Stephanie Perkins: 23 books

Book cover of Herzklopfen auf Französisch
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2012

Ein Jahr in Paris? Die 17-jährige Anna könnte sich Besseres vorstellen, als in einem Land zur Schule zu gehen, dessen Sprache sie nicht spricht. Und dafür muss sie auch noch ihren Schwarm in Atlanta zurücklassen. Doch schon bald lernt die angehende Filmkritikerin das französische Leben zu schätzen:...
Book cover of O presente do meu grande amor: Doze histórias de Natal
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 13, 2014

Se você gosta do clima de fim de ano e tudo o que ele envolve — presentes, árvores enfeitadas, luzes pisca-pisca, beijo à meia-noite —, vai se apaixonar por O presente do meu grande amor. Nas doze histórias escritas por alguns dos mais populares autores da atualidade, há um pouco de tudo, não importa que você comemore o Natal, o ano-novo, o Chanucá ou o solstício de inverno.
Book cover of Anna e o beijo Francês
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 2, 2012

Anna Oliphant não está nada entusiasmada com a ideia de se mudar para Paris. Porém, seu pai, um famoso escritor norte-americano, decidiu enviá-la para um colégio interno na Cidade Luz. Anna prefere ficar em Atlanta, onde tem um bom emprego, sua fiel melhor amiga e um namoro prestes a acontecer....
Book cover of Aconteceu naquele verão: Doze histórias de amor
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 5, 2016

Bem-vindos à estação mais ensolarada e apaixonante de todas! No verão, somos todos iguais, diz um dos personagens do conto “Mil maneiras de tudo isso dar errado”. No Brasil, nos Estados Unidos ou em qualquer lugar do globo, uma coisa é certa: no verão, nossos corações ficam mais leves,...
Book cover of Schmetterlinge im Gepäck
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: German
Release Date: January 13, 2014

Klopfende Herzen in San Francisco! Lolas Leben ist nicht nur außergewöhnlich, sondern auch ziemlich toll: Sie lebt mit ihren zwei Vätern in San Francisco, zieht jeden Tag ein anderes ausgeflipptes Outfit an und hat einen coolen Rockmusiker als Freund! Doch als auf einmal ihre ehemaligen...
Book cover of Rendezvous in Paris
by Stephanie Perkins
Language: German
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Was passiert nach dem Happy End? Isla kann ihr Glück kaum fassen: Zu Beginn ihres letzten Schuljahres in Paris sucht Josh tatsächlich ihre Nähe. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit schwebt Isla im siebten Himmel, denn Josh ist alles, wovon sie immer geträumt hat. Aber was passiert eigentlich nach...
Book cover of Fields of Vision

Fields of Vision

Essays on the Travels of William Bartram

by Stephanie C. Haas, Mark Williams, Edward J. Cashin
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2009

 A classic work of history, ethnography, and botany, and an examination of the life and environs of the 18th-century south. William Bartram was a naturalist, artist, and author of Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the ExtensiveTerritories...
Book cover of Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action

Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action

The Struggle to Create Neighborhoods that Serve Human Needs

by Eileen Ahlin, Maria João Lobo Antunes, Daniel Brisson
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2018

This book is an examination of neighborhood mobilization and engagement from the perspective of several disciplines: psychology, social work, political science, planning, and education. The essays included in the work examine both internal and external factors related to the ability of neighborhoods...
Book cover of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Clashes and Confrontations

by Dawn Abt-Perkins, Ruth Balf, Matthew Brown
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2010

The authors in this edited volume reflect on their experiences with culturally relevant pedagogy_as students, as teachers, as researchers_and how these experiences were often at odds with their backgrounds and/or expectations. Each of the authors speaks to the complexity and difficulty in attempting...
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