Sr : 1311 books

Book cover of The Way, the Truth, and the Life: The Way
by Rev. Charles Thomas Comella Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2016

The earliest Christian church was called The Way. It was called this because Jesus Christ’s advent, life, death, and resurrection did not focus upon theology as such or doctrines as such or upon achieving warm, fuzzy feelings as such. Jesus’s teachings and life were all focused upon a way of life....
Book cover of Build a Life-Giving Parish
by Rev. Msgr. James T. Gaston, Sr. Brenda Hermann
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2010

A vital parish reaches beyond itself to make a difference in the world. This ground-breaking book offers innovative insights into the shared work of laity and the ordained in the "mission field" today.
Book cover of Two Treatises on God and Man

Two Treatises on God and Man

The Exile of Christ from His Church and the Attempt of Man to Alienate His Inalienable Rights

by Blumie R. Derfel-Kowalski, Ronald E. Kowalski Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2011

"It was Christ who said, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I shall build My Church." However, He is seldom able to remain in His Church anymore. We have now seen Christ exiled from His Church except for a few brief moments each week due to the desire to make His Church acceptable to...
Book cover of Saint Catherine of Siena
by Sr Mary O'Driscoll, OP
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

St Catherine of Siena, mystic, doctor of the Church, patron of Italy and of Europe has always been considered one of the great women of the Church. In her life she strove to love God above all and help her neighbour whether this meant caring for a leper or reprimanding a pope. This text gives a brief biography and an introduction to Catherine's writings and theology.
Book cover of The Alignment

The Alignment

December 21, 2012 Is Coming and You Have a Ringside Seat

by Steve Scott Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2012

Map Detailing Ancient Olmec and Maya States that Rimmed the Gulf of Mexico It seems that the human race has an abiding tendency to know what surrounds our often routine, mundane lives. There is an even greater tendency to involve ourselves in perceived mystery, particularly when it involves prophecy...
Book cover of What Is God’S Will for an Eighty-Plus-Year-Old Preacher?
by David Savage Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2013

In these eighty-one years I have lived here on earth and the fi fty two years I have been blessed to preach the gospel from coast to coast preaching here and there, from east to west from north to south, traveling by auto and airplane and I ask myself after all these years how did I make it and every...
Book cover of ''Excuse Me''... I'm Having... an Eagle's Moment!
by Jeffrey L. Benthall Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2013

Soaring From the Natural to Supernatural From the Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary!!! 10 STAGES TO EMPOWERMENT ... 10 STAGES To SPIRITUAL RENEWAL!!! LEARN HOW TO SOAR ON THE WINGS OF AN EAGLES!!! (Isaiah 40:31) "Dont Miss The Moment... The Moment Could Be... Today!!" A Powerful Book of Spiritual...
Book cover of Unity in the Community

Unity in the Community

One God, One Lord, One Church

by Pastor Otis Gaines Sr
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2011

When we examine the Bible we find that God has always desired that we would One God, One Lord, One Church all be one with one another as He and Jesus are one. Jesus Himself prayed that we would all be one, John 17:11, 21, 23. God has desired that we the Church would operate from one law and one ordinance,...
Book cover of The Unknown God
by Clinton Joseph Hall Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2012

The Apostle Paul once responded to a group of pagan worshippers in Athens, Greece. One of the altars they worshipped at had an inscription written to THE UNKNOWN GOD. Paul declared, Whom therefore ye worship in ignorance, him I declare unto you. This glorious God who created all things, this glorious...
Book cover of For He Healed Them All

For He Healed Them All

Choosing Life - Choosing to Be Well Again

by George R. Williams Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2017

FOR HE HEALED THEM ALL. THIS IS A GREAT WORK!1 Astounding! For anyone who is going through illness or injury, or knows someone who is. This book is for you Open it, embrace it.... your answers are inside. Hurry!. It is uplifting, encouraging and thought provoking. It brings...
Book cover of Love Conquers All
by Dion Derek Duran Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2018

This book is dedicated to my precious, beautiful queen, Sonorah Pea Duran, who pushed me to reach down and stir and bring my spiritual gifts up so I could share my spiritual poetry with the world. Thank you, Sonorah Pea Duran. This is poetry about life, not from the head, but from the heart. I pray you all enjoy.
Book cover of Master Teacher

Master Teacher

2nd Quarter 2016

by Rev. Charles J. Ellis Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Master Teacher is the teacher’s quarterly to be used with Adult Christian Life and College and Career. Each lesson contains extensive biblical exposition and specific instructions for the teacher. The outline of the lesson is reader-friendly, and includes suggestions for maximizing teacher/student interaction and topics for making the study informative and enriching.
Book cover of The Majesty the Mystery and the Mission of Marriage
by John H. Dumke Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2013

One of my favorite things to do is sit on our deck with Traveller my white Labrador and meditate, pray and just visit with God. After all He has been talking to His man since creating him. Mans problem is most just dont listen. Traveller and I take daily walks as well and sometimes are joined by Nita...
Book cover of Ecclesiastes


The Futility of Life, Without God

by Troy A. Fritch Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2014

Man has long since sought to become something in this existence called life. He seeks to leave a legacy of remembrance and great achievement behind for generations to follow. But through the Wisdom of Solomon, as given by The Almighty God of Creation, we are to learn that all mans efforts are futile and absolute worthlessness; if God has not been made the central part of your life.
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