Tim Reilly: 12 books

Book cover of Zen Chi Ryu Self Defence

Zen Chi Ryu Self Defence

Easy Learning for Adults and Children

by Tim Reilly
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2012

This is home learning for the family. Self teaching the basic self defence moves. Teaching your child with pitchers for a easy understanding. You now can learn at home, office, on the farm it does not matter were you are.
Book cover of WTF?


What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us

by Tim O'Reilly
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2017

WTF? can be an expression of amazement or an expression of dismay. In today’s economy, we have far too much dismay along with our amazement, and technology bears some of the blame. In this combination of memoir, business strategy guide, and call to action, Tim O'Reilly, Silicon Valley’s leading...
Book cover of What is Web 2.0
by Tim O'Reilly
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2009

The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O'Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising...
Book cover of 未來地圖:對工作、商業、經濟全新樣貌,正確的理解與該有的行動
by 提姆.歐萊禮 Tim O'Reilly
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 26, 2018

「你看待世界的方式,會限制你的視野。 科技帶來的真正機會,是擴展了人類的能力。」 --Tim O'Reilly 未來,你的優勢在哪裡? 軟體科技革命教父歐萊禮顛覆你對世界的想像, 公開他如何理解與預測創新潮流的方法 給所有在AI時代力爭上游的人一套全新能力。 掌握開創誘人價值的行動法則,就是你的新機會! 《連線》《金融時報》《衛報》《企業》熱烈報導︰ 「五年後聰明人在談的事,歐萊禮現在就能預料到。 領先者與普通人的真正差異,在於對科技世界的理解不同。不要戰勝了對手,卻輸給了時代! AI、雲端平台、區塊鏈等科技趨勢正席捲全球,所有我們認知的世界樣貌都在改變。新科技正在顛覆舊市場,有時你什麼都沒錯,就輸在見解與能力不夠新。 數度引領網路發展趨勢,催生開放原始碼、Web2.0之父、時代推進者歐萊禮第一本給大眾的重磅力作,親授一套思考未來的工具,教你把眼光從主流技術轉移到處於邊緣的創新者、探索已身處未來的人如何想別人所不敢想的,以及最重要的保持開放心態,幫助你看到以下趨勢,建立開創價值的全新能力,在AI時代成功。 ◎新工作力3大改變...
Book cover of Economic Impact of Open Source on Small Business: A Case Study
by Mike Hendrickson, Roger Magoulas, Tim O'Reilly
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Open source is not only a catalyst for small business growth, but also a driver of future success for many startups today. Bringing together Bluehost anonymized customer data and trends with O’Reilly Media’s job market data, along with other sources of trend data, this report captures the current state of open source as it relates to small to medium-sized businesses.
Book cover of Unix Power Tools
by Jerry Peek, Shelley Powers, Tim O'Reilly
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2002

With the growing popularity of Linux and the advent of Darwin, Unix has metamorphosed into something new and exciting. No longer perceived as a difficult operating system, more and more users are discovering the advantages of Unix for the first time. But whether you are a newcomer or a Unix power...
Book cover of Is the Universe a Hologram?

Is the Universe a Hologram?

Scientists Answer the Most Provocative Questions

by Adolfo Plasencia, Ignacio Cirac, José Bernabeu
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2017

Questions about the physical world, the mind, and technology in conversations that reveal a rich seam of interacting ideas. Science today is more a process of collaboration than moments of individual “eurekas.” This book recreates that kind of synergy by offering a series of interconnected...
Book cover of The Twitter Book
by Tim O'Reilly, Sarah Milstein
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2011

Twitter is not just for talking about your breakfast anymore. It’s become an indispensable communications tool for businesses, non-profits, celebrities, and people around the globe. With the second edition of this friendly, full-color guide, you’ll quickly get up to speed not only on standard...
Book cover of Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On
by Tim O'Reilly, John Battelle
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2009

Ever since we first introduced the term Web 2.0, people have been asking, What ™s next? Assuming that Web 2.0 was meant to be a kind of software version number (rather than a statement about the second coming of the Web after the dotcom bust), we ™re constantly asked about Web 3.0. Is it the semantic...
Book cover of How Data Science Is Transforming Health Care
by Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides, Julie Steele
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2012

In the early days of the 20th century, department store magnate JohnWanamaker famously said, "I know that half of my advertising doesn'twork. The problem is that I don't know which half." That remainedbasically true until Google transformed advertising with AdSense basedon new uses of data...
Book cover of Best of TOC
by Peter Brantley, James Bridle, Liza Daly
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2009

Best of TOC is a collection of essential posts from the last 12 months, selected from the TOC blog and a number of external sources.One of the mantras at Tools of Change is "fail forward fast," which is an alliterative way of encouraging experimentation. That's why we felt it appropriate to...
Book cover of Read/Write Book

Read/Write Book

Le livre inscriptible

by Philippe Aigrain, Marin Dacos, Tim O'Reilly
Language: French
Release Date: March 3, 2010

En entrant dans l’ère de l’informatique en réseau, le livre devient inscriptible. Son développement ne suit plus la ligne droite de la traditionnelle chaîne du livre, mais se diffuse par ramifications réticulaires. Comme un oignon, il se pare de multiples couches d’informations, ajoutées...
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