Sr : 1311 books

Book cover of 1=20 Money Brains
by Jeffrey Day Sr
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2012

Investment will certainly make cash except also could loss money. Most people understand they should play a more active role of these investments because of the future life. However, they often don’t know where start and the way to invest. When you finally will need to see this book you ought to...
Book cover of SISSI La Emperatriz Isabel de Wittelsbach (Historia de una vida)
by Jacob Palmont Sr
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 12, 2017

Isabel Amalia Eugenia Duquesa en Baviera. Dotada de una gran belleza física, Isabel se caracterizó por ser una persona rebelde, culta y demasiado avanzada para su tiempo. Adoraba la equitación, llegando a participar en muchos torneos. Sentía un gran aprecio por los animales; amaba a sus perros,...
Book cover of The Way Back To Be A Human
by Mustafa Kenj Sr
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2014

it is for the sake of youYou every one on this universei could use my poetic language to expressto raise the awarenessto tell you my brothersplease wake upit is the time to clean the sleeping dustthat has been on your shoulders for ages.Here our start dear brothersHere will be the end of fightShould...
Book cover of Destroy the Shells Power Prayers
by Natukwasa Lindon Sr
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2015

Passion leads to mastery and mastery forms the foundation of an extraordinary Life. My mission embedded with my burning desire to serve humanity since my young age is to inform, motivate, educate, teach and inspire People to change lives. I am doing this by giving people new ways of looking at the...
Book cover of From Poverty, Through Protest, to Progress and Prosperity
by William I. Jones Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2015

From his birth in 1924 in Bainbridge, Georgia, in a small African-American hospital, author William I. Jones Sr. spent the first nineteen years of his life trying to survive and dream the impossible—which was the American dream. Coming of age in a time of dramatic social change in the United States,...
Book cover of Seven Steps to Great Leadership
by Godwyns Ade' Agbude, Ph.D Sr
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2014

This book captures the necessary steps that will aid our journey to great leadership. With critical and graphic illustrations, it defines and explains the concept of leadership such that everyone can easily relate with it. According to the book, a leader is the person who occupies the driver seat...
Book cover of Politics 101: the Right Course

Politics 101: the Right Course

Your Handbook on Current Political Issues

by Joseph M. Weston Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: August 17, 2012

Looking for a different take on life besides the drivel thrown your way by the mainstream media, mindless internet surfing, or boring cable shows? Then check out Politics 101: The Right Course, a fun, fact-driven guide that teaches you about all the contemporary issues facing America today. Eschewing...
Book cover of Leaders Today

Leaders Today

Principles of Effective Leadership

by PJ Edmund Sr
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2011

It is my philosophy that the gift of leadership is embedded in every believer. Each gift will manifest in its season PJ EDMUND, Sr. in his well received book, Leaders Today Principles of Effective Leadership, reveals that every Christian leader has tremendous contributions to ministry. The...
Book cover of Scusa ma ti chiamo Luca: Campione gratuito
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 19, 2013

INTRODUZIONE E PRIMO CAPITOLO. E' Possibile Dimenticare una Delusione Amorosa? Che cosa Succede dopo la Fine di un Amore? Vuoi scoprire come vive l'uomo una crisi d'amore? Allora leggi come Luca ha affrontato la rottura con l'amore della sua vita... Una storia divertente e leggera,...
Book cover of Giornalista 2.0
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2012

Ti piacerebbe scoprire i segreti del giornalismo online? Vorresti conoscere tutte le strategie in breve tempo? Immagina se anche tu potessi muoverti con disinvoltura tra i nuovi linguaggi della rete.Con questa guida pratica e veloce riuscirai ad imparare in pochi minuti le principali tecniche...
Book cover of L'amore rende uguali. 69+1 appunti di viaggio tra seduzione, sentimento e passione
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 2, 2014

«A tutti capita di essere innamorati nella vita, chi più, chi meno. C'è chi sostiene di esserlo sempre, chi crede di non esserlo o chi fa finta di fuggire. Ma la cosa più affascinante, misteriosa, di questo sentimento è che ci rende uguali.»Ecco, questo libro ti offre facili spunti...
Book cover of Come ritrovare la voglia di studiare. Motivazione e metodo di studio
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 22, 2012

Stai cercando la motivazione per studiare? Hai difficoltà di memoria? Fai fatica a concentrarti? Vuoi trovare il tuo metodo di studio efficace in poco tempo? Questo libro ti aiuterà a trasformare la vita: dalla distrazione alla concentrazione, dalla frenesia all'organizzazione del materiale...
Book cover of Paura di Parlare in Pubblico. METODO 4S
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2014

Se vuoi superare la paura di parlare in pubblico, anche se hai poca esperienza o sei timido, puoi scoprire il METODO 4S.METODO 4S©Che cos'è?Il primo metodo con l'obiettivo preciso di aiutare, in quattro facili passi, chi vuole superare la paura di parlare in pubblico.Con...
Book cover of Scusa ma ti chiamo Luca
by Giuseppe Franco Sr
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2012

E' Possibile Dimenticare una Delusione Amorosa? Che cosa Succede dopo la Fine di un Amore? Vuoi scoprire come vive l'uomo una crisi d'amore? Allora leggi come Luca ha affrontato la rottura con l'amore della sua vita... Una storia divertente e leggera, per chi ha voglia di staccare dalla...
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