Thomas Oliver: 63 books

Book cover of Verschlusssache
by Markus Cremer, Melanie Vogltanz, Luisa Meißner
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Katzen auf geheimer Mission, Hitlerklone und die Area 51. Aleister Crowley, Organraub und der Slenderman. Urbane Legenden und Verschwörungstheorien werden erzählt, hinterfragt, geglaubt – und manchmal verändert. Wie lautet die Wahrheit und welche Geschichten werden nur als solche verkauft? Keilschrifttafeln...
Book cover of Social Work with Disabled People
by Michael Oliver, Bob Sapey, Pam Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2012

Having gone through 30 years of development, the new edition of this highly-regarded classic is the most trusted companion for understanding and promoting the potential for social work with disabled people. It offers readers a clear introduction to the core issues of disability alongside discussion and...
Book cover of Sontag and the Camp Aesthetic

Sontag and the Camp Aesthetic

Advancing New Perspectives

by Barbara Jane Brickman, Emily Deering Crosby, Tim Cusack
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2017

Sontag and the Camp Aesthetic: Advancing New Perspectives marks 50 years of writing and cultural production on the phenomenon of camp since Susan Sontag’s 1964 cornerstone essay “Notes on ‘Camp’.” It provides cutting-edge theory and understanding on ways to read and interpret camp through...
Book cover of Dunkle Seiten V

Dunkle Seiten V

Horror, Mystery und Dark Fantasy

by Oliver Henzler, Thomas Williams, Miriam Lisowski
Language: German
Release Date: September 3, 2016

Nachdem das Quartett der Dunkle Seiten komplett war und sich die Seiten der Dunkelheit schlossen, kehrte eine Periode des Ruhens und des Friedens ein. Aber auch eine Zeit des Wartens - des Wartens darauf, dass sich Dunkle Seiten wieder öffnen. Nun ist es soweit. Das Siegel wurde gebrochen und Band...
Book cover of Living Racism

Living Racism

Through the Barrel of the Book

by Derrick R. Brooms, Cameron Khalfani Herman, Eric A. Jordan
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Living Racism is based on the premise that race and racism are well-entrenched elements of US society. The contributors of this volume argue that race and racism are more than mere concepts; instead, they see and treat these as part of the fabric that constitutes and organizes everyday life. Consequently,...
Book cover of Reforming the European Union

Reforming the European Union

Realizing the Impossible

by Daniel Finke, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2012

For decades the European Union tried changing its institutions, but achieved only unsatisfying political compromises and modest, incremental treaty revisions. In late 2009, however, the EU was successfully reformed through the Treaty of Lisbon. Reforming the European Union examines how political leaders...
Book cover of Discourse Perspectives on Organizational Communication
by Jolanta Artiz, Robyn C. Walker, Donald L. Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2011

Discourse Perspectives in Organizational Communication brings together researchers from the social sciences and humanities to look at discourse and how it shapes organizations and their social actors. Unlike others in the field, this book assumes that language creates and constitutes reality, rather...
Book cover of A Guide to Authentic e-Learning
by Jan Herrington, Thomas C. Reeves, Ron Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: December 4, 2009

Part of the groundbreaking Connecting with e-Learning series, A Guide to Authentic e-Learning provides effective, working examples to engage learners with authentic tasks in online settings. As technology continues to open up possibilities for innovative and effective teaching and learning opportunities,...
Book cover of Alles Anders

Alles Anders


by Ulrike Zimmermann, Maria Hertting, Beate Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Ein Kaleidoskop schillernder Farben, unglaublicher Begebenheiten, die alle eines gemeinsam haben: Nichts - gar nichts - ist, wie es scheint. Besuchen Sie ein faszinierendes, farbiges, überraschendes Potpourri aus Krimis, Lebenschroniken, Fantasy, Science Fiction und manchem mehr, dessen Fäden sich...
Book cover of Social Work with Disabled People
by Pam Thomas, Michael Oliver, Bob Sapey
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Having gone through 30 years of development, the new edition of this highly-regarded classic is the most trusted companion for understanding and promoting the potential for social work with disabled people. It offers readers a clear introduction to the core issues of disability alongside discussion...
Book cover of Temperament


Infancy through Adolescence The Fullerton Longitudinal Study

by Craig W. Thomas, Pamella H. Oliver, Allen W. Gottfried
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The Fullerton Longitudinal Study, launched in 1979, chronicled the development of over 100 children and their families from the children's first birthday through their high school completion using a cross-informant/cross-context methodology. In this volume, the developmental course and sequelae of...
Book cover of Dunkle Seiten X
by Thomas Williams, Laura Noll, Flor
Language: German
Release Date: April 3, 2019

Dunkle Seiten werden zum zehnten Mal aufgeschlagen, um in Welten voller Dunkelheit zu führen. Geschichten, die dem Leser den verborgenen Wahnsinn hinter dem alltäglich Sichtbaren aufzeigen, von Orten, an denen das Böse regiert und von Dingen, von denen man besser die Finger lassen sollte. Denn...
Book cover of Geschichte Österreichs

Geschichte Österreichs

Reclams Ländergeschichten

by Thomas Winkelbauer, Christian Lackner, Brigitte Mazohl
Language: German
Release Date: October 7, 2015

"...die Gegend, die in der Volkssprache Ostarrîchi heißt..." wird erstmals so genannt in einer Urkunde Kaiser Ottos III. für das Erzbistum Freising. Sie trägt das Datum 1. November 996 und liegt heute im Hauptstaatsarchiv in München. Wegen dieser Urkunde feierte Österreich im Jahr...
Book cover of Die NAFTA. North American Free Trade Agreement
by Oliver Thomas
Language: German
Release Date: January 26, 2007

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Globalisierung, pol. Ökonomie, Note: 1,7, Fachhochschule Münster, Veranstaltung: Regionalwissenschaften Lateinamerika, 8 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Nordamerikanische Freihandelsabkommen...
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