Ventura: 198 books

Book cover of Bioarchaeology


An Integrated Approach to Working with Human Remains

by Debra L. Martin, Ryan P. Harrod, Ventura R. Pérez
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2013

Bioarchaeology is the analysis of human remains within an interpretative framework that includes contextual information. This comprehensive and much-needed manual provides both a starting point and a reference for archaeologists, bioarchaeologists and others working in this integrative field. The...
Book cover of L'éveil d'un continent

L'éveil d'un continent

Géopolitique de l'Amérique latine et de la Caraïbe

by Christophe Ventura
Language: French
Release Date: June 18, 2014

Terre d’avenir puis de promesses déçues, l’Amérique latine constitue désormais un pôle de puissance incontournable dans le monde. Riche d’immenses ressources naturelles et énergétiques, elle contribue à la diversification des flux d’échanges commerciaux, financiers et humains. Cette...
Book cover of Women and Retirement Planning

Women and Retirement Planning

Understanding Retirement Plans, Investment Choices, and Retirement Plan Distributions

by Carol J. Ventura, Donald S. Gudhus
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2013

Retirement used to be funded by defined benefit plans, pensions, and Social Security, but thats not always the case anymore. With the economy shifting and Social Security funding marked by uncertainty, it has become important for individuals to fund their own retirement accounts. The best way to do...
Book cover of Translation Around the World

Translation Around the World

English and Spanish Method

by Ventura Benitez
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2015

Twenty years of Venturas teaching method has proven that if you study at least ten minutes a day, you will be able to learn and successfully speak fluent English or Spanish in a short time. You will be absolutely surprised that you can speak, understand, and write comfortably with native English or...
Book cover of Oracle VM 3 Cloud Implementation and Administration Guide, Second Edition
by Edward Whalen, Erik Benner, Nic Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2017

Master Cloud building with Oracle VM 3 installation, configuration, and maintenance Set up, configure, and manage a dynamic virtualization platform across your enterprise using the detailed information contained in this Oracle Press guide. The book shows, step-by-step, how to size servers for...
Book cover of La Farfalla Nel Pugno

La Farfalla Nel Pugno

Karate storico e teorico per istruttori

by Max Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2014

Un veloce e piacevole testo pensato per gli istruttori di Karate di qualsiasi stile; si parla delle origini storiche di tutte le arti marziali e poi di quelle specifiche del Karate, delle sue basi filosofiche nelle grandi religioni dell'Estremo Oriente, dei suoi concetti chiave e dei suoi valori etici...
Book cover of Anni '80

Anni '80

Le mode musicali, i movimenti giovanili e i cambiamenti sociali di quella strana decade.

by Max Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2014

Un saggio divulgativo, spregiudicato e allo stesso tempo approfondito sul grosso rivolgimento socio-culturale che avvenne nel decennio compreso tra il periodo del Punk e la caduta del Muro di Berlino, una decade seconda solo ai favolosi anni '60 per importanza e rilevanza. Gli anni '80 richiamano...
Book cover of 180 Days of Problem Solving for Second Grade: Practice, Assess, Diagnose
by Donna Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

With the changes in mathematics standards, teachers need a tool to help them implement lessons that delve deeper to give students a better understanding of mathematical concepts. With 180 Days of Problem Solving e-Book, students will be taken on a year-round problem solving adventure with thematic...
Book cover of Its Now or Never

Its Now or Never

A Calvin Poag Adventure, vol. 2

by Cameron Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2018

While exploring the Magpie Mine, best friends’ Cal and James accidentally overhear a couple of local hooligans burying a mysterious chest. Naturally, the boys investigate . . . but taking from thieves can lead to disastrous consequences, including the kidnapping of Pepper—James’ younger sister—and...
Book cover of Neoliberal Culture

Neoliberal Culture

Living with American Neoliberalism

by Patricia Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Departing from the conventional understanding of neoliberalism as a set of economic and political policies favoring free markets, Neoliberal Culture presents a framework for analyzing neoliberalism in the United States as a culture-or structure of feeling- which shapes American everyday life. The...
Book cover of Un Regalo para el Alma

Un Regalo para el Alma

Historias para Reflexionar

by Jose M. Ventura
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 9, 2012

El libro original que conmovió y cambió la vida de miles de lectores. Una hermosa colección de historias, anécdotas y pensamientos que te inspirarán y motivarán a alcanzar tus metas. Todos necesitamos de vez en cuando un “empujoncito” para inspirarnos, levantar el ánimo y...
Book cover of Psicometría
by Albert Bonillo Martín, Antoni Cosculluela Mas, Jaume Turbany Oset
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 14, 2015

Los tests forman parte de la práctica habitual de los profesionales, docentes e investigadores interesados en la medida de los fenómenos psicológicos. Al servicio de la evaluación, los tests tienen como objetivo principal proporcionar las evidencias necesarias que permitan a los psicólogos, educadores...
Book cover of New Wave

New Wave

Il rinnovamento della musica tra 1977 e 1984

by Max Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2014

Un saggio storico, musicologico e sociologico molto spigliato sul grosso rivolgimento musicale che si ebbe tra la fine degli anni '70 con l'avvento del Punk, e la metà degli anni '80 quando, ormai digerito il trambusto, la società si aprì a nuove e multiformi tendenze che sono...
Book cover of 1968: reflexos e reflexões
by Daniel Aarão Reis, Fernanda Barbara, Fernanda Pequeno
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Em maio de 2018, o Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do Sesc São Paulo e as Edições Sesc propuseram a professores, pesquisadores e jornalistas – alguns deles testemunhas oculares do período – uma reflexão sobre o histórico ano de 1968. Desse encontro surge a coletânea 1968: reflexos e reflexões,...
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