Tipton: 227 books

Book cover of Un Miliardario Orso Mutaforma
by AJ Tipton
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 23, 2016

Gli orsi miliardari lottano per le loro anime gemelle. Questa raccolta include uomini virili, donne forti e sicure di sé, e bollenti scene d'amore ambientate in un mondo magico che vi stuzzicherà. L’Erede dell’Alpha: Orson non vuole impegnarsi. Casey desidera solamente cucinare...
Book cover of Come Autopubblicare un Romanzo con gli Amici
by AJ Tipton
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 25, 2016

Sei pronto a divertirti e guadagnare autopubblicando con gli amici? Scrivere può essere un lavoro difficile, solitario se fatto da soli. Ma non deve essere per forza così. Ti offriamo un metodo di autopubblicazione collaborativo e divertente. Se stai iniziando a conoscere il mondo...
Book cover of Ihr Feuriger Wikinger: Eine Übersinnliche Romanze
by AJ Tipton
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2016

Ein tausend Jahre alter Wikinger, der mit einem Fluch belegt ist und eine temperamentvolle Powerfrau voller feuriger Leidenschaft. Was wird geschehen, wenn diese beiden aufeinandertreffen? Vor tausend Jahren wurden Mikkel und seine Familie verflucht. Der Wikinger hat diese lange Zeit mit einem...
Book cover of Ihr Kühner Drache

Ihr Kühner Drache

Ihr Motorrad-Drache, #1

by AJ Tipton
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2016

Sie ist auf der Flucht. Er will seinem Leben einen Sinn geben. Zusammen heilen sie die Welt…und einander. Der sexy Drachenwandler Dylan Masters hat jegliches Vertrauen in seine Anführer verloren. Er wendet sich gegen den Hohen Rat der Drachen und schließt sich den Eisenklauen an, einer...
Book cover of Ein Baby für den Clan: Eine FFM-Liebesgeschichte in der Schwangerschaft
by AJ Tipton
Language: German
Release Date: March 12, 2019

Ein abenteuerlustiges Ehepaar, das entschlossen ist, ein Baby zu bekommen. Eine wunderschöne Leihmutter, die in die Welt der Gefahren gestoßen wird. Werden diese drei in der Lage sein, ihre wachsende Familie vor einer ungeheuren Bedrohung zu schützen? Millie Foss hat alles ... fast alles....
Book cover of Stepping In It: Marine Boot Camp For 19-Cents-An-Hour
by Christopher Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2012

A young man embarks on an adventurous start to his adult life, experiencing the pain, sweat, and fear of Vietnam-era Marine Corps boot camp. No holds barred in the terrifying arrival at the recruit depot. The fright, confusion, and hazing of forming a new platoon. The pain and jam-packed days of training....
Book cover of Angel: Yearbook
by David, Peter; Lynch, Brian; Mariotte
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

IDW's final farewell to the Angelverse is full of the creators who have been telling stories about the vampire with a soul from the very beginning. Each tale will be a farewell from the writers and artists who have known him best. Creators include Elena Casagrande, Peter David, Brian Lynch, Jeff Mariotte,...
Book cover of Angel: Spotlight
by Peter David, Jay Faerber, Dan Jolley
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2013

This special collection compiles five one-shots focusing on different members of Angel's supporting cast, each from a different creative team. Peter David and Nicoloa Scott focus on Illyria. Dan Jolly and Mark Pennington handle Gunn, Scott Tipton and Mike Norton feature Wesley. Jeff Mariotte and David Messina present Doyle. And Jay Faerber and Bob Gill offer up a tale of Conner.
Book cover of The Mighty Crusaders: The Lost Crusade
by Ian Flynn, Chuck Dixon, Scott Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The Mighty Crusaders return in an all new lost tale, featuring a stellar cast of talent. With the New Crusaders facing an uncertain future and the truth about their parents slowly being revealed, one man searches for answers. But will the answers he finds be worth reliving the pain of his own past?
Book cover of Star Trek The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation Vol. 1
by Tipton, Scott; Tipton, David; Lee
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2013

When the Federations most terrifying enemy strikes an unholy alliance with one of the Doctors most hated antagonists, the result is devastation on a cosmic scale! Spanning the ends of space and time itself, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise find themselves joining forces with the Doctor and his companions, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance!
Book cover of Star Trek The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation Vol. 2
by Tipton, Scott; Tipton, David; Woodward
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2013

When the Federations most terrifying enemy strikes an unholy alliance with one of the Doctors most hated antagonists, the result is devastation on a cosmic scale! Spanning the ends of space and time itself, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise find themselves joining forces with the Doctor and his companions, with the fate of the galaxy hanging in the balance!
Book cover of Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em, Volume 1

Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold'em, Volume 1

Optimal and Exploitative Strategies

by Will Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

A lot of poker books promise instant success, screaming Crush the online games or How I won a million dollars playing poker. They suggest that poker is actually rather easy and that anyone with five minutes to spare can quickly gain expertise in the game. But you know that these claims simply arent...
Book cover of Tales from the Street: Stories of Police Work
by Christopher Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

A collection of stories, funny, stupid, tragic, and poignant; as told by the police officers, paramedics, and lawyers who experienced them first hand. The elderly woman who just lost her husband, the brain-wave people, hoarders, and hidden dead mothers. Police safety lessons, Lyme disease caused murder-suicide,...
Book cover of Feeling Wheels

Feeling Wheels

Poetic Messages of Celebration, Reflection, and Emotions

by Gwendolyn Carole Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

GWENDOLYN CAROLE TIPTON has spent three years journaling her life with a mandate to put her daily thoughts into emotional verses. This small book has five chapters that compile her feelings of joy, sadness, and perhaps madness, to share with readers: A. Celebration of Lives B. Reflections and Meditations...
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