Tea: 230 books

Book cover of Els secrets de l'Olimp

Els secrets de l'Olimp

Tea Stilton 20

by Tea Stilton
Language: Catalan
Release Date: May 20, 2015

De vacances a Grècia, les Tea Sisters participen als assajos d’un espectacle en un antic teatre. Però poc abans de l’estrena, l’actor protagonista desapareix misteriosament. Què li pot haver passat? I com s’ho farà la companyia per fer la funció sense el protagonista? Les cinc amigues hauran de resoldre aquest misteriós enigma!
Book cover of San Francisco Noir
by Robert Mailer Anderson, Will Christopher Baer, Kate Braverman
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2005

Brand new stories by: Domenic Stansberry, Barry Gifford, Eddie Muller, Robert Mailer Anderson, Michelle Tea, Peter Plate, Kate Braverman, David Corbett, Alejandro Murguía, Sin Soracco, Alvin Lu, Jon Longhi, Will Christopher Baer, Jim Nesbit, and David Henry Sterry. San Francisco Noir lashes...
Book cover of The Horse Thief
by Tea Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Two people, one dream…with the past riding hard on their heels. Now in B format, Tea Cooper's debut novel is a historical saga set in 1860's in Hunter Valley, where Téa is based, with a fascinating backstory to the first Melbourne Cup. Can she save her family's horse stud and reputation? When...
Book cover of Valencia
by Michelle Tea
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2010

Valencia is the fast-paced account of one girl's search for love and high times in the drama-filled dyke world of San Francisco's Mission District. Michelle Tea records a year lived in a world of girls: there's knife-wielding Marta, who introduces Michelle to a new world of radical sex; Willa, Michelle's...
Book cover of Girl at the Bottom of the Sea
by Michelle Tea
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Sophie Swankowski is the hero from the stories she's been hearing all her life: she's the girl who will save the world. Or so she's been told. Now she and her unlikely guardian—the gruff, filthy mermaid Syrena—must travel the pitch-black seas from broken-down Chelsea, Massachusetts, to Syrena's...
Book cover of El tresor de la nau vikinga
by Geronimo Stilton, Tea Stilton
Language: Catalan
Release Date: March 22, 2016

Mentre els estudiants de Ratford estan molt enfeinats en la recuperació d'una antiga nau vikinga, enfonsada a les aigües de prop de l'illa, algú vol robar el tresor que, segons la llegenda, s'amaga dins del vaixell. Aconseguiran les Tea Sisters evitar el robatori?
Book cover of El secret de l'Illa de les Balenes
by Geronimo Stilton, Tea Stilton
Language: Catalan
Release Date: March 22, 2016

La Universitat de Ratford està a l'Illa de les Balenes. Les Tea Sisters són trempades, divertides i volen convertir-se en periodistes! Entre les lliçons, les amistats, els amors i les petites enveges, la vida a la universitat és d'allò més emocionant!És el principi de curs i els estudiants...
Book cover of Monster Hunters

Monster Hunters

On the Trail with Ghost Hunters, Bigfooters, Ufologists, and Other Paranormal Investigators

by Tea Krulos
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Do ghosts exist? What about Bigfoot or Skinwalkers? And how will we ever know? Journalist Tea Krulos spent more than a year traveling nationwide to meet individuals who have made it their life’s passion to hunt down evidence of entities that they believe exist but that others might shrug off as...
Book cover of Apocalypse Any Day Now

Apocalypse Any Day Now

Deep Underground with America's Doomsday Preppers

by Tea Krulos
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2019

It seems like people are always talking about the end of the world, doesn't it? Y2K, the Mayan Apocalypse, Blood Moon Prophecies, nuclear war, killer robots, you name it. In Apocalypse Any Day Now, journalist Tea Krulos travels the country to try to puzzle out America's obsession with the end of days....
Book cover of Birthday Shoes
by Precious Tea
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2014

Satin Morgan anticipates every year the purchase of what she delightfully calls her "Birthday Shoes". Finally after saving and searching she has her money and she's found her Perfect Shoe (at least for this year) Edwin Roberts co-owns one of Detroit's finest High-end shoe boutique, so he...
Book cover of Birthday Shoes 2 The Kink Is Real
by Precious Tea
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2015

Jasmine Morgan has the same love for shoes that Satin does. However her mean girl act is going to get her into wonderful trouble. Can she change her attitude in time enough for love? There is more shoes more shoe love and lots more steamy hot drama. Come into the World of Birthday Shoes.
Book cover of Una misteriosa carta de amor

Una misteriosa carta de amor

Vida en Ratford 9

by Tea Stilton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 8, 2013

Las chicas del Club de Tea encuentran una carta misteriosa. Es una declaración de amor que alguien ha dejado olvidada. La noticia se difunde por la universidad y despierta gran curiosidad entre los alumnos.  ¡Todos quieren descubrir la identidad del poeta romántico!
Book cover of Una boda de ensueño

Una boda de ensueño

Vida en Ratford 20

by Tea Stilton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 14, 2016

Megan, una exalumna de Ratford, vuelve a la Isla de las Ballenas para casarse. Colette, con la ayuda de sus amigas del Club de Tea, será la wedding planner y se encargará de todos los detalles para organizar una boda… ¡de ensueño!
Book cover of Una aventura en el Caribe

Una aventura en el Caribe

Tea Stilton 22

by Tea Stilton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 16, 2016

En una isla de las Bahamas, encontramos el antiguo mapa de una pirata. ¿Nos conducirá hasta un tesoro? Para descubrirlo, vivimos una gran aventura en el espléndido mar Caribe.
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