Vaughn: 502 books

Book cover of Unseemly Behavior: Stories
by Vaughn T. Stanford
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Unseemly Behavior is set in the Caribbean - not the scenic Caribbean of sun, sand and carefree living but a Caribbean beset with troubling realities born of a bloody history and nurtured by generational trauma.In these tales, Stanford selects diverse strands of his society and paints them in their...
Book cover of Finding the Light in the Darkness
by Keela Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Join me on a ten-year journey through some dark times in my life. Times that I felt helpless, stressed, bitter, and depressed as a result of my husband's illness. I have no magic spell to help others, but I feel God has given me these trials so that I can tell my story and help someone who might be...
Book cover of Be All You Can Be
by Edward Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2013

This story will be especially inspiring to individuals who struggle against the misery of obesity and want to be all they can be. Based on true events, it involves the struggle experienced by two people who develop the courage and commitment to change their lives by taking control of their minds and...
Book cover of Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance to Agrochemicals
by J.A. Butters, D.W. Hollomon, S.J. Kendall
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Over the past 30 years one alarming trend is the emergence of plant species resistant to agrochemicals (e.g. insecticides, herbicides, fungicides). Considering the fact that these pesticides are crucial to human health and to food, feed and fiber production, impressive research was carried out during...
Book cover of Drug Abuse and Antisocial Behavior

Drug Abuse and Antisocial Behavior

A Biosocial Life Course Approach

by Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Michael G. Vaughn, Jennifer M. Reingle González
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

This book is rooted in the conviction that human biology plays a critical role in understanding drug abuse and antisocial behavior. In the same breath, however, it fundamentally affirms the importance of the many social and environmental factors that influence our behavior across the life course....
Book cover of Enforcing Pollution Control Laws
by Clifford S. Russell, Winston Harrington, William J. Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2013

Economic models are used to show the extent of the difficulties involved in monitoring and enforcing pollution control laws on a continual basis. The authors make several recommendations for policy change. They also show that high rates of compliance can be achieved within tight budget constraints. Originally published in 1986
Book cover of Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties, 2/E
by Janette K. Klingner, PhD, Sharon Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2015

This practitioner resource and course text has given thousands of K-12 teachers evidence-based tools for helping students--particularly those at risk for reading difficulties--understand and acquire new knowledge from text. The authors present a range of scientifically validated instructional techniques...
Book cover of Steel Production

Steel Production

Processes, Products, and Residuals

by Clifford S. Russell, William J. Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2013

The authors address the problems of determining the implications of different environmental standards and public policies by investigating their effect on industrial costs and resource use within linear-programming framework. Originally published in 1976
Book cover of Childhood Country

Childhood Country

And Other Short Stories from an Itinerant Early Life

by Richard Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2007

A lonely boy's landscape encompasses the U. S. Middle West and California during the Great Depression 1930s through the World War II home front and late 1940s. Broken shards of youthful memory: rooming with strangers, moving from place to place with sudden frequency and continual uncertainty because...
Book cover of Ossessionato
by Indra Vaughn
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 9, 2015

Robin è un manager rampante, rimorchia ragazzi nei night, mai gli stessi e mai per più di una notte. Tyler è un giovane uomo di grande bellezza, che sceglie a chi concedersi per denaro. Lo stupore di Robin cederà presto il posto all’amore incondizionato. Tyler, misterioso, cinico e distaccato,...
Book cover of Il più fortunato
by M.J. O’Shea, Piper Vaughn
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2018

La rockstar Nick Ventura ha toccato il fondo. Geloso del nuovo amore di suo fratello, inizia ad abusare dei propri vizi e, annebbiato dai fumi dell’alcol, finisce per schiantarsi contro un negozio con la propria auto. Umiliato pubblicamente e a un passo dalla galera, per ordine del tribunale entra...
Book cover of Polvere di neve
by Indra Vaughn
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 11, 2015

Un Natale difficile quello di Greg. A un anno da quando il suo compagno l’ha lasciato, la sua vita scorre piatta tra cene con sua madre e lunghe maratone al lavoro, al fianco del suo principale, Carl, un affascinante francese. Finché, in prossimità delle feste, tra una nevicata e l’altra, Greg...
Book cover of Spirito dell'inverno
by Indra Vaughn
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 23, 2016

Nathaniel gestisce un grazioso B&B ricavato da una vecchia villa. La sua vita scorre monotona dopo un’infanzia difficile e qualche rimpianto. I suoi unici riferimenti sono Elisa, la ragazza che lo aiuta con le faccende, e Gabriel, un fantasma dispettoso e antiquato che bivacca negli specchi...
Book cover of Selah


300 Inspirational Proverbs, Quotes, Reflections and Meditations to Motivate and Empower You to Think with a Kingdom Mind-Set

by Jermaine Vaughn
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2018

n Selah youll find a handpicked selection of 300 inspirational proverbs, quotes, and meditations. The thoughts expressed in Selah were collected over a period of approximately 10 years from the journal and notes of the author. This book is meant to motivate, empower and even challenge you in your...
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