Silvia: 1154 books

Book cover of Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer: yoga through the seasons
by Sandra Sabatini, Silvia Mori
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2012

Focusing on the seasons, Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer rekindles our relationship with nature. Every season has its own special quality: the withdrawal of energy in autumn, the silent stillness of winter, the push to emerge and grow in spring and the expansive exuberance of summer. Taking a journey...
Book cover of 50 Fully Raw Vegan Breakfast Recipes

50 Fully Raw Vegan Breakfast Recipes

50 Recipes - The Collection, #1

by Silvia Shamus
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2016

50 Nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes for Fully Raw Vegan Diets. Enjoy my recipes with your family and live healthier. ~Silvia Shamus
Book cover of Here We May Rest

Here We May Rest

Alabama Immigrants in the Age of HB 56

by Silvia Giagnoni
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2017

Hailed as the most restrictive immigration bill in the nation, the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer & Citizen Protection Act (known as HB 56) went into effect in September 2011. Its intent was to create jobs for Alabamians by making the lives of undocumented immigrants in the state impossible, so...
Book cover of Lisa + Irina + Rebecca + Vampires
by Silvia Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2015

24 nouvelles incluses dans ce Bundle. 6 nouvelles des aventures de Lisa la jeune babysitter, 6 nouvelles des aventures d’Irina dans le porno, 6 nouvelles des aventures de Rebecca la secrétaire, et 6 nouvelles des aventures de Richard & Anna avec le Comte vampire. Vous découvrirez du sexe anal,...
Book cover of Job My Way

Job My Way

Lavoro a Modo Mio

by Silvia Saccarola
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 19, 2016

Manuale per trovare lavoro. Come creare un CV di successo. Come e dove inviare il CV. Lista dei siti più efficienti per trovare un lavoro. Presentarsi ad un colloquio: dalla cura dell'aspetto alle domande più frequenti. Negoziare un contratto.
Book cover of Oh Coffee!!

Oh Coffee!!

Tips & Tricks To Drink A Super Cup Of Coffee

by Silvia Bas
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2017

Coffee is just one of the world's most widely used drinks, and huge numbers of people enjoy a cup of coffee every day. Brewing your very own coffee right in the home can be extremely satisfying while helping you save money. If you wish to brew an excellent cup of coffee in your own kitchen, continue...
Book cover of Markus Kane
by Silvia Gurieri
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Questo è il primo volume della serie Kane. Il secondo volume della serie Kane: My name is Kane (And I came back) è già online in tutti gli store. Porzia è una giovane ragazza di 25 anni rimasta orfana troppo presto, lavora come impiegata in uno studio legale, nonostante i genitori...
Book cover of Baisée par un milliardaire
by Silvia Roberts
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2015

CE LIVRE CONTIENT DES SCÈNES A CARACTÈRE SEXUEL, POUR 18 ANS ET + SEULEMENT. Episode 2 sur 6 d’une serial (une serial est composée de plusieurs épisodes qui reprennent les mêmes personnages mais pouvant être lus individuellement). Découvrez les autres épisodes : Zahia la petite...
Book cover of Défoncée par le père de mon mec
by Silvia Roberts
Language: French
Release Date: October 13, 2014

Irina continue de tourner des films pornos aux Etats-Unis et en profite pour se taper des stars du X américain bien membrées. Elle va même en profiter pour se prendre d’affection pour sa maquilleuse, et même plus… De retour en France, elle se rend compte que son amant et réalisateur, Erik,...
Book cover of Mindfulness immaginale

Mindfulness immaginale

pratiche di meditazione e visione immaginale

by Selene Calloni Williams, Silvia C. Turrin
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 21, 2016

Quando un occidentale si accosta alla meditazione, la sua tradizione immaginale lo accompagna e di questo egli deve tenere conto. La visione immaginale aiuta a rendere l'esperienza della meditazione meglio fruibile da parte degli occidentali e simultaneamente essa fa da sostegno durante il cammino...
Book cover of Nuove Arti Terapie
by Paolo Danza, Alessandro Aiello, Floriana Di Giorgio
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 4, 2015

La rivista si è sempre posta sul mercato come un osservatorio sullo sviluppo delle Arti Terapie, sulle loro applicazioni in vari contesti socio-sanitario e di formazione, e come punto d’incontro fra professionisti che operano nel settore e nei settori alle stesse correlati nonché fra esperiti...
Book cover of Rocking the Boat

Rocking the Boat

Migration and Race in Contemporary Spanish Music

by Silvia Bermúdez
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

Silvia Bermúdez’s fascinating study reveals how Spanish popular music, produced between 1980 and 2013, was the first cultural site to engage in critical debate about ethnicity and race in relation to the immigration patterns that have been changing the social landscape of Spanish society since...
Book cover of Sapere ed essere nella Roma razzista

Sapere ed essere nella Roma razzista

Gli ebrei nelle scuole e nell'università (1938-1943)

by Giuliana Piperno Beer, Silvia Haia Antonucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 8, 2015

Questo lavoro analizza la risposta della Comunità Israelitica di Roma alle leggi antiebraiche del 1938 che esclusero gli ebrei dalle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Pertanto esso spazia dalle scuole elementari – quella ebraica già esistente e altri istituti del Governatorato che avevano organizzato,...
Book cover of RESTful Rails Development

RESTful Rails Development

Building Open Applications and Services

by Silvia Puglisi
Language: English
Release Date: October 8, 2015

The Web is slowly but surely changing from a model in which a human reader browses content on web pages to a model in which services and clients (not necessarily humans) exchange information. And because of this, author Silvia Puglisi explains, it makes more sense to build platforms instead of just...
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