Sonia: 769 books

Book cover of A Flick Of Time
by Sonia Rumzi
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2011

Married man, married woman, single ugly friend and angry husband, make for explosive results. If that is a surprise then for sure there is no human understanding.Sonia Rumzi, an English Literature major in college; turned to, Medical Technology, for practical purposes. Originally from Egypt,...
Book cover of How to bring out the greatness in you
by Sonia Baeriswyl
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2018

She is ready to take you on a journey that will change the way you see and the way you work. So get on board, for an adventure you will always remember. Sonia will show you how to solve problems... without using the same thinking that created them
Book cover of Sobre a leitura seguido de entrevista com Céleste Albaret
by Marcel Proust, Sonia Nolasco-Ferreira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 11, 2017

Entrevista com Céleste Albaret concedida a Sonia Nolasco-Ferreira, publicada originalmente na Revista 80, no inverno de 1983. "...meus pais pronunciariam cedo demais a frase fatal: 'Agora, feche seu livro, vamos almoçar'." A partir de recordações da infância Marcel Proust traz ao leitor...
Book cover of What She Needs
by Sonia Rumzi
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2011

A mother's love may be destructive or effective to build her child. The balance is a never ending struggle of give and take, but what if take, outweighs? Then chaos presides.Author Sonia Rumzi, an English Literature major in college; turned to, Medical Technology, for practical purposes....
Book cover of L'initiation


Le nouveau phénomène Wattpad !

by Sonia Birdy
Language: French
Release Date: November 22, 2018

Elle est vierge et innocente. Et elle lui fait complètement perdre la tête.***Leïla, 17 ans, petite banlieusarde de La Courneuve, mène une vie difficile entre la violence de son père et les railleries de ses camarades de lycée. Cette jeune fille timide et réservée n’a qu’un seul rêve...
Book cover of Monsieur Connard
by Sonia Miot
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2019

Un nom pareil, ça ne s'invente pas. Pourtant, derrière ce patronyme, se cache une certaine sensibilité et un cœur qui balance ... Corentin Connard est spécialiste en séparation amoureuse. Ce jeune patron passe ses journées à briser des couples et ses soirées devant sa console de jeux....
Book cover of ¡Solo pregunta!

¡Solo pregunta!

Sé Diferente, Sé Valiente, Sé Tú

by Sonia Sotomayor
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 3, 2019

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and award-winning artist Rafael Lopez create a kind and caring book about the differences that make each of us special -- available in Spanish, too. Feeling different, especially as a kid, can be tough. But in the same way that different types of plants...
Book cover of I tuoi 3 Super Poteri

I tuoi 3 Super Poteri

Meditazione, Immaginazione e Intuizione

by Sonia Choquette
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Superpoteri: chi non li vorrebbe? Senti che la tua vita sarebbe molto meglio se li avessi. Vorresti essere nato con dei superpoteri. La buona notizia è che li hai veramente! Secondo Sonia Choquette, guida intuitiva e coach spirituale nota in tutto il mondo, siamo nati con tre incredibili superpoteri:...
Book cover of The Rocket Science Called Love

The Rocket Science Called Love

When Love finds its way blindfolded…

by Sonia Mackwani
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2017

The Rocket Science Called Love is a tale of endless encounters of love and dreams, inspired by enigmatic true stories. Meet Nayantara, a mysterious lover. Leaving behind her city and her sacred Beloved, she journeys to the middle of nowhere to root her only dream and show up as a renowned psychotherapist;...
Book cover of Africa trek - Tome 2 - Du Kilimandjaro au lac de Tibériade

Africa trek - Tome 2 - Du Kilimandjaro au lac de Tibériade

14 000 kilomètres dans les pas de l'Homme

by Sonia POUSSIN, Alexandre POUSSIN
Language: French
Release Date: September 13, 2012

Kenya, Éthiopie, Soudan, Égypte, Israël... Après le grand succès d'"Africa Trek I", Alexandre et Sonia Poussin nous racontent la suite et la fin de leurs aventures africaines. Alexandre et Sonia Poussin ont entrepris de remonter d'une seule foulée le continent africain en refaisant...
Book cover of I Metadati per i tuoi Ebook

I Metadati per i tuoi Ebook

come hackerare l'algoritmo di Amazon con le giuste parole chiave

by Sonia Lombardo
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 28, 2018

Quanti consigli avrete ascoltato o letto su come riuscire vendere migliaia di copie del vostro libro online per entrare finalmente così nella classifica dei besteseller Amazon? Sicuramente tantissimi... Ma quanti di questi hanno funzionato davvero? La maggior parte delle tecniche di marketing editoriale...
Book cover of What To Do? What To Do?

What To Do? What To Do?

A Guide for Newly Retired People

by Sonia Davidson, Victoria DeMarco
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2013

Written by Sonia Davidson Illustrated by Victoria DeMarco Sonia and Victoria are friends and neighbours and are retired after successful careers in teaching. They live in Toronto and enjoy travelling, entertaining and volunteering. In retirement they both find they have…lots to do, lots...
Book cover of Afrika zu Fuß

Afrika zu Fuß

Vom Kap der Guten Hoffnung zum Kilimandscharo

by Sonia Poussin, Alexandre Poussin
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Im ersten Band "Zu Fuß durch Afrika" berichteten die Autoren Sonia und Alexandre Poussin von ihrer Wanderung vom Kap der Guten Hoffnung durch Südafrika, Simbabwe, Malawi und Tansania zum Kilimandscharo. Der zweite Teil beginnt am Fuße des Kilimandscharo und führt zunächst durch das...
Book cover of Bus Stop
by Sonia Traumsen
Language: French
Release Date: August 18, 2015

Après avoir été choquée par un clip porno tourné en plein bus par un couple dévergondé issu du hard, Sonia relève le défi de l'authenticité en se laissant embarquer par des étrangers devant le gare centrale de Zürich. Contrairement à ses craintes la difficulté ne résidait pas dans l'épreuve...
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