após obter permissão de seu chefe, o editor Gully, ela abandona seu projeto de descansar num idílico resort nas montanhas, decidida a saber mais...
Book cover of Yaşamak İçin - Rüzgârlı Şato
by Sandra Brown, Jennie Lucas
Language: Turkish
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Yaşamak İçin Bir uçak kazasından sadece ikisi kurtulmuşlardı.Rusty Carlson, seçkin zevkleri olan, kent yaşamının lüksü içinde yetişmiş güzel ve başarılı bir iş kadınıydı.Cooper Landry ise, yaşamın tüm çirkinliklerine tanık olmuş, insanlara kuşkuyla bakan bir savaş gazisiydi.Ve...
Book cover of Ligações Arriscadas
by Sandra Brown
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Crawford Hunt acabou de preparar o quarto novo da filha. Em tons de rosa, a cor preferida de Georgia. No dia seguinte, se tudo correr bem em tribunal, a sua menina voltará para casa depois de quatro anos de ausência. Após a morte da mulher, Crawford – ranger de profissão – mergulhou numa profunda...
Book cover of Rapto Escaldante
by Sandra Brown
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 11, 2018

Num bar fumarento e sombrio do Louisiana, o olhar de Shaw Kinnard cruza-se com o da elegante Jordie Bennet. Mas não se trata de amor à primeira vista. Ele está lá para a matar.Jordie sente que chegou a sua hora. Mas Shaw tem outros planos, pois sabe que o irmão dela, Josh, deitou indevidamente...
Book cover of Early to School
by Sandra Brown, Shirley Cleave
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2003

This very practical book offers advice for teachers. The authors pinpoint the particular educational needs of four year olds and give advice on meeting them together with positive examples of good practice. Areas covered include staffing, space, equipment and materials, teaching styles and monitoring progress. This is the essential aid to teaching four year olds.
Book cover of How Could I Wish You Back from Heaven?
by Sandra Brown Neahusan
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Each morning when we wake up, we do not know what we will have to face before going to bed that night. My husband and I were making plans to move to Florida full time, but God had other plans. He took my husband home one afternoon. I had no warning and could make no preparation. I have written this...
Book cover of Kalter Kuss

Kalter Kuss


by Sandra Brown
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2014

Schuld verjährt nie … In einer stürmischen Mainacht wird ein 16-jähriges Mädchen in Austin brutal ermordet. Ein Mann wird verurteilt, doch es konnte nie zweifelsfrei bewiesen werden, ob er wirklich ihr Mörder war, und auch die vermutliche Tatwaffe wurde nie gefunden. 18 Jahre später...
Book cover of Kein Alibi

Kein Alibi


by Sandra Brown
Language: German
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Als Hammond Cross die schöne Fremde wieder trifft, ist er der ermittelnde Staatsanwalt und sie des Mordes angeklagt. Doch sie hat ein Alibi: ihn! Die Nacht, in der der millionenschwere Immobilienmakler Lute Pettijohn ermordet wurde, verbrachte die Psychologin Alex Ladd in Hammonds Armen. Verstrickt...
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